For those of you emailing, here is an example of those DreamTrips. The Membership is only $199 (one-time, lifetime) and $19.95/mo. You can go to: to find out more AND to see all the dreamtrips for 2009. PICK, CHOOSE & GO! EASY!
Green, purple, black, yellow and red were used on the content page to link it to the magazine cover. However, the author wanted the content page to have more individuality than fixity. The author is considering using those same colors for a double page spread but has also considered using different colors that match the clothes worn by models in the photos, as research shows content page colors sometimes depend on colors in the images.
The document provides an overview of Symantec's corporate presentation. It discusses Symantec's plans to strengthen its offerings by increasing R&D spending, improving the customer experience, developing new integrated and modular offerings tailored for specific customer needs, and simplifying its go-to-market strategy. The presentation outlines Symantec's financial objectives of achieving 5% organic growth annually through FY2017 and increasing non-GAAP operating margins by 200 basis points in FY2014 and FY2015.
While some people live in houses with access to fresh water, others struggle to find enough water to drink. Over 1 billion people live on less than $1 per day and 2.7 billion live on less than $2 per day. A country's wealth is often measured by GDP, but GDP per capita provides a better indicator by dividing a country's total GDP by its population.
El documento describe el sistema de administración de recursos humanos (ARH) y sus subsistemas en una organización educativa. El ARH se compone de cuatro subsistemas: provisión, aplicación, mantenimiento y desarrollo de recursos humanos. Cada subsistema incluye varias funciones clave para la gestión efectiva del personal de la organización.
The document discusses blue ocean strategy and how it can be applied through a blue ocean patent strategy. Blue ocean strategy involves creating new market space by changing the boundaries of an existing industry. A blue ocean patent strategy exploits existing patents to achieve value innovation and serve customers in new ways. It can develop new business models by determining which patented factors to raise or create based on a strategy canvas. Integrating patented technologies into existing platforms is another way to achieve value innovation and create new integrated value propositions. As the IoT market grows, IoT platforms provide opportunities to develop blue ocean patent strategies and create new platform-based business models in this emerging space.
O documento resume a embriologia e anatomia das glândulas salivares, descrevendo seu desenvolvimento embrionário, estrutura histológica, localização anatômica e funções. As glândulas salivares maiores (parótida, submandibular e sublingual) se desenvolvem a partir do ectoderma da cavidade oral entre a 6a e 8a semana e secretam saliva mista, enquanto as menores se originam do ectoderma e endoderma e secretam saliva mucinosa.
This document provides guidance for writing different types of texts required in the Cambridge English: First Writing exam. It includes introductions and sample tasks/answers for essays, articles, reviews, reports, and letters/emails. For each text type, it discusses purpose, language, structure, giving opinions, and common topics. It also provides a list of useful expressions that can be used in exam responses. The goal is to help students and teachers prepare for the writing tasks through modeling different formats and vocabulary.
This document contains a list of 10 interactive game and quiz websites that can be used for language learning. Some of the sites listed include Kahoot, Quizizz, Wordwall, Liveworksheets, EnglishClub quizzes, Englisch-Hilfen games, Ego4u games, ESLGamesWorld vocabulary quizzes on food, and the English Media Lab games and puzzles site.
This document provides guidance for teachers on how students can access infographics in the classroom. It discusses several options depending on the teaching context and technology available, including: projecting the infographic using a data projector; providing a URL link, ideally shortened; using a backchannel chat app; creating QR codes for mobile devices; embedding the infographic online or providing a link; or printing copies as a last resort. The goal is to enable students to independently view and interact with infographics in a way that is appropriate for each classroom setup.
Relying solely on classroom learning may not be suitable for all English learners. Using a variety of learning styles through online resources and apps can help engage different types of students and maximize their ability to learn. These tools allow students to personalize their learning approach - active learners can use interactive games and tools while reflective learners benefit from lessons and vocabulary builders. Visual and verbal learners are supported through diagrams, videos, and reading exercises. Many apps also use tests to determine students' levels to provide appropriately tailored exercises.
El documento describe 18 herramientas digitales para crear nubes de palabras a partir de textos, incluyendo TagCrowd, World Cloud Generator, Tagul, Nube de Palabras, Word It Out, Wordsift, Vocabgrabber, Tagxedo, ImageChef, Word Clouds for Kids, Wordaizer, ToCloud, WordArt, Generador de palabras, Mentimeter y Wordle. Cada herramienta se describe brevemente, destacando sus caracterÃsticas, opciones de personalización y usos potenciales en el aula.
The document discusses countable and uncountable nouns. It provides examples of countable and uncountable nouns and activities to practice using much/many and some/any in questions and statements. The activities include identifying countable and uncountable nouns, filling in questions using much/many, making questions using much/many, filling in statements using determiners, and finding mistakes in sentences using countables and uncountables.
This document contains a list of 13 dishes and their chefs for an event. It includes chicken with vegetables and legumes by MartÃn Arias Gonzalez, a banana smoothie by Araceli Fuentes, guararis by SofÃa Valdivia, granola by Tadeo Dolgaichuk, pumpkin filling by Fiorella Patiño, a salad with fish and vegetables medallions by Sol Rincon, soya empanadas by Lola Schnan, a veganburger by Victoria Lafuente, vegetables with chicken by Juan Bautista Villalba, a chard tart by Thiago Orozco, and rice and vegetables by Tiago Dacal.
This lesson plan discusses perceptions of healthy bodies. It involves checking homework on a Bruno Mars song about body image. Students then watch videos about a woman who abuses laxatives and men who use steroids to discuss whether these people have healthy relationships with food and their bodies. The class participates in an activity where they write messages to the people in the videos expressing their views on healthy habits and body stereotypes. Homework involves watching a video about the Canva design tool.
While some people live in houses with access to fresh water, others struggle to find enough water to drink. Over 1 billion people live on less than $1 per day and 2.7 billion live on less than $2 per day. A country's wealth is often measured by GDP, but GDP per capita provides a better indicator by dividing a country's total GDP by its population.
El documento describe el sistema de administración de recursos humanos (ARH) y sus subsistemas en una organización educativa. El ARH se compone de cuatro subsistemas: provisión, aplicación, mantenimiento y desarrollo de recursos humanos. Cada subsistema incluye varias funciones clave para la gestión efectiva del personal de la organización.
The document discusses blue ocean strategy and how it can be applied through a blue ocean patent strategy. Blue ocean strategy involves creating new market space by changing the boundaries of an existing industry. A blue ocean patent strategy exploits existing patents to achieve value innovation and serve customers in new ways. It can develop new business models by determining which patented factors to raise or create based on a strategy canvas. Integrating patented technologies into existing platforms is another way to achieve value innovation and create new integrated value propositions. As the IoT market grows, IoT platforms provide opportunities to develop blue ocean patent strategies and create new platform-based business models in this emerging space.
O documento resume a embriologia e anatomia das glândulas salivares, descrevendo seu desenvolvimento embrionário, estrutura histológica, localização anatômica e funções. As glândulas salivares maiores (parótida, submandibular e sublingual) se desenvolvem a partir do ectoderma da cavidade oral entre a 6a e 8a semana e secretam saliva mista, enquanto as menores se originam do ectoderma e endoderma e secretam saliva mucinosa.
This document provides guidance for writing different types of texts required in the Cambridge English: First Writing exam. It includes introductions and sample tasks/answers for essays, articles, reviews, reports, and letters/emails. For each text type, it discusses purpose, language, structure, giving opinions, and common topics. It also provides a list of useful expressions that can be used in exam responses. The goal is to help students and teachers prepare for the writing tasks through modeling different formats and vocabulary.
This document contains a list of 10 interactive game and quiz websites that can be used for language learning. Some of the sites listed include Kahoot, Quizizz, Wordwall, Liveworksheets, EnglishClub quizzes, Englisch-Hilfen games, Ego4u games, ESLGamesWorld vocabulary quizzes on food, and the English Media Lab games and puzzles site.
This document provides guidance for teachers on how students can access infographics in the classroom. It discusses several options depending on the teaching context and technology available, including: projecting the infographic using a data projector; providing a URL link, ideally shortened; using a backchannel chat app; creating QR codes for mobile devices; embedding the infographic online or providing a link; or printing copies as a last resort. The goal is to enable students to independently view and interact with infographics in a way that is appropriate for each classroom setup.
Relying solely on classroom learning may not be suitable for all English learners. Using a variety of learning styles through online resources and apps can help engage different types of students and maximize their ability to learn. These tools allow students to personalize their learning approach - active learners can use interactive games and tools while reflective learners benefit from lessons and vocabulary builders. Visual and verbal learners are supported through diagrams, videos, and reading exercises. Many apps also use tests to determine students' levels to provide appropriately tailored exercises.
El documento describe 18 herramientas digitales para crear nubes de palabras a partir de textos, incluyendo TagCrowd, World Cloud Generator, Tagul, Nube de Palabras, Word It Out, Wordsift, Vocabgrabber, Tagxedo, ImageChef, Word Clouds for Kids, Wordaizer, ToCloud, WordArt, Generador de palabras, Mentimeter y Wordle. Cada herramienta se describe brevemente, destacando sus caracterÃsticas, opciones de personalización y usos potenciales en el aula.
The document discusses countable and uncountable nouns. It provides examples of countable and uncountable nouns and activities to practice using much/many and some/any in questions and statements. The activities include identifying countable and uncountable nouns, filling in questions using much/many, making questions using much/many, filling in statements using determiners, and finding mistakes in sentences using countables and uncountables.
This document contains a list of 13 dishes and their chefs for an event. It includes chicken with vegetables and legumes by MartÃn Arias Gonzalez, a banana smoothie by Araceli Fuentes, guararis by SofÃa Valdivia, granola by Tadeo Dolgaichuk, pumpkin filling by Fiorella Patiño, a salad with fish and vegetables medallions by Sol Rincon, soya empanadas by Lola Schnan, a veganburger by Victoria Lafuente, vegetables with chicken by Juan Bautista Villalba, a chard tart by Thiago Orozco, and rice and vegetables by Tiago Dacal.
This lesson plan discusses perceptions of healthy bodies. It involves checking homework on a Bruno Mars song about body image. Students then watch videos about a woman who abuses laxatives and men who use steroids to discuss whether these people have healthy relationships with food and their bodies. The class participates in an activity where they write messages to the people in the videos expressing their views on healthy habits and body stereotypes. Homework involves watching a video about the Canva design tool.
This document contains the notes from a teacher's lesson plan on the topic of body image and perceptions of health. The lesson includes activities like a guessing game about fruits and vegetables, analyzing images from an internet search on "healthy body", watching educational videos, listening to a song, and completing a homework assignment. The overall message is exploring society's influence on ideas of beauty and health, and promoting acceptance of diverse body types.
This document provides vocabulary related to cooking, including cooking instruments such as spoons, knives, forks, dishes, fridges, bowls, whisks, spatulas, cookers, ovens, stoves and pans. It also includes common cooking measures like cups, grams, spoons and teaspoons. Finally, it lists cooking verbs such as add, mix, boil, break, bake, fry, chop, cut, grate and melt.
This lesson plan is for a 3rd year English class at Colegio UNLPam on Friday, October 16th. The class will review homework, do an activity identifying items in a picture and answering questions, and an activity involving counting items and doing math problems related to the contents of a fridge. The topic being covered is the perception of a healthy body.
This lesson plan is for a 3rd year English class at Colegio UNLPam on Friday, October 16th. The class will review homework, do an activity identifying items in a picture and answering questions, and an activity involving counting items and doing math problems related to the contents of a fridge. The topic being covered is the perception of a healthy body.
The document summarizes the effects of unhealthy food on different parts of the body in 3 paragraphs. It discusses how unhealthy food can cause feelings of exhaustion and depression in the brain, cavities in the mouth and teeth from eating fat, salt and sugar, and blocked arteries in the heart. The second paragraph notes unhealthy food can cause constipation in the stomach and intestines and cause the body to store more fat. The final paragraph states unhealthy food can make cells age faster and make a person ill more frequently by affecting other organs. The rest of the document appears to be about a class discussing healthy eating and doing related activities.
This document provides a summary of an English class for level A1 students. It took place on Friday, October 3rd via Zoom and focused on the topic of a healthy body from the book Metro 1 Oxford. The class discussed food groups like whole grains, proteins and fruits/veggies. They watched a video about unhealthy food and habits and discussed how junk food can negatively impact the brain, teeth, heart and stomach. As homework, students solved an activity in their books.
The document discusses task-based learning (TBL) and the flipped classroom model. It describes the basic process of a TBL task cycle which involves an introduction to the topic, having students complete the task in groups, and then having groups report out their findings. It also lists some example tasks such as listing, ordering, comparing, and problem solving. Finally, it provides some links about the flipped classroom model and how it can work together with TBL.
This document discusses several risks associated with internet and computer use including grooming, cyberbullying, sexting, and cyber dating abuse. It provides links to resources on teen grooming on Snapchat, a video about sexting, videos and a lesson plan on cyberbullying, and another video about cyberbullying.
The document discusses task-based learning (TBL) and the flipped classroom model. It defines what a task is, outlines the typical task cycle including pre-task, task, and language focus stages. It also addresses challenges, 21st century skills, evaluation methods, and references further resources on TBL and the flipped classroom approach.
Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) seeks to equip young people with knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to determine and enjoy their sexuality physically and emotionally. It views sexuality holistically as part of social and emotional development. CSE must help young people acquire accurate information, develop life skills like decision making, and nurture positive attitudes like respect and responsibility. There are seven essential components of CSE including gender, health, rights, pleasure, violence, diversity and relationships.