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Gandia, Lae Anne T.
Date Completed
Mr. Jaime Cabrera
Centro Escolar University,
I learn about literary plots,
electronic research, and
citing references by
completing this activity.
that easy.
See: Common Genres of Fiction here
See: Homework Guide here
 The main events of a play, novel, movie, or similar
work, devised and presented by the writer as an
interrelated sequence.
 In my own words: Plot is a series of event in a story or
 My example:
The story begins when Lizzies sister, Jane, falls
in love with Darcys friend named Mr. Bingley. Lizzie
develops and interest in for Mr. Wickham, who
accuses Darcy of destroying him financially. When
Lizzie goes to meet her friend, she runs into Mr. Darcy,
who proposes and Lizzie rejects. She then writes him a
letter telling him why she dislikes him. He writes back,
clearing up all misunderstandings and accusations.
Jane runs away with Mr. Wickham and Lizzie realizes
that Mr. Darcy is not as bad a man as she thought him
to be.
Picture of a plot diagram from the internet. It
should fit and fill this space. Select one that is
simple, clear, and with portrait orientation.
Create and insert here a drawing of a plot
diagram based on your example.
Source: Cite your own work, using APA format citation.
There was a couple. A high
school sweethearts and their
relationship has grown until they
are both stable in life.
Until one day, the guy asked the girls hand
in marriage. But the girl was somewhat has a
hesitation because she has a heart failure
which result that she cant bare a child and
she is afraid that if the guy will know her
condition, the guy might leave her.
Then the guy noticed the hesitations on the
girls face. And he said that its okay if shes not
ready. And then the girl decided to tell
everything about her disease to her boyfriend.
The guy hug her tight and said that
he will never leave her and he
wants to marry her because he
love her and thats all that matters.
And then they get married!
 A related series of incidents in a literary plot that
build toward the point of greatest interest.
 The development of conflicts.
 My example:
 One day the guy ask his girlfriends hand in marriage.
The girl was happy but at the same time shes scared
because she is suffering heart disease and she cannot
bare a child. And that what is shes scared about. That
if the guy will know that she cant bare a child, he
might leave her.
 The point at which a very significant change
occurs; a decisive moment.
 The point of greater suspense, when the
outcome of the conflict becomes clear.
 My example:
 The guy noticed the hesitations on her girlfriends
face, so he hugged her and said that its okay if
the shes not yet ready for marriage. He kiss her
forehead. Then the girl cried.
 The point of greatest intensity or force in an asc
ending series or progression; a culmination.
 In my own words: The most intense point in the
development of conflict.
 My example:
 She took a deep breath and said to herself that
He has the right to know. Then the girl decided
to tell everything to the guy. All about her disease
and condition and about her not being able to
bare a child because it will be the reason of her
death. And that whats scare her.
 The part of a literary plot that occurs after the
climax has been reached and the conflict has
been resolved.
 In my own words: The part when the conflict has
been resolved.
 My example:
 The guy hugged her girlfriend even tighter and
told to her that everything will be alright. And he
wants to marry her because he love her and that
is all going to matter for him as they live.
 The act of finding an answer or solution to a
conflict or problem.
 In my own words: When the story is in the part of
finding a solution to the conflict.
 My example:
 And then they get married. They enjoyed all their
time together and love each other more and
more for the rest of their lives.
And who knows maybe the girl got pregnant too.
Brain Practice
Gandia, Lae Anne T.
July 13, 2015
Mr. Jaime Cabrera
CEU Manila, Philippines
I personalize my learning
about the parts of literary
plot by completing this
three-part activity.
Related Stuff
New concepts learned
 What new stuff did you learn when you did
this assignment?
 I learned the elements of plot and all under it.
 I learned the differences between rising
action and turning point.
 I also learned a deeper explanation of the
This reminds me of
 Connect the new stuff you learned to
events in your own life.
 This work reminds me of all the problems
that I have encountered in my life. It
reminds me of how I manage to endure all
the bad times that had came to me.
Usefulness in real situations
 How can you use what you have learned
in some situations in your own life?
 Like the plot elements I know that when I
got a problem I know that it will eventually
lead to my resolution meaning there will be
a point in time that those problems of mine
will be solved and I can surpass all of it with
the help of All Mighty God.
Note: Tests may include ideas from this source and this source.
Works Cited
 List all sources used in this slideshow.

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Plot element

  • 1. STORYLINES (PLOTS) Gandia, Lae Anne T. BSMT-2C Date Completed Mr. Jaime Cabrera Centro Escolar University, Philippines I learn about literary plots, electronic research, and citing references by completing this activity. Nothing worth having ever comes that easy. See: Common Genres of Fiction here See: Homework Guide here
  • 2. PLOT or STORYLINE The main events of a play, novel, movie, or similar work, devised and presented by the writer as an interrelated sequence. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/plot In my own words: Plot is a series of event in a story or novel. My example: The story begins when Lizzies sister, Jane, falls in love with Darcys friend named Mr. Bingley. Lizzie develops and interest in for Mr. Wickham, who accuses Darcy of destroying him financially. When Lizzie goes to meet her friend, she runs into Mr. Darcy, who proposes and Lizzie rejects. She then writes him a letter telling him why she dislikes him. He writes back, clearing up all misunderstandings and accusations. Jane runs away with Mr. Wickham and Lizzie realizes that Mr. Darcy is not as bad a man as she thought him to be. 1a
  • 3. ILLUSTRATION Picture of a plot diagram from the internet. It should fit and fill this space. Select one that is simple, clear, and with portrait orientation. https://www.google.com.ph/search?q=plot+diagram&biw=1366&bih=667&source=lnms&tb m=isch&sa=X&ei=1pyjVaTuG4GSNteVgIgI&sqi=2&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&q=plot+di agram+example&imgrc=Jp5B-ic897m24M%3A 1b
  • 4. MY OWN PLOT Create and insert here a drawing of a plot diagram based on your example. Source: Cite your own work, using APA format citation. 1c There was a couple. A high school sweethearts and their relationship has grown until they are both stable in life. Until one day, the guy asked the girls hand in marriage. But the girl was somewhat has a hesitation because she has a heart failure which result that she cant bare a child and she is afraid that if the guy will know her condition, the guy might leave her. Then the guy noticed the hesitations on the girls face. And he said that its okay if shes not ready. And then the girl decided to tell everything about her disease to her boyfriend. The guy hug her tight and said that he will never leave her and he wants to marry her because he love her and thats all that matters. And then they get married!
  • 5. RISING ACTION A related series of incidents in a literary plot that build toward the point of greatest interest. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/rising+a ction The development of conflicts. My example: One day the guy ask his girlfriends hand in marriage. The girl was happy but at the same time shes scared because she is suffering heart disease and she cannot bare a child. And that what is shes scared about. That if the guy will know that she cant bare a child, he might leave her. 2
  • 6. TURNING POINT The point at which a very significant change occurs; a decisive moment. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/turning+poin t The point of greater suspense, when the outcome of the conflict becomes clear. My example: The guy noticed the hesitations on her girlfriends face, so he hugged her and said that its okay if the shes not yet ready for marriage. He kiss her forehead. Then the girl cried. 3
  • 7. CLIMAX The point of greatest intensity or force in an asc ending series or progression; a culmination. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/climax In my own words: The most intense point in the development of conflict. My example: She took a deep breath and said to herself that He has the right to know. Then the girl decided to tell everything to the guy. All about her disease and condition and about her not being able to bare a child because it will be the reason of her death. And that whats scare her. 4
  • 8. FALLING ACTION The part of a literary plot that occurs after the climax has been reached and the conflict has been resolved. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/falling+ action In my own words: The part when the conflict has been resolved. My example: The guy hugged her girlfriend even tighter and told to her that everything will be alright. And he wants to marry her because he love her and that is all going to matter for him as they live. 5
  • 9. RESOLUTION The act of finding an answer or solution to a conflict or problem. http://www.merriam- webster.com/dictionary/resolution In my own words: When the story is in the part of finding a solution to the conflict. My example: And then they get married. They enjoyed all their time together and love each other more and more for the rest of their lives. And who knows maybe the girl got pregnant too. 6
  • 10. PLOT ELEMENTS: Brain Practice Gandia, Lae Anne T. BSMT-2C July 13, 2015 Mr. Jaime Cabrera CEU Manila, Philippines I personalize my learning about the parts of literary plot by completing this three-part activity. Related Stuff
  • 11. New concepts learned What new stuff did you learn when you did this assignment? I learned the elements of plot and all under it. I learned the differences between rising action and turning point. I also learned a deeper explanation of the plots. NEW INPUTS 1
  • 12. This reminds me of Connect the new stuff you learned to events in your own life. This work reminds me of all the problems that I have encountered in my life. It reminds me of how I manage to endure all the bad times that had came to me. CONNECTIONS 2
  • 13. Usefulness in real situations How can you use what you have learned in some situations in your own life? Like the plot elements I know that when I got a problem I know that it will eventually lead to my resolution meaning there will be a point in time that those problems of mine will be solved and I can surpass all of it with the help of All Mighty God. APPLICATIONS 3 Note: Tests may include ideas from this source and this source.
  • 14. Works Cited List all sources used in this slideshow. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/plot https://www.google.com.ph/search?q=plot+di agram&biw=1366&bih=667&source=lnms&tbm=i sch&sa=X&ei=1pyjVaTuG4GSNteVgIgI&sqi=2&v ed=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&q=plot+diagra m+example&imgrc=Jp5B-ic897m24M%3A http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/rising+ action http://www.thefreedictionary.com/turning+poin t http://www.thefreedictionary.com/climax http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/falling+ action http://www.merriam- webster.com/dictionary/resolution REFERENCING 4

Editor's Notes

  • #2: http://www.slideshare.net/caitlingillmett/types-of-conflict-5478403
  • #11: http://www.slideshare.net/caitlingillmett/types-of-conflict-5478403