
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
The Little Magic Stone that
protects one from the Evil Eye.
Turkish coffee is usually with
sugar and served in a special cup.
Another feature symbolizing the
Turkish way of life is the Turkish
Baths ("Hamam").
Nasreddin Hodja is considered a
populist philosopher and wise
man,remembered for his funny
stories and anecdotes..
The Sacrifice Feast in Turkey is a
four-day religious festival.
The ceremony held one day before
the wedding in the home of bride
is called the henna night.
Nevruz is regarded as the start of
spring in Turkey. It is celebrated
as a spring fest in Turkey.
It is one of the oldest and most
traditional desserts of the Turkish
Nazar Boncuu ad脹 verilen bu k端巽端k
mavi ta脹n insanlar脹 k旦t端l端klerden
koruduuna inan脹l脹r.
zel bir fincanda ikram edilen,
genellikle ekerli i巽ilen bir i巽ecektir.
T端rk k端lt端r端n端n vazge巽ilmez
unsurlar脹ndan biri de T端rk
T端rk halk脹n脹n 巽ok sevdii, f脹kralar脹yla
端st端n zekas脹n脹 konuturan ve
g端ld端r端rken d端端nd端ren 旦nemli bir
Kurban Bayram脹 d旦rt g端nl端k dini bir
D端端nden 旦nceki gece evlenecek
k脹z脹n evinde d端zenlenen kutlamaya
k脹na gecesi denir.
T端rk geleneinde bahar脹n balang脹c脹
olan Nevruz Bahar Bayram脹 olarak
Aure, T端rk mutfa脹n脹n geleneksel
tatl脹lar脹ndan biridir.
Sosyal hayat,adetler ve etnik gelenekler
Social life, customs and ethnic traditions
T端rkiye 丐亳
T端rkei 里凌虜溜留
T旦r旦korsz叩g Turchia
Turquia Turkey

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  • 1. The Little Magic Stone that protects one from the Evil Eye. Turkish coffee is usually with sugar and served in a special cup. Another feature symbolizing the Turkish way of life is the Turkish Baths ("Hamam"). Nasreddin Hodja is considered a populist philosopher and wise man,remembered for his funny stories and anecdotes.. The Sacrifice Feast in Turkey is a four-day religious festival. The ceremony held one day before the wedding in the home of bride is called the henna night. Nevruz is regarded as the start of spring in Turkey. It is celebrated as a spring fest in Turkey. It is one of the oldest and most traditional desserts of the Turkish cuisine. Nazar Boncuu ad脹 verilen bu k端巽端k mavi ta脹n insanlar脹 k旦t端l端klerden koruduuna inan脹l脹r. zel bir fincanda ikram edilen, genellikle ekerli i巽ilen bir i巽ecektir. T端rk k端lt端r端n端n vazge巽ilmez unsurlar脹ndan biri de T端rk hamam脹d脹r. T端rk halk脹n脹n 巽ok sevdii, f脹kralar脹yla 端st端n zekas脹n脹 konuturan ve g端ld端r端rken d端端nd端ren 旦nemli bir ahsiyettir. Kurban Bayram脹 d旦rt g端nl端k dini bir kutlamad脹r. D端端nden 旦nceki gece evlenecek k脹z脹n evinde d端zenlenen kutlamaya k脹na gecesi denir. T端rk geleneinde bahar脹n balang脹c脹 olan Nevruz Bahar Bayram脹 olarak kutlan脹r. Aure, T端rk mutfa脹n脹n geleneksel tatl脹lar脹ndan biridir. Sosyal hayat,adetler ve etnik gelenekler Social life, customs and ethnic traditions T端rkiye 丐亳 T端rkei 里凌虜溜留 T旦r旦korsz叩g Turchia Turquia Turkey