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Positive cloud
Lets fly together towards a positive economy

             Louise Briot, H辿lo誰se Dubois, R辿my Durfort, Pauline Maridat
Story board


                          Where do we go?
   Where do we             Responsibility
   come from?              Humility
    Our name
    Our history
    Our background

Where do we come from ?        Where do we go?        References
Where de we come from?
                                                            Our name

Positive economy                                  On a cloud

 Creation of                                      Freedom, water,
   sustainable                                       life
 Long term                                          emergence

   Where do we come from ?      Where do we go?             References
Where do we come from?
                                                      Our history

A 24 year-
                     Specialized                           Positive
   old                                   4 partners
                       in India                             cloud

   Where do we come from ?         Where do we go?    References
Where do we come from?
                                                                     Our background
                    A cloud of complementary skills

 R辿my                   H辿lo誰se                  Pauline                  Louise
Durfort                 Dubois                   Maridat                   Briot
                           DEVELOPING                                       SUSTAINABLE
   PROJECT                                        PUBLIC RELATIONS
                            COUNTRIES                                      MARKETING
   MANAGER                                             EXPERT
                         STAKES SPECIALIST                                   SPECIALIST

                                                  Public relations
    Carbon                 Team building          specialized in             Marketing
assessment skills            manager              sustainable                consultant

Where do we come from ?                      Where do we go?              References
Where do we go?
                                            A cloud of value

Where do we come from ?   Where do we go?        References
Where do we go?

             Complementary                             Competitive
    For us

                                             For you
             backgrounds and synergy                   advantage
             leads to more efficient work              Collaborative work
                                                       leads to new solutions
                                                       4 parnters with
                                                       complementary skills
                                                       Working together to
                                                       the same goal Your

Where do we come from ?              Where do we go?              References
Where do we go?

             New world, new stakes,                      We all have to face
    For us

                                               For you
             new opportunities                           our responsibilities
             The world is a complex                      We evaluate the
             system                                      consequences
             Every partner has to be                     regarding ethic in a
             responsible and engage                      complex system

Where do we come from ?                Where do we go?               References
Where do we go?

             Listen to the customer and                 We dont have THE
    For us

                                              For you
             create together a solution                 solution

             Have humility in everyday                  But well build
             working life and in all                    relevant solutions
                                                        with you & for you
             Growing ethical stakes

Where do we come from ?               Where do we go?              References
Where do we go?

             Being coherent with the                     A huge source of
    For us

                                               For you
             target                                      potential solutions :
             R&D investment in                           new technologies of
             innovating mechanism                        information &
             One person is only                          communication, new
             dedicated to innovation                     horizons
             Change, evolution, go

Where do we come from ?                Where do we go?               References

 Our different clients in India an in developing countries

  Where do we come from ?       Where do we go?       References
Thank you for your attention!

          Any questions?

                   R辿my Durfort
                1, rue L辿o Delibes
                    37000 Tours


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Positive cloud presentation

  • 1. Positive cloud Lets fly together towards a positive economy Louise Briot, H辿lo誰se Dubois, R辿my Durfort, Pauline Maridat
  • 2. Story board References Where do we go? Synergy Where do we Responsibility come from? Humility Innovation Our name Our history Our background Where do we come from ? Where do we go? References
  • 3. Where de we come from? Our name Positive economy On a cloud Creation of Freedom, water, sustainable life value Network, Long term emergence profit Where do we come from ? Where do we go? References
  • 4. Where do we come from? Our history A 24 year- Specialized Positive old 4 partners in India cloud experience Where do we come from ? Where do we go? References
  • 5. Where do we come from? Our background A cloud of complementary skills R辿my H辿lo誰se Pauline Louise Durfort Dubois Maridat Briot DEVELOPING SUSTAINABLE PROJECT PUBLIC RELATIONS COUNTRIES MARKETING MANAGER EXPERT STAKES SPECIALIST SPECIALIST Public relations Carbon Team building specialized in Marketing assessment skills manager sustainable consultant development Where do we come from ? Where do we go? References
  • 6. Where do we go? A cloud of value Where do we come from ? Where do we go? References
  • 7. Where do we go? Synergy Complementary Competitive For us For you backgrounds and synergy advantage leads to more efficient work Collaborative work leads to new solutions 4 parnters with complementary skills Working together to the same goal Your satisfaction Where do we come from ? Where do we go? References
  • 8. Where do we go? Responsibility New world, new stakes, We all have to face For us For you new opportunities our responsibilities The world is a complex We evaluate the system consequences Every partner has to be regarding ethic in a responsible and engage complex system himself Where do we come from ? Where do we go? References
  • 9. Where do we go? Humility Listen to the customer and We dont have THE For us For you create together a solution solution Have humility in everyday But well build working life and in all relevant solutions relations with you & for you Growing ethical stakes Where do we come from ? Where do we go? References
  • 10. Where do we go? Innovation Being coherent with the A huge source of For us For you target potential solutions : R&D investment in new technologies of innovating mechanism information & One person is only communication, new dedicated to innovation horizons Change, evolution, go further Where do we come from ? Where do we go? References
  • 11. References Our different clients in India an in developing countries Where do we come from ? Where do we go? References
  • 12. Thank you for your attention! Any questions? R辿my Durfort 1, rue L辿o Delibes 37000 Tours Remy.durfort@positivecloud.com www.positivecloud.com Contact