In the mid-1300s, Europe experienced a period of crisis due to famine and plague. A famine from 1315-1317 due to climate changes weakened populations. Then, the Black Death plague arrived in 1347-1351, spread by fleas carrying bacteria. It originated in Genoa, Italy and caused fever, vomiting, and other symptoms. It killed between 25-75 million people, a third of Europe's population.
3. The Famine of 1315-1317 Climate changes in Europe produced three years of crop failures Widespread famine and starvation One consequence of starvation & poverty was susceptibility to disease.
4. The Culprits The Plague Also called Black Death or the Bubonic Plague
5. The Disease Cycle Flea drinks rat blood that carries the bacteria. Fleas gut clogged with bacteria. Bacteria multiply in fleas gut. Flea bites human and regurgitates blood into human wound. Human is infected!
6. 1 st case in Europe was in Genoa, Italy in 1348
7. The Symptoms Fever Headache Vomiting Rash Swollen lymph nodes Blisters at flea bite Difficulty breathing
27. Effects England lost control of most of its territory to France Castles and knights doomed to disappear because of the new weapons Increase in strong monarchs with hired soldiers Trade continued to grow
28. Starter 11/21 Write in planner. In todays box, tell me who the Muslim leader was that successfully recaptured Jerusalem in the 3 rd Crusade. Clear your desk except for pen/pencil .