Este documento describe la biblioteca de una escuela llamada "El Dragón Mágico". La biblioteca tiene una mascota en forma de dragón dibujado por una alumna. Los libros están clasificados según el sistema CDU y hay libros de ficción para cada ciclo escolar. Cuando se inauguró la biblioteca, los estudiantes elaboraron un libro con poemas sobre oficios. En Navidad, los niños regalaron palabras a la biblioteca y el dragón les dio un calendario con recomendaciones de libros a cada familia.
This document provides information about JRD International, a company that specializes in manufacturing, wholesaling, and distributing auto glass for classic and contemporary vehicles. It lists the vehicle makes they carry glass for, notes their glass is made to original specifications, and mentions a new light gray windshield option. It provides contact information for the sales representative and details office and will call hours.
La Educación a Distancia es una herramienta importante para la educación y formación profesional que permite ofrecer cursos y programas adaptados a diferentes áreas y estilos de aprendizaje dirigidos a poblaciones dispersas geográficamente. A diferencia de la educación presencial, no requiere la presencia fÃsica del estudiante en el aula, integrando personas que no tienen acceso a educación presencial. Gracias a las tecnologÃas de Internet, ofrece una educación de mayor calidad con aprendizajes significativos y redes de
This document discusses present, history, and future technology. It covers breakthroughs in technology, the design process, and potential consequences of technological advancements. The document aims to provide an overview of technology across different time periods from the past to the future.
This document provides information about JRD International, a company that specializes in manufacturing, wholesaling, and distributing auto glass for classic and contemporary vehicles. It lists the vehicle makes they carry glass for, notes their glass is made to original specifications, and mentions a new light gray windshield option. It provides contact information for the sales representative and details office and will call hours.
La Educación a Distancia es una herramienta importante para la educación y formación profesional que permite ofrecer cursos y programas adaptados a diferentes áreas y estilos de aprendizaje dirigidos a poblaciones dispersas geográficamente. A diferencia de la educación presencial, no requiere la presencia fÃsica del estudiante en el aula, integrando personas que no tienen acceso a educación presencial. Gracias a las tecnologÃas de Internet, ofrece una educación de mayor calidad con aprendizajes significativos y redes de
This document discusses present, history, and future technology. It covers breakthroughs in technology, the design process, and potential consequences of technological advancements. The document aims to provide an overview of technology across different time periods from the past to the future.
This document provides instructions for duplicating a slide in a presentation. It explains that to copy a slide, users should right click on the slide preview on the left side of the screen and select "duplicate slide" from the menu. A new slide will then appear with a similar format to the original. The document also includes a link to a website with more presentation templates.
Una computadora se compone de dispositivos de entrada y salida que permiten procesar y almacenar información. Incluye componentes como el teclado, monitor, CPU, memoria RAM y ROM, disco duro, microprocesador y lectora/grabador de CD/DVD. La memoria RAM se usa para ejecutar programas y la ROM contiene instrucciones para el arranque. El disco duro almacena datos de forma permanente.
This PowerPoint presentation contains multiple slides with titles and bullet points of text. The slides are formatted with titles centered at the top and bullet points of text below. The final slide directs the viewer to a website for more templates.
This document provides instructions for duplicating a slide in a presentation. It explains that to copy a slide, users should right click on the slide in the left preview pane, select "duplicate slide" from the menu, which will create a new slide with a similar format. It also includes a link to a website for finding more presentation templates.
The sales meeting document provided sales numbers and top performers for the previous week, discussed inventory changes and new vehicles arriving, assigned presentations on competing vehicles, and outlined various topics to be discussed such as internet sales, finance and insurance, business development center calls, sales process, and a group walk around of vehicles.
Este documento explica los conceptos básicos de HTML. HTML es el lenguaje de marcado usado para crear páginas web y está compuesto de etiquetas que definen la estructura del contenido. Un documento HTML tÃpico contiene una cabecera <head> con metadatos y un cuerpo <body> donde se muestra el contenido visible. Dentro del cuerpo, las etiquetas definen elementos como texto, enlaces, imágenes y más.
Shanti Tour & Travels is a travel agency that provides various travel services including air tickets, hotel bookings, local transportation, door-to-door pickup and drop-off, customized itineraries, cruise bookings, and package tours. The agency aims to save customers money by finding the best deals and value. It also acts as a consumer advocate to help resolve any issues during travel. Experienced travel agents can provide expert guidance on travel options and quotes from various suppliers. Customers can submit an online inquiry form with their travel requirements to get customized quotes. Opting for a package tour through the agency can take the stress out of planning by including pre-arranged accommodations, transportation, and sometimes meals.
This document provides instructions for duplicating a slide in a presentation. It explains that to copy a slide, users should right click on the slide in the left preview pane, select "duplicate slide" from the menu, which will create a new slide with a similar format. It also includes a link to a website with more presentation templates.
This PowerPoint presentation contains multiple slides with titles and bullet points of text. The slides provide information on various topics through brief descriptions in a concise bullet point format. A final slide directs the viewer to a website for additional PowerPoint templates.