This document summarizes a bilateral Comenius association project between IES LA MOLA in Spain and LICEO SCIENTIFICO STATALE ETTOLE MAJORANA in Italy from 2010-2012. The project aims to reinforce the European dimension of education by motivating students to improve foreign language skills through collaboration between schools on topics like sustainable development in Europe. It will include an exchange of students over 10 days and use of information technologies to communicate between schools.
2. The IES LA MOLA takespart in aninternationalprojectCOMENIUS: Bilateral AssociationwiththeLICEO SCIENTIFICO STATALE ETTOLE MAJORANA de ISERNIA (ITALIA).ESPA?A
3. ?Whatis a Comeniusassociation?A Bilateral associationis a projectbetweentwoschoolsfromtwo different countries.ItsmainaimistoreinforcetheEuropeandimension of Educaci¨®n.
5. They are basedonthecommonworkbetweenstudents and teachersaboutanspecificissue.Tiene una duraci¨®n de dos cursos escolares.Ittakes place duringthecurrentcourse and thenextone.Itincludesanexchangebetweenthestudents of bothschoolsduring a period of ten daysNoveldaItissupportedwithfundsfromthe NATIONAL AGENCY,OAPEE.Isernia
10. Use of the new Information and CommunicationTechnologies (TIC)PromotetheInterdisciplinaryapproach of Education as itis a project in whichdifferentdepartemts ofbothschools are involved.Offerstudentsthenecessaryresourcestocommunicate in aforeignlanguage in a real-lifesituation, improvingtheircommunicativeskills and theirmotivationtolearndifferentlanguages.Thisprojectstartedbetweenthefriendship of twoEnglishteachersfrombothschools: M¨®nica Palacios, fromIES LA MOLA, and Letizia Perna from LICEO SCIENTIFICO MAJORANA
11. As a result of thatfriendship, theEnglishDepartament of IES LA MOLA and LICEO SCIENTIFICO MAJORANA organizedanexchangewithstudentsfrombothschoolsduringthecourse 2008-09. In thatoccasion, none of themreceivedanykind of financialsupportfromthe 0APEE.
16. Thisyearthe OAPEE has passedourproject and has awardedthenecessaryfundstocarryouttheprojectduringthiscourseand thenextone. Thename of theprojectis ¡°EUROPEAN STUDENTS BUILDING A SUSTAINABLE EUROPE¡±.
17. Althoughitwasborn as aninitiative of theEnglishDepartments of bothschools, itisthoughttoimplydifferentdepartments and studentsfromdifferentlevels, as well as parents, Local Councils, and Firmsrelatedtothesubject of Environment and Sustainability.
18. Actions. Create a Web page wherewe canpublishalltheactivitiesCreate a BLOG wherewe canpublishalltheactivitiesdevelopedduringtheproject.Carryonwiththeproject¡°Obrim una Finestra al M¨®n¡±,alsoinvolvedwiththeEnvironment.Contesttofind a logo oftheprojectamongthestudentsof bothschools.
19. Photographic Rally : ¡°Good and BadPracticesto preserve theEnvironmentin yourtown and itssurroundings.GoodEnvironmentalactions in yourownschool:
30. Local Radio Station, programme ¡°Aula Radio¡±Weknowthatitwillbehardwork, butwe hopethatthosewhogetinvolvedin thisprojectfeelthattheeffort has beenworthywhenwefinallyevaluateit.