The document outlines courses offered from 2012-2013 to encourage migrant domestic workers to become entrepreneurs through distance education. It lists 6 courses, the number of students enrolled each year and, for some courses, the revenue generated. A total of 219 students participated across the different courses, with the PER batch 2 course generating the most revenue at 87,706,653 Indonesian Rupiah.
10. Course Year Students Revenue
PER 2012 33 Free
PEK 2013 24 Free
PER batch 2 2013 78 87,706,653 IDR
PER batch 3 2013 29 23.798.945 IDR
PER batch 4 2013 51 62,576,285 IDR
MER 2013 31 28,450,192 IDR
ECW (UCEO) 2013 23.672 Free
PER = Pengantar Entrepreneur Ritel (Introduction to Entrepreneurial Retail)
PEK = Pengantar Entrepreneur Kuliner (Introduction to Cullinary Business)
MER = Manajemen Entrepreneur Ritel (Entrepreneurial Retail Management)
ECW = Entrepreneurship Ciputra Way
Number of Participants/Students