The document announces a call for proposals from the CIP to promote international cluster cooperation in the EU. It provides details on two funding strands, including Strand 1 which aims to foster European cluster cooperation and internationalization strategies outside Europe. Eligible consortiums must include at least one regional or national public authority, one cluster from the authority's country/region, and two clusters from other countries. The maximum funding is 80% of 600,000 and the deadlines for submitting concept notes and full applications are provided.
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Presentation ic club_call_forproposals
1. Mersin Regional innovation forumMersin, Turkey 21 December 2010Sustainable Construction Intercluster ClubCIP CALL FOR PROPOSALSPromotion and development of world-class clusters in Europe Strand 1: Promoting international cluster activities in the EUFosteringEuropean cluster cooperation in view of internationalisation strategiesoutside Europe, by building upon and furtherdevelopingsuccessful support schemesalreadyimplemented in someMember States. (max. 4 projects)
2. Mersin Regional innovation forumMersin, Turkey 21 December 2010Sustainable Construction Intercluster ClubPromotion and development of world-class clusters in Europe Strand 1: Promoting international cluster activities in the EUConsortium: 1 regional or national public authority/agency (coordinator)
3. min. 1 cluster from the coordinator's country/region
4. min. 2 clusters fromother countriesFunding: max. 80% (600.000 euros)Deadline:Step 1: Concept note: 10 May 2011Step 2: Full application: September 2011