On 16 November 2011, Japan Embedded Systems Technology Association (JASA) announced that Platform Research Group of Engineering division has started work on the specification of OpenEL (Embedded Libraries) for Robot.
OpenEL for Robot is an open platform to standardize the specifications of the software implementation of robotics and control systems.
This is the Japanese version of the presentation materials that were presented at Embedded Technology 2011 in Japan. The English version is under construction.
On 16 November 2011, Japan Embedded Systems Technology Association (JASA) announced that Platform Research Group of Engineering division has started work on the specification of OpenEL (Embedded Libraries) for Robot.
OpenEL for Robot is an open platform to standardize the specifications of the software implementation of robotics and control systems.
This is the Japanese version of the presentation materials that were presented at Embedded Technology 2011 in Japan. The English version is under construction.
Portable RT-Middleware environment on a USB memory for the robot programing tool
1. $勸H 嫗繁林餞麪В
儲g 誹筍林餞麪В
殻u o匯林餞麪В
肺梳 佚壞林餞麪В
Portable RT-Middleware environment on a USB memory
for the robot programing tool
8. ARToolKitを聞ったパレタイジングデモ4
Fig. 8 RTCs on RT System Editor
in case of VSTONE VS-ASR
Fig. 9 RTCs on RT System Editor in case of
Fig. 10 Palletizing by VSTONE VS-ASR Fig. 11 Palletizing by MITSUBISHI MELFA RV-3SD
? ロボットア`ム慌宥I/F井JARA井を旋喘‐壅旋喘來/
? ARToolKit何はデ`タ竃薦侘塀をBえれば麿I尖狼でも旗紋辛