1. The document contains an honor code and instructions for an assignment on the movie Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.
2. The assignment includes vocabulary, catchy phrases and sentences from the movie, comprehension questions, and a summary of the movie in Chinese using the vocabulary.
3. Students must provide pinyin, English translations, and understand the meaning of phrases and sentences from the movie, answer comprehension questions about characters, plots, and the curse in the movie, and write a 10 sentence summary of the movie in Chinese selecting their favorite character.
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Pirate.Caribbean1:Curse of the Black Pearl
1. Honor Code:
Course Name:
Your Name:
Due Date:
Pirates of the Caribbean 1:The curse of the Black Pearl
Total Grade: 20 + 30 + 20 + 30 = 100
I. Vocabularies: 20 pts.
1. 海盗 2. 电影 3. 驾驶 4. 黑珍珠
5. 诅咒 6. 主角 7. 谈判 8. 金坠子
9. 船长 10. 流血 11. 活死人 12. 别客气!
13. 水手 14. 月光 15. 死不了 16. 听说过!
17. 开炮 18. 骷髅 19. 怎么样? 20. 加勒比海
II. Catchy phrases & sentences:Please provide pinyin and English translation to show you
watched the movie and understand what they mean! 30 pts.
1. 鬼盗船魔咒
2. 你们都疯了!
3. 你早就该死了!
4. 这我就放心了!
5. 大家冷静点儿!
6. 小子,我是大名鼎鼎的XXX
7. 有些事能做, 有些事不能做!
8. 疯子和天才在某种情况下是一样的!
9. 他是我见过最XXX 的 XXX. 例句: (He is the XXX XXX I have ever seen, blue is
adjective, and red is a noun. ) Please write down the pinyin of the following sentences
you hear from the movie, and provide pinyin,and English meaning for the sentences).
a. 他是我见过最差劲的船长.
b. 他是我见过最厉害的海盗.
c. .他是我见过最讨厌的人.
Comprehension Questions:(movie scripts in both English & Chinese)1 - 4: 5 x2 = 20 pts;
1. What is the name of the movie in Chinese? 这部电影中文名字叫什么”
2. Who are the main characters of the movie? 主角的中文名字叫什么?
3. What is the curse? 什么样的魔咒?
2. 4. Why did Captain Barbosa wanted blood? Whose blood, and what’s the use of the
5. Can you summary the movie with 10 sentences in Chinese?Which character do you
like best in The curse of the Black Pearl? Please use the vocabulary provided to you
above. 10 x3 = 30 pts.