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         Presented by,
         K Swaraj Gowtham
         G Srinivasa Rao
         B Gopi Krishna
Turbo Codes

   Turbo Code Concepts

   Log Likelihood Algebra

   Interleaving & Concatenated Codes

   Encoding With R S C

   Studying  channel coding
   Understanding channel capacity

   Ways to increase data rate

   Provide reliable communication link
Communication System
   Structural modular approach with various

Formatting     Source   Channel                                 Access
                                  Multiplexing   Modulation
Digitization   Coding   Coding                                techniques



              Can be categorized
        Wave form signal design                  Structured

      Better detectible signals     Added redundancy
    Waveform                      Structured sequence
   M-ary signaling               Block
   Antipodal                     Convolution
   Orthogonal                    Turbo
   Trellis coded modulation
Structured Redundency

     Input word      encoder      Output word
                                Code sequence
Redundancy = (n-k)
Code rate = k/n
   A turbo code is a refinement of the
    concatenated encoding structure
    plus an iterative algorithm for
    decoding the associated code
   Concatenated coding scheme is a
    method for achieving large coding
    gains by combining two or more
    relatively simple building blocks or
    component codes.

Likelihood Functions:
   The mathematical foundations of hypothesis
    testing rests on Bayes theorem.
   A Posteriori Probability (APP)of a decision in
    terms of a continuous-valued random variable     x
Before the experiment, there generally
exists an a priori probability P(d = i). The
experiment consists of using Equation (1)
for computing the APP, P(d = i|x), which can
be thought of as a refinement of the prior
knowledge about the data, brought about by
examining the received signal x.
The Two-Signal Class Case:

    P (d = + 1| x)   <    P(d=-1|x)
   Binary logical elements 1 and 0 are represented
    electronically by voltages +1 and -1 where d
    represents this voltages.
   The rightmost function, p(x|d = +1), shows the
    pdf of the random variable x conditioned on d = +1
    being transmitted. The leftmost function, p(x|d =
    -1), illustrates a similar pdf conditioned on d = -1
    being transmitted.
   A line subtended from Xk an arbitrary value taken
    from the full range of values of X, intercepts the
    two likelihood functions, yielding two likelihood
    values 1 = p(xk|dk = +1) and 2 = p(xk|dk = -1).
General expression for the MAP rule in terms of APPs is
The previous equation is expressed in terms of ratio,
 yielding the so-called likelihood ratio test, as follows
Log-Likelihood Ratio
By logging on both sides to the MAP ruled APPs is

  To simplify the notation, it is rewritten as
At the decoder it is equal
     This equation shows the output LLR of a systematic
decoder Consists of channel measurement , a prior
knowledge of the data, and an extrinsic LLR stemming
solely from the decoder.This soft decoder output L(d ) is
a real number that provides a hard decision as well as the
reliability of that decision. The sign of L(d ) denotes the
hard decision; that is, for positive values of L(d ) decide
that d = +1, and for negative values decide that d = -1.
The magnitude of L(d ) denotes the reliability of that
Log Likelihood Algebra

For Statistically independent data d, the sum
of two log likelihood ratios are defined as

   This is the concept that aids much
    in case of channels with memory.
   A channel with memory exhibits
    mutually dependent transmission
   A channel with multipath fading is
    an example for channel with
   Errors caused due to disturbances in
    these types of channels  Burst
   Interleaving only requires a
    knowledge of span of the memory
   Interleaving at the Txr side and de-
    interleaving at the Rxr side causes
    the burst errors to be corrected.
   The interleaver shuffles the code
    symbols over a span of several
    block lengths or constraint lengths.
   It makes the memory channel look
    like memoryless one for decoder.
   Two types of interleavers:-
        ->Block Interleavers.
        ->Convolutional Interleavers.
Block Interleaving
   A block interleaver accepts the
    coded symbols in blocks from the
    encoder,permutes the symbols,and
    then feeds the rearranged ones to
    the modulator.
   The minimum end-to-end delay is
    (2MN-2M+2) symbol times where
    the encoded sequence is written as
    M*N array format.
   It needs a memory of 2MN symbol
   The choice of M is dependent on the
    coding scheme used.
   The choice of N for t-error-
    correcting codes must overbound
    the expected burst length divided
    by t.
Convolutional Interleaving
   In this type, the code symbols are
    sequentially shifted into the bank of
    N registers; each successive
    register contains J symbols more
    storage than the preceding one.
   In this case, the end-to-end delay is
    M(N-1) and the memory required is
Concatenated Codes
   A concatenated code uses two
    levels on coding : an inner code and
    an outer code (higher rate).

o   Popular concatenated codes :-
             Convolutional codes with
    Viterbi decoding as the inner code
    and Reed-Solomon codes as the
    outer code.
   The purpose is to reduce the
    overall complexity, yet achieving
    the required error performance.

   However, the concatenated system
    performance is severely degraded
    by correlated errors among
    successive smbols.
Encoding with Recursive
systematic codes
   Turbo codes are generated by
    parallel concatenation of component
    convolutional codes
   Consider an encoder with data rate
    遜 ,constraint length K ,i/p to
    encoder dk. The corresponding code
    word (Uk,Vk) is
   G1 = { g1i } and G2 = { g2i } are
    the code generators, and dk is
    represented as a binary digit
   This encoder can be visualized as a
    discrete-time finite impulse
    response (FIR) linear system, giving
    rise to the familiar nonsystematic
    convolutional (NSC) code
An example for NSC code
   G1={111},G2={101}, K=3,
    bit rate = 1/2.
   At large Eb/N0 values, the error
    performance of an NSC is better
    than that of a systematic code
   infinite impulse response (IIR)
    convolutional codes [3] has been
    proposed as building blocks for a
    turbo code
   For high code rates RSC codes result
    in better error performance than the
    best NSC codes at any value of
   an RSC code, with K = 3, where ak
    is recursively calculated as

      gi is respectively equal to g1i
    if uk = dk, and to g2i if vk = dk.
An ex for Recursive encoder and
its trellis diagram:6(a),6(b)
Trellis diagram
 Example: Recursive Encoders
  and Their Trellis Diagrams
a) Using the RSC encoder in Figure
  6(a), verify the section of the trellis
  structure (diagram) shown in
  Figure 6(b).
b) For the encoder in part a), start
  with the input data sequence{dk}
  = 1 1 1 0, and show the step-by-
  step encoder procedure for finding
  the output codeword.
   Validation of trellis diagram
   Encoding a bit sequence with RSC
Concatenation of RSC codes
Good    turbo    codes   have      been
 constructed from component codes
 having short lengths(K = 3 to 5).
There is no limit to the number of
 encoders that may be concatenated.
we should avoid pairing low-weight
 codewords from one encoder with
 low-weight codewords from the other
 encoder. Many such pairings can be
 avoided by proper design of the
Fig :parallel concatenation of RSC codes
   If the component encoders are not
    recursive, the unit weight input
    sequence 0 0  0 0 1 0 0  0 0 will
    always generate a low-weight
    codeword at the input of a second
    encoder for any interleaver design.
   if the component codes are
    recursive,a weight-1 input sequence
    generates an infinite impulse
 For the case of recursive codes, the
  weight-1 input sequence does not
 yield the minimum-weight codeword
  out of the encoder
 Turbo code performance is largely

  influenced by minimum-weight

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  • 1. TURBO CODES Presented by, K Swaraj Gowtham G Srinivasa Rao B Gopi Krishna
  • 2. Turbo Codes Turbo Code Concepts Log Likelihood Algebra Interleaving & Concatenated Codes Encoding With R S C
  • 3. Introduction Objectives Studying channel coding Understanding channel capacity Ways to increase data rate Provide reliable communication link
  • 4. Communication System Structural modular approach with various components Formatting Source Channel Access Multiplexing Modulation Digitization Coding Coding techniques send receive
  • 5. CHANNEL CODING Can be categorized Wave form signal design Structured sequences Better detectible signals Added redundancy Waveform Structured sequence M-ary signaling Block Antipodal Convolution Orthogonal Turbo Trellis coded modulation
  • 6. Structured Redundency Channel Channel Input word encoder Output word encoder n-bit k-bit codeword Code sequence Redundancy = (n-k) Code rate = k/n
  • 7. TURBO CODES A turbo code is a refinement of the concatenated encoding structure plus an iterative algorithm for decoding the associated code sequence. Concatenated coding scheme is a method for achieving large coding gains by combining two or more relatively simple building blocks or component codes.
  • 8. TURBO CODE CONCEPTS Likelihood Functions: The mathematical foundations of hypothesis testing rests on Bayes theorem. A Posteriori Probability (APP)of a decision in terms of a continuous-valued random variable x as
  • 9. Before the experiment, there generally exists an a priori probability P(d = i). The experiment consists of using Equation (1) for computing the APP, P(d = i|x), which can be thought of as a refinement of the prior knowledge about the data, brought about by examining the received signal x.
  • 10. The Two-Signal Class Case: H1 > P (d = + 1| x) < P(d=-1|x) H2
  • 11. Binary logical elements 1 and 0 are represented electronically by voltages +1 and -1 where d represents this voltages. The rightmost function, p(x|d = +1), shows the pdf of the random variable x conditioned on d = +1 being transmitted. The leftmost function, p(x|d = -1), illustrates a similar pdf conditioned on d = -1 being transmitted. A line subtended from Xk an arbitrary value taken from the full range of values of X, intercepts the two likelihood functions, yielding two likelihood values 1 = p(xk|dk = +1) and 2 = p(xk|dk = -1).
  • 12. General expression for the MAP rule in terms of APPs is
  • 13. The previous equation is expressed in terms of ratio, yielding the so-called likelihood ratio test, as follows
  • 14. Log-Likelihood Ratio By logging on both sides to the MAP ruled APPs is To simplify the notation, it is rewritten as
  • 15. At the decoder it is equal to This equation shows the output LLR of a systematic decoder Consists of channel measurement , a prior knowledge of the data, and an extrinsic LLR stemming solely from the decoder.This soft decoder output L(d ) is a real number that provides a hard decision as well as the reliability of that decision. The sign of L(d ) denotes the hard decision; that is, for positive values of L(d ) decide that d = +1, and for negative values decide that d = -1. The magnitude of L(d ) denotes the reliability of that decision.
  • 16. Log Likelihood Algebra For Statistically independent data d, the sum of two log likelihood ratios are defined as
  • 19. INTERLEAVING This is the concept that aids much in case of channels with memory. A channel with memory exhibits mutually dependent transmission impairments. A channel with multipath fading is an example for channel with memory.
  • 21. Errors caused due to disturbances in these types of channels Burst Errors. Interleaving only requires a knowledge of span of the memory channel. Interleaving at the Txr side and de- interleaving at the Rxr side causes the burst errors to be corrected.
  • 22. The interleaver shuffles the code symbols over a span of several block lengths or constraint lengths. It makes the memory channel look like memoryless one for decoder. Two types of interleavers:- ->Block Interleavers. ->Convolutional Interleavers.
  • 23. Block Interleaving A block interleaver accepts the coded symbols in blocks from the encoder,permutes the symbols,and then feeds the rearranged ones to the modulator. The minimum end-to-end delay is (2MN-2M+2) symbol times where the encoded sequence is written as M*N array format.
  • 24. It needs a memory of 2MN symbol times. The choice of M is dependent on the coding scheme used. The choice of N for t-error- correcting codes must overbound the expected burst length divided by t.
  • 26. Convolutional Interleaving In this type, the code symbols are sequentially shifted into the bank of N registers; each successive register contains J symbols more storage than the preceding one. In this case, the end-to-end delay is M(N-1) and the memory required is M(N-1)/2.
  • 29. Concatenated Codes A concatenated code uses two levels on coding : an inner code and an outer code (higher rate). o Popular concatenated codes :- Convolutional codes with Viterbi decoding as the inner code and Reed-Solomon codes as the outer code.
  • 31. The purpose is to reduce the overall complexity, yet achieving the required error performance. However, the concatenated system performance is severely degraded by correlated errors among successive smbols.
  • 32. Encoding with Recursive systematic codes Turbo codes are generated by parallel concatenation of component convolutional codes Consider an encoder with data rate 遜 ,constraint length K ,i/p to encoder dk. The corresponding code word (Uk,Vk) is
  • 33. G1 = { g1i } and G2 = { g2i } are the code generators, and dk is represented as a binary digit This encoder can be visualized as a discrete-time finite impulse response (FIR) linear system, giving rise to the familiar nonsystematic convolutional (NSC) code
  • 34. An example for NSC code G1={111},G2={101}, K=3, bit rate = 1/2.
  • 35. At large Eb/N0 values, the error performance of an NSC is better than that of a systematic code infinite impulse response (IIR) convolutional codes [3] has been proposed as building blocks for a turbo code For high code rates RSC codes result in better error performance than the best NSC codes at any value of Eb/N0
  • 36. an RSC code, with K = 3, where ak is recursively calculated as gi is respectively equal to g1i if uk = dk, and to g2i if vk = dk.
  • 37. An ex for Recursive encoder and its trellis diagram:6(a),6(b)
  • 39. Example: Recursive Encoders and Their Trellis Diagrams a) Using the RSC encoder in Figure 6(a), verify the section of the trellis structure (diagram) shown in Figure 6(b). b) For the encoder in part a), start with the input data sequence{dk} = 1 1 1 0, and show the step-by- step encoder procedure for finding the output codeword.
  • 40. Validation of trellis diagram
  • 41. Encoding a bit sequence with RSC encoder
  • 42. Concatenation of RSC codes Good turbo codes have been constructed from component codes having short lengths(K = 3 to 5). There is no limit to the number of encoders that may be concatenated. we should avoid pairing low-weight codewords from one encoder with low-weight codewords from the other encoder. Many such pairings can be avoided by proper design of the interleaver
  • 44. If the component encoders are not recursive, the unit weight input sequence 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 will always generate a low-weight codeword at the input of a second encoder for any interleaver design. if the component codes are recursive,a weight-1 input sequence generates an infinite impulse response
  • 45. For the case of recursive codes, the weight-1 input sequence does not yield the minimum-weight codeword out of the encoder Turbo code performance is largely influenced by minimum-weight codewords