Thaniel's mum read a story in Tagalog about two friends, a monkey named Matsing and a turtle named Pagongba, who find a banana tree floating in the river and each take half to plant, with Matsing taking the half with leaves and branches while Pagongba takes the half with roots, leaving the audience to wonder which of them will end up with a banana tree in the end.
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1. Big Thank you to Thaniels mum for reading us Si Pagongbaat siMatsingin her Native language: TAGALOG.We all had a lot of fun and learnt lots of new words!
2. This is a story about two friends who find a banana tree floating in the river.They both wanted to plant it so they cut the tree in half. The monkey chose the half with the leaves and branches. The turtle chose the half that had the roots.Who will have a banana tree in the end? Is it the turtle or the monkey?