Pretty Ritty lives in a beautiful house and is sweeping the stairs when she is approached by several suitors who ask for her hand in marriage. Doggo, Donko, Cocko, and Catto each ask Pretty Ritty to marry them and sing her a song. However, she does not like the singing voice of any of them and sends them away. When Catto sings for her, he becomes hungry and tries to eat Pretty Ritty since she is a rat, causing her to run away screaming for help.
4. Doggo comes. He's in love. "Pretty Ritty marry me" says Doggo. Can you sing a song for me?" She says. "Yes, listen. Woof, woof, woof!" Oh, no! I don't like your voice!" Poor Doggo. Off he goes.
6. 'Yes, listen. Hee-haw, hee-haw!' But Pretty Ritty says: 'Oh, no! I don't like your voice!'
7. Pretty Ritty's at the door. Cocko comes. He's in love. 'Pretty Ritty marry me,' says Cocko. Can you sing a song for me?¡® 'Yes, listen. Cock-a-doodle-doo! 'Oh, no! I don't like your voice!¡® Poor Cocko. Off he goes.
8. Catto comes. He's in love. 'Pretty Ritty marry me,' says the cat. 'Well, well let me see. Can you sing a song for me?'
10. But the cat's hungry. Mmmmmm! He is a cat. Ritty's there and she is a rat. Off he jumps and off she runs. 'I like your voice but you are bad. Heeeeeelp!' PC: Edici¨® Grupo Eider 88