El documento menciona varios elementos de un paisaje nevado incluyendo un muñeco, una calle acije, zonas puntuales, paisajes repetidos y lugares como Malacate, Pozo Bebe, Nieve, Arazena y Pozo Rotilio.
El parque de bomberos da la bienvenida a los visitantes para aprender sobre el trabajo de los bomberos y disfrutar de los camiones, los cuales están listos y preparados para el dÃa, a pesar de que al final del dÃa los bomberos están agotados.
El documento resume diferentes definiciones de planeación dadas por varios autores. Guzmán Valdivia define la planeación como una actividad sistemática basada en datos objetivos y posibilidades reales. Chiavenato la describe como la función administrativa que determina anticipadamente los objetivos y cómo alcanzarlos. Terry afirma que la planeación es la selección y relación de hechos y suposiciones sobre el futuro.
1. O documento descreve várias ferramentas para captura de tráfego de rede, incluindo NIDS (Snort), tcpdump e tshark. 2. Explica como o Snort funciona em modo passivo para detecção de intrusão e fornece exemplos de regras. 3. Demonstra como tcpdump e tshark podem ser usados para capturar pacotes em formato libpcap e extrair informações desses pacotes.
28F: Consultes populars sobre la independència a la GarrotxaLa Garrotxa Decideix
Presentació de diapositives per a anunciar les consultes populars sobre la independència que se celebraran el proper 28 de febrer a Sales de Llierca, Sant Feliu de Pallerols, Sant Joan les Fonts, La Vall de Bianya i La Vall d'en Bas.
El documento define el comercio y explica su historia desde los orÃgenes en el NeolÃtico hasta la actualidad. Describe los tipos de comercio y los sistemas mercantilistas y capitalistas. Explica conceptos como el trueque, la introducción de la moneda, el surgimiento de la banca, la globalización y la Organización Mundial del Comercio. El comercio internacional permite a los paÃses especializarse y disfrutar de una mayor variedad de bienes y servicios.
El documento resume una empresa de telecomunicaciones llamada UNIACC que brinda servicios de telefonÃa, televisión e internet en la Región Metropolitana de Santiago. Compara a UNIACC con otras empresas como VTR, Telefónica y Direct TV. Identifica problemas con el sitio web de UNIACC como URLs poco claras, diseño con colores que no crean armonÃa y elementos innecesarios en el sidebar.
This document discusses the concept of close reading and strategies to support students in close reading. It defines close reading as carefully analyzing short passages through repeated readings, annotation, text-dependent questioning, and discussions. The document provides examples of using these techniques on a passage about the psychological impact of the song "Gangnam Style" and recommends implementing a thinking curriculum through interactive read alouds that encourage student thinking and questioning.
Inquiry as a vehicle for intervention MAASFEPjenniferplucker
This document discusses a new approach to literacy intervention for struggling middle school readers. It focuses on starting with the whole text and moving to parts, rather than the traditional approach of starting with parts and moving to the whole. The new approach emphasizes student ownership, engagement, voice, choice, and seeing the student as a knowledge creator. It involves embracing student questions, using multiple resources, and the teacher acting as a model and coach. Integration of reading, writing, language, and publishing is encouraged. The goal is to foster "productive struggle" and view standards as recursive on a continuum of learning.
This document discusses differentiation and making adjustments to instructional culture and structure. It begins by asking teachers to define differentiation and consider their current instructional culture. Teachers are encouraged to shift from a traditional model of instruction plus time equals learning, to a model where targeted instruction and time are tailored to how students learn best. The document presents an example instructional structure that incorporates explicit instruction, work time for student practice, and debriefing. It emphasizes using work time to confer with students and provide targeted interventions or enrichment. Overall, the document advocates for minor adjustments to increase student learning through a more differentiated approach and inquiry-based learning.
This document summarizes a presentation about motivation and engagement in the classroom. It outlines five guiding principles: 1) Meaning and mastery are motivating, 2) Learning is social, 3) Self-efficacy, 4) Interest/relevance, and 5) Control and choice. The document focuses on the first principle, explaining that extrinsic rewards like candy may temporarily motivate students but do not inspire deep learning or thinking. Instead, the presenter advocates for mastery goals that emphasize understanding over performance and help students find meaning and relevance. Examples of practices to promote mastery motivation include hands-on activities, making tasks relevant, and rewarding effort.
El documento resume diferentes definiciones de planeación dadas por varios autores. Guzmán Valdivia define la planeación como una actividad sistemática basada en datos objetivos y posibilidades reales. Chiavenato la describe como la función administrativa que determina anticipadamente los objetivos y cómo alcanzarlos. Terry afirma que la planeación es la selección y relación de hechos y suposiciones sobre el futuro.
1. O documento descreve várias ferramentas para captura de tráfego de rede, incluindo NIDS (Snort), tcpdump e tshark. 2. Explica como o Snort funciona em modo passivo para detecção de intrusão e fornece exemplos de regras. 3. Demonstra como tcpdump e tshark podem ser usados para capturar pacotes em formato libpcap e extrair informações desses pacotes.
28F: Consultes populars sobre la independència a la GarrotxaLa Garrotxa Decideix
Presentació de diapositives per a anunciar les consultes populars sobre la independència que se celebraran el proper 28 de febrer a Sales de Llierca, Sant Feliu de Pallerols, Sant Joan les Fonts, La Vall de Bianya i La Vall d'en Bas.
El documento define el comercio y explica su historia desde los orÃgenes en el NeolÃtico hasta la actualidad. Describe los tipos de comercio y los sistemas mercantilistas y capitalistas. Explica conceptos como el trueque, la introducción de la moneda, el surgimiento de la banca, la globalización y la Organización Mundial del Comercio. El comercio internacional permite a los paÃses especializarse y disfrutar de una mayor variedad de bienes y servicios.
El documento resume una empresa de telecomunicaciones llamada UNIACC que brinda servicios de telefonÃa, televisión e internet en la Región Metropolitana de Santiago. Compara a UNIACC con otras empresas como VTR, Telefónica y Direct TV. Identifica problemas con el sitio web de UNIACC como URLs poco claras, diseño con colores que no crean armonÃa y elementos innecesarios en el sidebar.
This document discusses the concept of close reading and strategies to support students in close reading. It defines close reading as carefully analyzing short passages through repeated readings, annotation, text-dependent questioning, and discussions. The document provides examples of using these techniques on a passage about the psychological impact of the song "Gangnam Style" and recommends implementing a thinking curriculum through interactive read alouds that encourage student thinking and questioning.
Inquiry as a vehicle for intervention MAASFEPjenniferplucker
This document discusses a new approach to literacy intervention for struggling middle school readers. It focuses on starting with the whole text and moving to parts, rather than the traditional approach of starting with parts and moving to the whole. The new approach emphasizes student ownership, engagement, voice, choice, and seeing the student as a knowledge creator. It involves embracing student questions, using multiple resources, and the teacher acting as a model and coach. Integration of reading, writing, language, and publishing is encouraged. The goal is to foster "productive struggle" and view standards as recursive on a continuum of learning.
This document discusses differentiation and making adjustments to instructional culture and structure. It begins by asking teachers to define differentiation and consider their current instructional culture. Teachers are encouraged to shift from a traditional model of instruction plus time equals learning, to a model where targeted instruction and time are tailored to how students learn best. The document presents an example instructional structure that incorporates explicit instruction, work time for student practice, and debriefing. It emphasizes using work time to confer with students and provide targeted interventions or enrichment. Overall, the document advocates for minor adjustments to increase student learning through a more differentiated approach and inquiry-based learning.
This document summarizes a presentation about motivation and engagement in the classroom. It outlines five guiding principles: 1) Meaning and mastery are motivating, 2) Learning is social, 3) Self-efficacy, 4) Interest/relevance, and 5) Control and choice. The document focuses on the first principle, explaining that extrinsic rewards like candy may temporarily motivate students but do not inspire deep learning or thinking. Instead, the presenter advocates for mastery goals that emphasize understanding over performance and help students find meaning and relevance. Examples of practices to promote mastery motivation include hands-on activities, making tasks relevant, and rewarding effort.
This document summarizes research on student motivation and engagement in the classroom. It outlines five key principles: 1) Meaning and mastery are motivating, 2) Learning is social, 3) Self-efficacy, 4) Interest/relevance, and 5) Control and choice. For principle 1, it discusses how extrinsic rewards can sometimes undermine intrinsic motivation and recommends focusing on helping students find meaning and mastery in their learning through relevance, scaffolding, and emphasizing effort over performance.
This document discusses principles of student motivation and engagement in learning. It summarizes five key principles: 1) Meaning and mastery are motivating, while extrinsic rewards can undermine intrinsic motivation; 2) Learning is social and students are motivated by collaboration; 3) Students are motivated by developing self-efficacy through setting goals and recognizing progress; 4) Interest and relevance motivate students by connecting learning to their lives; and 5) Students feel motivated when they have some control and choice over their learning. The document provides examples of classroom practices that align with each principle to increase student engagement.
This document discusses principles of student motivation and engagement in learning. It examines 5 key principles: 1) Meaning and mastery are motivating, while extrinsic rewards can undermine intrinsic motivation; 2) Learning is social and students are motivated by collaboration; 3) Students are motivated by developing self-efficacy through setting goals and recognizing progress; 4) Interest and relevance motivate students by connecting learning to their lives; and 5) Students feel motivated when they have some control and choice over their learning. The document encourages teachers to reflect on how to apply these principles in their own practices to increase student engagement.
This document summarizes a double-dose reading intervention program for struggling middle and high school students. The program provides an additional 205 minutes of reading instruction per week through three strategically designed reading classrooms staffed by four licensed reading teachers. It serves 174 high-need students in grades 7-8 and another 205 students in a tier 2 intervention class. The program aims to increase students' reading engagement, volume, and achievement through small group instruction, independent reading time, data-driven teaching, and celebration of student success. Student testimonials indicate the program is helping them read longer and make better connections to what they read.
This document discusses the changing story of American education from both high-level and classroom perspectives. Nationally, forces like international test scores, common standards, and new teacher evaluation systems are shaping education. At the classroom level, schools are shifting their focus from teaching to learning and embracing failure and confusion as part of the learning process. The document advocates for a capacity building approach through differentiated, data-driven instruction and interventions rather than a discrepancy model of remediation. It emphasizes aligning upper-level goals and lower-level classroom practices to focus relentlessly on student learning.
From Frustration to Freedom: Tier 2 Intervention for Secondary Striving Readersjenniferplucker
This document outlines strategies for improving adolescent reading skills, including intervention strategies, assessment and data use, instructional practices, professional development, and resources. It discusses using strategic reading, increasing reading volume and engagement, pairing students for discussion, goal setting, and data-driven instruction. The document promotes a homegrown and inquiry-based approach to reading and celebrating progress.
The document discusses principles for engaging students in learning. It advocates changing the verb "manage" to "engage" when thinking about students. Principle 1 notes that once students understand material, they become engaged. Principle 2 states that carrots, sticks, and punishments should be removed from the classroom. Principle 3 suggests giving students control over their own learning.
This document discusses close reading as a deliberate downshift from other reading strategies. It defines close reading as rereading short complex passages with limited frontloading and repeated readings to model strategic reading. Close reading uses text-dependent questions and annotation to help students slow down and comprehend complex texts at an increasing level of difficulty. The goal is productive struggle through close analysis of vocabulary, text structure, author's purpose and inferences to expand students' knowledge and understanding.
This document summarizes a presentation about re-examining English language arts standards. It discusses the driving forces behind changing standards, including international assessments and the Common Core State Standards. It also explores challenges in implementing new standards, such as increasing text complexity, emphasizing informational text, and preparing students for college and careers. The presentation advocates for teaching practices like close reading, argumentation, extended writing, and emphasizing literacy across all subjects.
1) The document discusses principles of student motivation and engagement in reading. It outlines five key principles: meaning is motivating, learning is social, self-efficacy, interest/relevance, and control and choice.
2) Each principle is explained and examples are given of instructional practices that can help apply each principle, such as collaborative learning activities, choice in assignments, and connecting lessons to students' interests.
3) The importance of student motivation and reading engagement for achievement is discussed. Strategies are presented to help shift students from a performance to a mastery orientation in their learning.
Build the Base (Vocabulary Instruction) Hutchinsonjenniferplucker
This document discusses strategies for teaching vocabulary across disciplines. It recommends teaching 2-3 essential vocabulary words per week in each class, as well as 2-3 Greek or Latin word parts or roots per week. Teaching both the essential words and their roots can significantly increase the number of words students learn. The document provides examples of word parts that could be taught in different subjects and recommends collaborating with colleagues to identify appropriate terms. It also describes techniques for teaching word parts, including demonstration lessons and activities to help students learn and reinforce the terms.
1) The document discusses five principles of student engagement: meaning is motivating, learning is social, self-efficacy, interest/relevance, and control and choice.
2) It provides examples of strategies for applying each principle, such as making tasks relevant, using hands-on activities, collaborative learning, and giving students choice and ownership.
3) The importance of student engagement for reading achievement is highlighted, as engagement and intrinsic motivation are stronger predictors of success than external factors like home environment.
This document provides a model plan for adolescent reading intervention and development in Minnesota schools. It was created by reading experts and updated in 2011 to align with current best practices and Response to Intervention frameworks. The plan is meant to guide schools in developing comprehensive assessment, instruction, and intervention systems to ensure all students achieve reading proficiency. It includes beliefs, a research base, how to use the model, a tiered intervention approach, and charts outlining developmental outcomes in areas like comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency.
This document discusses strategies for improving academic literacy at Eastview High School. It focuses on increasing reading volume through a "Time to Read and Write" period to boost engagement and achievement. The strategies include goal setting, feedback, self-reflection, and celebrating progress.
The document provides an overview of the R.E.S.C.U.E. framework for supporting striving secondary readers. R.E.S.C.U.E. stands for Relate, Expect, Scaffold, Uplift, Engage. Each letter provides strategies such as building personal connections, shifting to a growth mindset, providing scaffolding activities, uplifting students through praise of effort, and engaging students through choice and collaboration. Digital tools that can be used to increase engagement are also highlighted.