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UX Workshop: Personas	
 ?June 19, 2013
?? Learn	
?? UX	
?? End	
?? Bathrooms?!	
@pcampatl #UXpersonas #AdhocPersonas
Tonight’s agenda	
@pcampatl #UXpersonas #AdhocPersonas
Who helped make this happen	
?? User’s	
?? User-?‐centered	
?? A?ects	
@pcampatl #UXpersonas #AdhocPersonas
What UX is & why you should care	
?? Representa;ons	
?? Iden;fy	
@pcampatl #UXpersonas #AdhocPersonas
What personas are & why you should use them	
?? Establish	
?? Create	
?? Provide	
?? BePer	
?? Tool	
?? Tells	
@pcampatl #UXpersonas #AdhocPersonas
What personas are & why you should use them	
?? Something	
?? Begin	
?? Living,	
@pcampatl #UXpersonas #AdhocPersonas
How you can get started	
?? Update	
@pcampatl #UXpersonas #AdhocPersonas
How you can get started	
?? Print	
?? Hang	
?? Email	
?? Sparks	
@pcampatl #UXpersonas #AdhocPersonas
Promote the process by socializing personas	
@pcampatl #UXpersonas #AdhocPersonas
?? Iden;fy	
?? Cluster	
?? Dis;ll	
@pcampatl #UXpersonas #AdhocPersonas
Now we get down to business	
?? Tweet	
?? ProductCamp	
@pcampatl #UXpersonas #AdhocPersonas
Thanks for playing!	

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ProductCamp Atlanta UX Workshop: Personas

  • 1. UX Workshop: Personas ?June 19, 2013 ^
  • 2. ?? Learn ?about ?UX ?personas ?from ?Astrid ?& ?Alex ? –?@tchdoll ? –?@alex_sherman ? ?? UX ?overview ?then ?persona ?ac;vity ? ? ?? End ?8:30-?‐8:45 ? ?? Bathrooms?! ? @pcampatl #UXpersonas #AdhocPersonas Tonight’s agenda ?
  • 3. @pcampatl #UXpersonas #AdhocPersonas Who helped make this happen ?
  • 4. ?? User’s ?all-?‐encompassing ?experience ? ?? User-?‐centered ?design ? ?? A?ects ?business ? –?Support ?costs ? –?Customer ?loyalty ? –?Site ?visits ? –?Brand ?percep9on ? –?Bo:om ?line ? @pcampatl #UXpersonas #AdhocPersonas What UX is & why you should care ?
  • 5. ?? Representa;ons ?of ?users ? ?? Iden;fy ?needs/mo;va;ons/behaviors ? –?What ?users ?do ? –?How ?users ?do ?it ? –?Why ?users ?do ?it ? –?What ?users ?think ? –?How ?users ?feel ? –?Who ?users ?are ? @pcampatl #UXpersonas #AdhocPersonas What personas are & why you should use them ?
  • 6. ?? Establish ?empathy ? ? ?? Create ?shared ?understanding ? ?? Provide ?a ?common ?language ? ? ?? BePer ?communicate ?internally ? ?? Tool ?for ?focus ? ?? Tells ?the ?“story” ? @pcampatl #UXpersonas #AdhocPersonas What personas are & why you should use them ?
  • 7. ?? Something ?= ?bePer ?than ?nothing ? ?? Begin ?building ?user ?pro?les ?(hypotheses) ? –?Your ?knowledge ? –?Customer ?support ? –?Market ?research ? ?? Living, ?breathing ? –?Not ?set ?in ?stone ? –?Update ?as ?you ?learn ?& ?as ?things ?change ? @pcampatl #UXpersonas #AdhocPersonas How you can get started ?
  • 8. ?? Update ?as ?you ?learn ? –?“Don’t ?hesitate, ?iterate!” ? ? @pcampatl #UXpersonas #AdhocPersonas How you can get started ?
  • 9. ?? Print ? ?? Hang ? –?Cubes ? –?Hallways ? –?Break ?room ? ?? Email ? ?? Sparks ?conversa;ons ?to ?help ? re?ne ?personas ? @pcampatl #UXpersonas #AdhocPersonas Promote the process by socializing personas ?
  • 11. ?? Iden;fy ?assump;ons ? –?Top ?down: ?Start ?with ?assumed ?users ?(1 ?per ?page) ? –?Bo:om ?up: ?Start ?with ?characteris9cs ?(1 ?per ?s9cky) ? ?? Cluster ?characteris;cs ? –?Di?erences? ?Similari9es? ?Pa:erns? ? ? ?? Dis;ll ?into ?personas ? –?Name, ?picture, ?context, ?about, ?implica9ons ? @pcampatl #UXpersonas #AdhocPersonas Now we get down to business ?
  • 12. ?? Tweet ?if ?you ?learned ?something! ? –?@pcampatl ? –?@tchdoll ? –?@alex_sherman ? –?#UXpersonas ? –?#AdhocPersonas ? ?? ProductCamp ?Atlanta ?7 ? –?Saturday, ?August ?17 ?@ ?GTRI ? ? @pcampatl #UXpersonas #AdhocPersonas Thanks for playing! ?