While in the playroom with a child, a caregiver should interact with and praise the child, ensure safe play, provide structure and warnings before transitions, and reinforce appropriate behavior. A caregiver should not leave a child unattended, allow unsafe interactions with objects or other children, or ignore the child in favor of other conversations.
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Playroom protocol
1. Playroom Protocol
While in the playroom with your child, you should¡
- Interact with them!
- Point out something about the toy they are playing with (ex. That makes a sound
like a kitty)
- Make sure the child makes an appropriate request for an item (appropriate = at
their level of language ability)
- Ask questions about the toy, if they are able to answer
- Make sure the child uses the toy in an appropriate way
- Praise any sort of play with any appropriate objects and especially with another
- Assist in prompting your child to take turns with the toy if 2 children want to play
with it
- Assist your child in jumping, manipulating an object, etc.
- Make sure your child is safe at all times (i.e. not crawling up on something, lying
under a chair, not going up the slide as well as going down the slide correctly,
- Let the child know when their time is almost up (¡°In a minute we have to go back
to the booth¡±)
- Have the proper icons to aid in transfer from one place to the next
- Make sure you¡¯re always providing ELOs and reinforcing all appropriate behavior
While in the playroom with your child, you should not¡
- Leave the child unattended at anytime!
- Allow your child to crawl up on top of objects
- Take toys away from other children
- Let your child interact inappropriately with a toy for an extended period of time
(self-stimulatory behavior, rituals, etc.)
- Ignore your child in favor of talking with other tutors (talking is okay, as long as
you focus on your child too)
- Take the child out of the playroom without a warning and an icon