Como elaborar rubricasMikoto TEste documento describe cómo elaborar rúbricas para la evaluación educativa. Explica que las rúbricas son herramientas que definen los niveles de desempeño de los estudiantes en un aspecto determinado. Detalla los tipos de rúbricas, el proceso para elaborarlas, sus ventajas y desventajas. Además, lista algunas herramientas web para crear e-rúbricas de forma digital.
Senior Healthcare Consultant (Geriatric) class at Piedmont HospitalsnomadicnurseThe first of a 2-day class on Geriatric issues for nursing staff at all 4 Piedmont hospitals funded by a HRSA Comprehensive Geriatric Education Grant 2009-2012.
Tip top cistiace-pripravkyIvo VydraČistiace prípravky na ruky nemeckej firmy Tip-Top čistia ruky aj od najsilnejšej nečistoty, napr.oleja, maziva, farby, atď.
Merokok54Ryan MaulanaDokumen tersebut membahas berbagai dampak merokok bagi kesehatan, termasuk meningkatkan risiko penyakit seperti kanker dan penyakit jantung, serta cara-cara untuk berhenti merokok agar dapat mengurangi risiko tersebut.
Cyklistické prilby ALPINA 2013 Ivo VydraPrilby na bicykel ALPINA - modely 2013. Široká ponuka značkových pretekárskych cykloprilieb, turistických prilieb, na cestné aj horské bicykle. Ko každý rok, aj tento rok prináša ALPINA niekoľo noviniek v modelovej rade prilieb na bicykle aj v použitých technológiách. Pozrite si prezentáciu nových modelov. Z cykloprilieb ALPINA si vyberie každý.
Katalóg Alpina okuliare sport13-14Ivo VydraKatalóg športových okuliarov značky Alpina na sezónu 2013/14. Najnovšie trendy v ponuke športových okuliarov od najpredávanejšej značky v Európe.
Merokok 2Ryan MaulanaDokumen tersebut membahas berbagai dampak merokok bagi kesehatan, termasuk meningkatkan risiko penyakit seperti kanker dan penyakit jantung, serta cara-cara untuk berhenti merokok agar dapat mengurangi risiko tersebut.
Performance evaluation of ecc in single and multi( eliptic curve)Danilo CalleThe document discusses performance evaluation of ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) implementation on FPGA-based embedded systems using single and dual processor architectures. It explores implementing ECC using a single MicroBlaze soft processor core and a dual MicroBlaze core design with shared memory for inter-processor communication. Experimental results show the dual core design improves throughput by 3.3x over the single core design, encrypting data 3.3 times faster, but utilizes more resources and power due to the additional processor core.
Day 2 senior healthcare consultant conferencenomadicnurseThe second day of a 2-day class on Geriatric issues for all 4 Piedmont Hospitals funded by a HRSA Comprehensive Geriatric Education Grant.
Emergency Department and Outpatient Senior Healthcare Consultant CoursenomadicnurseThe one day course provided by Piedmont Hospital of ED and outpatient nursing staff on Geriatric Patient care issues. Funded by the HRSA Comprehensive Geriatric Education Grant.
Sensess - Marketing & Promotion StrategyVishnu VallabhA new age beauty, spa and salon had to differentiate itself in the market. Eyecatch, the brand strategy and design agency crafted the marketing and promotion strategy for Sensess.
Nutrition in Older Adults with voice oversnomadicnurseNutrition lecture given for HRSA Comprehensive Geriatric Education Classes at all 4 Piedmont Hospitals 2009-2012.
Cyklistické prilby ALPINA 2013 Ivo VydraPrilby na bicykel ALPINA - modely 2013. Široká ponuka značkových pretekárskych cykloprilieb, turistických prilieb, na cestné aj horské bicykle. Ko každý rok, aj tento rok prináša ALPINA niekoľo noviniek v modelovej rade prilieb na bicykle aj v použitých technológiách. Pozrite si prezentáciu nových modelov. Z cykloprilieb ALPINA si vyberie každý.
Katalóg Alpina okuliare sport13-14Ivo VydraKatalóg športových okuliarov značky Alpina na sezónu 2013/14. Najnovšie trendy v ponuke športových okuliarov od najpredávanejšej značky v Európe.
Merokok 2Ryan MaulanaDokumen tersebut membahas berbagai dampak merokok bagi kesehatan, termasuk meningkatkan risiko penyakit seperti kanker dan penyakit jantung, serta cara-cara untuk berhenti merokok agar dapat mengurangi risiko tersebut.
Performance evaluation of ecc in single and multi( eliptic curve)Danilo CalleThe document discusses performance evaluation of ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) implementation on FPGA-based embedded systems using single and dual processor architectures. It explores implementing ECC using a single MicroBlaze soft processor core and a dual MicroBlaze core design with shared memory for inter-processor communication. Experimental results show the dual core design improves throughput by 3.3x over the single core design, encrypting data 3.3 times faster, but utilizes more resources and power due to the additional processor core.
Day 2 senior healthcare consultant conferencenomadicnurseThe second day of a 2-day class on Geriatric issues for all 4 Piedmont Hospitals funded by a HRSA Comprehensive Geriatric Education Grant.
Emergency Department and Outpatient Senior Healthcare Consultant CoursenomadicnurseThe one day course provided by Piedmont Hospital of ED and outpatient nursing staff on Geriatric Patient care issues. Funded by the HRSA Comprehensive Geriatric Education Grant.
Sensess - Marketing & Promotion StrategyVishnu VallabhA new age beauty, spa and salon had to differentiate itself in the market. Eyecatch, the brand strategy and design agency crafted the marketing and promotion strategy for Sensess.
Nutrition in Older Adults with voice oversnomadicnurseNutrition lecture given for HRSA Comprehensive Geriatric Education Classes at all 4 Piedmont Hospitals 2009-2012.