The document discusses the relationship between democracy and political representation. It notes that representative democracies balance democratic elements like elections and public opinion with the representative process where elected officials make decisions. Populism can arise as a dysfunction when representation fails to reflect the will of the people. Populism threatens substantive representation and moves towards a radical descriptive representation, endangering the regime of representative democracy itself.
6. What is a democracy?
Constitutive rules of a democracy
Regulative rules of a democracy
7. Political representation
Different types of representation (Pitkin, 1967)
Formal (authorization)
Symbolic Representation (semiotics)
Descriptive (similitude)
Ssubstantive (action)
8. Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but
his judgment; and he betrays, instead of serving you, if
he sacrifices it to your opinion. (Burke, 1774)
10. A democratic theory of representation demand us to go
beyond the discrete and intermittent questions of
electoral instances and look into the continuous
influence and created power by political judgment and
how these diversified power relate with representative
institutions. (Urbinati, 2011: 25)
11. But opinion is not the same as decision. The influence of
public debate doesnt solve the conflict of democracy
with the decision making process political
12. Representative Democracy
Is indeed na hybrid regime that oscillates between the democratic
that the people is soverneign and the representative process that a
few decide what is valid for all
13. Populism rises as a malfunction
When the representation fails the outcome intended
by the sovereign (people)
16. In resume
Representative democracy is based on two conflictual concepts
It work in the balance between democracy (election and opinion)
political representation (decision making process)
Popullism is a symptom of a malfunction of the regime
Popullism is radical democracy that put in danger the regime itself
by killing substantive representation
17. Nuno da Silva Jorge
ESCS-IPL / Lisbon, Portugal