This document provides instructions for writing a limerick poem. It explains that a limerick has five lines with a rhyming scheme of AABBA, where the first, second and fifth lines rhyme, as do the third and fourth. It gives an example of writing the first two lines using a name and rhyming word. It then provides guidance on writing the next two lines to continue the story and ensure the rhyme. The final line returns to the original rhyme.
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Poetry: How to write a limerick
1. How to Write a Limerick
There was a young man from Lahore,
Who had quite a stinky back door,
With a huff and a puff,
He did a big guff,
And crapped all over the floor.
Source - 2010
2. Pick a boys or girls name that has one syllable
examples Bill, Tim, Dick, Sue, Jill.
There once was a young girl (or young boy)
named ____
So the first line is:
There once was a young girl named Jill.
How to Write a Limerick
adapted from source - - Bruce LanskyPoemhowtowritealimerick.ppt/poetry/englishabc ldrt englishabc - 2015
3. Make a list of words that rhyme with the last word in the first
line example Jill.
One list of rhyming words might be: hill, drill, pill, skill, bill,
will, and ill.
Write the second line using one of the rhyming words.
How to Write a Limerick
adapted from source - - Bruce LanskyPoemhowtowritealimerick.ppt/poetry/englishabc ldrt englishabc - 2015
Heres an example:
Who freaked at the sight of a drill.
(Note that the last words in the first two lines rhyme and that both the
first and second lines contain 3 DUMS or beats.)
4. Think of an interesting story. What could happen to
someone scared of a drill? What about going to the
Heres a suggestion Add the third and fourth lines.
She brushed every day.
So, her dentist would say,
(Note that day and say, the last words, both rhyme. Note that
there are 2 DUMS or beats in each line.)
How to Write a Limerick
adapted from source - - Bruce Lansky ldrt englishabc - 2015
5. Return to the list of earlier rhyming words - hill, drill, pill, skill, bill,
will, and ill. Find one that can end the poem. Heres an example:
Heres the poem we just wrote:
There once was a young girl named Jill.
Who was scared by the sight of a drill.
She brushed every day
So her dentist would say,
Your teeth are so perfect; no bill.
Now try writing one yourself!
How to Write a Limerick
Poemhowtowritealimerick.ppt/poetry/englishabc adapted from source - - Bruce Lansky ldrt englishabc - 2015
Your teeth are quite perfect. No bill.