Group 5 presented on 16 types of quizzes. The types included matching, sequencing, pick one/many, short answer, essay, ranking, freeform, text entry, hotspot, and true/false questions. Examples were provided for some types like hotspot and examples of each type were listed.
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Presentation type quiz
1. Presentesi kelompok 5
16 type of quiz
Arista R Wiranata
Ragil Bagus Putrajala
Lutfi Setiawan P
Faris Saputra Utama
Faris zainuddin
2. List of type quiz
1. Matching Drag and
2. Matching Drop-down
3. Sequence Drag and
4. Pick one
5. Pick many
6. Sequence drop-down
7. numeric hotspot
8. Short Answer quiz
9. Essay Quiz
10. Ranking Drag and
11. Ranking Drop Down
12. Freeform Drag and
13. Freeform Pick One
14. Text entry
15. hotspot
16. True/false