El documento describe la integración del Aula Virtual de EducaMadrid en los Ciclos Formativos. Se basa en la plataforma Moodle y tiene como objetivos que los alumnos tengan cuenta EducaMadrid, contacto con las TIC e integración en el Aula Virtual para profundizar en el aprendizaje. Contiene 7 bloques temáticos con documentos, presentaciones y actividades calificables, asà como recursos adicionales como foros, glosarios y cuestionarios. El documento analiza los contenidos, herramientas y metodologÃa del Aula
This document discusses the benefits of using a Learning Management System (LMS) in a classroom. It outlines pros and cons of the Joomla LMS, such as being easy to use but time consuming to set up. An LMS allows students to access homework, get teacher and peer support, and submit assignments online from school or home. It promotes student-centered learning and makes students and teachers more approachable. Using an LMS also gives students flexibility to complete work on their own time while building connections between students, teachers, and parents.
The Data Protection Act of 1984 and 1998 were passed in the UK to protect personal privacy and regulate the use of personal data. The acts give individuals rights over their data and require organizations to only collect and process data fairly, securely and transparently. An Information Commissioner was established to enforce the acts and ensure compliance with data protection principles. The principles require data to be obtained lawfully, securely stored, accurate, and not excessive or kept longer than needed. Individuals have rights to access and correct their data.
Programa XI Jornadas Aragonesas de Pediatria de Atencion Primariaspars
Este documento anuncia las XI Jornadas Aragonesas de PediatrÃa de Atención Primaria que tendrán lugar los dÃas 26 y 27 de noviembre de 2015 en Zaragoza. Incluye información sobre la inscripción, los talleres y conferencias programados, los ponentes, la cena de clausura y los detalles de contacto.
Data Pioneers - Roland Haeve (Atos Nederland) - Big data in organisatiesMultiscope
This document discusses big data and its growth. It notes that in 2000, 2 exabytes of new data were produced, while in 2011 1.8 zettabytes of new data were produced. By 2020, data production is expected to grow 40 times to 35 zettabytes. The traditional 3-4 V's of big data (volume, velocity, variety, veracity) are expanding to 5-7 V's with the addition of viscosity, virality, and value. Examples of big data use cases include sensor data from CERN and jet engines, social media data from Twitter, and transactional data from Walmart. Atos provides big data analytics solutions and has implemented projects for smart metering,
Blog link here >> http://goo.gl/Z8P6Q
(context/introduction of the presentation)
This is the presentation I used for my talk at the IDCAMP.
I tried to put together two things:
- an analysis of the new practices we need to create enduring and impacting enterprise in a time of radical change
- a practical 10 rules guide to be adopted.
All the material produced on my own is CC-BY-NC.
Casa Ubicada dentro de un fraccionamiento privado, 2 recámaras con closet panorámico cada una, 2 y medio baños, patio trasero con piso azulejo, sala comedor, sala de tv, cocina integral, estacionamiento, vigilancia las 24 hrs. En Venta/Renta
Starting & Growing a Drupal Based BusinessMediacurrent
Mediacurrent's Dave Terry shares the 6 valuable lessons he's learned while growing a successful Drupal based business. From Drupalcamp Atlanta 2014
Vortrag cyborg marketing andreas wagener_hof_221014_slideAndreas Wagener
Science Fiction becomes true. Due to Google Glass, Wearables & (digital) Implants. Human beings turn into semi-digital objects - great chances for Marketing and creepy vision at the same time.
Vortrag über das Konzept "Museum 2.0" bzw. die Vermarktung von Museen im Internet für den Museumsverband Sachsen-Anhalt
(Version mit niedriger Bildauflösung)
Este documento contiene información sobre las utilidades del agua y la importancia de su conservación. El agua es necesaria para la vida humana y la salud, y se usa para bañarse, lavarse las manos, cocinar y beber. Sin embargo, el agua es un recurso finito, por lo que debemos protegerla y evitar malgastarla para asegurar su disponibilidad en el futuro.
Data Pioneers - Roland Haeve (Atos Nederland) - Big data in organisatiesMultiscope
This document discusses big data and its growth. It notes that in 2000, 2 exabytes of new data were produced, while in 2011 1.8 zettabytes of new data were produced. By 2020, data production is expected to grow 40 times to 35 zettabytes. The traditional 3-4 V's of big data (volume, velocity, variety, veracity) are expanding to 5-7 V's with the addition of viscosity, virality, and value. Examples of big data use cases include sensor data from CERN and jet engines, social media data from Twitter, and transactional data from Walmart. Atos provides big data analytics solutions and has implemented projects for smart metering,
Blog link here >> http://goo.gl/Z8P6Q
(context/introduction of the presentation)
This is the presentation I used for my talk at the IDCAMP.
I tried to put together two things:
- an analysis of the new practices we need to create enduring and impacting enterprise in a time of radical change
- a practical 10 rules guide to be adopted.
All the material produced on my own is CC-BY-NC.
Casa Ubicada dentro de un fraccionamiento privado, 2 recámaras con closet panorámico cada una, 2 y medio baños, patio trasero con piso azulejo, sala comedor, sala de tv, cocina integral, estacionamiento, vigilancia las 24 hrs. En Venta/Renta
Starting & Growing a Drupal Based BusinessMediacurrent
Mediacurrent's Dave Terry shares the 6 valuable lessons he's learned while growing a successful Drupal based business. From Drupalcamp Atlanta 2014
Vortrag cyborg marketing andreas wagener_hof_221014_slideAndreas Wagener
Science Fiction becomes true. Due to Google Glass, Wearables & (digital) Implants. Human beings turn into semi-digital objects - great chances for Marketing and creepy vision at the same time.
Vortrag über das Konzept "Museum 2.0" bzw. die Vermarktung von Museen im Internet für den Museumsverband Sachsen-Anhalt
(Version mit niedriger Bildauflösung)
Este documento contiene información sobre las utilidades del agua y la importancia de su conservación. El agua es necesaria para la vida humana y la salud, y se usa para bañarse, lavarse las manos, cocinar y beber. Sin embargo, el agua es un recurso finito, por lo que debemos protegerla y evitar malgastarla para asegurar su disponibilidad en el futuro.