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Research Unit for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia
Foundation of Natural Build Environment (FNBE)
Creative Thinking Skills [ARC30104]
Prerequisite: None
Lecturers: Sufina Abu Bakar, Shazreene Nurjanna
Project 1: Musical Performance (Daily Objects as Musical Instruments)
20% Group Work + 10 % Individual
Individual Compilation and group presentation: 3rd April (Week 8)
Creative play provides lifelong benefits of fun, laughter, enjoyment and a comprehensive learning
process. Music- based play, in particular, can help you develop language and listening skills, as well as
problem-solving skills and spatial awareness.
Creating music together with an instrument is a positive and joyful experience for all to share, enhancing
your emotional well-being. Making music encourages self-expression and self-confidence, and is
particularly important for you to participate in the process.
A musical instrument doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. If you can shake it, bang it, roll it or
rattle it, and it makes a noise – you can call it an instrument!
Objectives of Project
The objectives of this project:
To identify critical thinking and idea generation skills through the investigation and application
of a wide range of thinking skills and techniques.
Learning Outcomes of this Project
On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to demonstrate the following:
1. Apply practical, critical and creative thinking skills within a variety of academic assignments
Tasks - Methodology
Class Exercise (week 2)
You are to bring the following items in class for the brainstorming session:
(1) Blank CD Cover (Hard Casing)
(2) White A3 Drawing Paper
(3) Scissor
(4) Glue
(5) Colored Pens
(6) Magazines
(7) Other materials that can be used to do artwork
As a group you are to do a mind map on the Theme that is given to you; to elaborate and generate
ideas on the selected theme. You are then, required to design a CD Cover that represents the theme
and your group. The CD cover and mind map is to be submitted at the end of the class.
Performance Day(week 8)
As a group, you are to produce a 5-8 minutes musical performance. Each group has to create a musical
performance using only their voices and musical instruments created by daily items. Students
may choose one item or they can choose several items to be played at different time or to even make it
as one musical instrument. Each student must have their own instruments to play even if they are
the lead singer.
Each group will have to perform various songs(medley) according to the theme given by the lecturer.
They should also move to the music or perhaps act out a dance routine or anything that is related to
their song. Do dress up or add on some props for the performance. Students are required to record
their performance during presentation day.
Individually students are required to document the following:
(a)Individual instrument development: How do you create musical instrument using daily object?
Students are required to show their investigation, exploration and process in making the musical
In this task you are required to include sketches and doodles of your idea. Information should be clear
and easy to read. This documentation should be in loose A4 paper which will be placed in the Idea
Journal Folder.
Submission Requirement
This is a class performance participate by all group members. Marks will not be given to non-attendees.
Performance shall not be less than 5 minutes and not more than 8 minutes. Students are advice to
think about their costume and maybe some supporting video as back ground or even props. However
you are not allowed to use any music or digital music as background.
Every group must make sure to record their performance. Group Leaders to submit the recorded
performance in a CD with the CD Cover (that was done in class at Week 2) and pass it to the
module leader on the 17th April 2015 (week 9) during CTS class.
The Individual Documentation (refer to Individual task) is to be submitted on 3rd April 2015 (week 8
during CTS class to your respective tutor in a plastic cover .You are advice to scan your work before
you submit to your tutor for uploading purposes in your online portfolio.
Assessment criteria
The assessment for this assignment will be based on:
? demonstrated understanding of brief
? appropriateness and creative application of song, sound, performance, daily object
? originality and quality of the performance
? team collaboration
? individual documentation
Marking criteria
Marks shall be distributed as follows:
Work will be assessed based on:
Assessment Criteria Marks %
Group Component
Demonstrated understanding of brief 10 %
Appropriateness and creative application of song, sound, performance,
choreography, daily objects as musical instruments.
Originality of quality of performance 30%
Team work and group collaboration 20%
(Will be calculated as 20%)TOTAL 100%
Individual Component
Originality and quality of compilation 10%
Suggested References
1. de Bono, Edward, 1994, De Bono’s Thinking Course, BBC Books
Project 1 : Musical Performance(Daily Object as Musical Instrument)
Song + Presentation Title:
No. Assessment: Marks Comments/Notes:
A Demonstration of understanding of brief
(the understanding and application of daily object as
musical instrument)
Total 10%
1. Understanding of brief and requirement /10
TOTAL: /10
B Appropriateness application of daily object as
musical instrument)
(appropriateness and effectiveness of daily object used as
musical instrument , props, song, sound, performance
Total 40%
1. Appropriateness application of daily objects as musical
2. Appropriateness of technique used in performance /10
3. Appropriateness of props, costume, background and
dance as a whole performance /10
TOTAL: /40
C Originality of Performance
( The overall performance, originality, surprises, new
ideas, style of delivering the songs and sounds etc)
Total 30%
4. Creativity in presenting the songs /20
5. Originality of performance /10
TOTAL: /30
D Team Work and Group participation Total 20%
1. Team collaboration and participation /20
TOTAL: /20
Group members name:

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Project 1 musical performance january 2015

  • 1. 1 SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING & DESIGN Research Unit for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia Foundation of Natural Build Environment (FNBE) Creative Thinking Skills [ARC30104] Prerequisite: None Lecturers: Sufina Abu Bakar, Shazreene Nurjanna Project 1: Musical Performance (Daily Objects as Musical Instruments) 20% Group Work + 10 % Individual Individual Compilation and group presentation: 3rd April (Week 8) Introduction Creative play provides lifelong benefits of fun, laughter, enjoyment and a comprehensive learning process. Music- based play, in particular, can help you develop language and listening skills, as well as problem-solving skills and spatial awareness. Creating music together with an instrument is a positive and joyful experience for all to share, enhancing your emotional well-being. Making music encourages self-expression and self-confidence, and is particularly important for you to participate in the process. A musical instrument doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. If you can shake it, bang it, roll it or rattle it, and it makes a noise – you can call it an instrument! Objectives of Project The objectives of this project: To identify critical thinking and idea generation skills through the investigation and application of a wide range of thinking skills and techniques.
  • 2. 2 Learning Outcomes of this Project On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to demonstrate the following: 1. Apply practical, critical and creative thinking skills within a variety of academic assignments Tasks - Methodology GROUP TASK Class Exercise (week 2) You are to bring the following items in class for the brainstorming session: (1) Blank CD Cover (Hard Casing) (2) White A3 Drawing Paper (3) Scissor (4) Glue (5) Colored Pens (6) Magazines (7) Other materials that can be used to do artwork As a group you are to do a mind map on the Theme that is given to you; to elaborate and generate ideas on the selected theme. You are then, required to design a CD Cover that represents the theme and your group. The CD cover and mind map is to be submitted at the end of the class. Performance Day(week 8) As a group, you are to produce a 5-8 minutes musical performance. Each group has to create a musical performance using only their voices and musical instruments created by daily items. Students may choose one item or they can choose several items to be played at different time or to even make it as one musical instrument. Each student must have their own instruments to play even if they are the lead singer. Each group will have to perform various songs(medley) according to the theme given by the lecturer. They should also move to the music or perhaps act out a dance routine or anything that is related to their song. Do dress up or add on some props for the performance. Students are required to record their performance during presentation day. INDIVIDUAL TASK Individually students are required to document the following: (a)Individual instrument development: How do you create musical instrument using daily object? Students are required to show their investigation, exploration and process in making the musical instrument In this task you are required to include sketches and doodles of your idea. Information should be clear and easy to read. This documentation should be in loose A4 paper which will be placed in the Idea Journal Folder. Submission Requirement GROUP SUBMISSION(PERFORMANCE DAY) This is a class performance participate by all group members. Marks will not be given to non-attendees. Performance shall not be less than 5 minutes and not more than 8 minutes. Students are advice to
  • 3. 3 think about their costume and maybe some supporting video as back ground or even props. However you are not allowed to use any music or digital music as background. GROUP SUBMISSION(POST-PERFORMANCE DAY) Every group must make sure to record their performance. Group Leaders to submit the recorded performance in a CD with the CD Cover (that was done in class at Week 2) and pass it to the module leader on the 17th April 2015 (week 9) during CTS class. INDIVIDUAL SUBMISSION The Individual Documentation (refer to Individual task) is to be submitted on 3rd April 2015 (week 8 during CTS class to your respective tutor in a plastic cover .You are advice to scan your work before you submit to your tutor for uploading purposes in your online portfolio. Assessment criteria The assessment for this assignment will be based on: ? demonstrated understanding of brief ? appropriateness and creative application of song, sound, performance, daily object ? originality and quality of the performance ? team collaboration ? individual documentation Marking criteria Marks shall be distributed as follows: Work will be assessed based on: TGC Acquired Assessment Criteria Marks % Group Component Demonstrated understanding of brief 10 % Appropriateness and creative application of song, sound, performance, choreography, daily objects as musical instruments. 40% Originality of quality of performance 30% Team work and group collaboration 20% (Will be calculated as 20%)TOTAL 100% Individual Component Originality and quality of compilation 10% NOTE: PLEASE BE INFORMED THAT INVIDUAL COMPONENTS IN GROUP WORKS IS EVALUATED BASED ON PEER EVALUATION AND INSTRUCTUR’S EVALUATION ON INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE OF A GROUP MEMBER. Suggested References 1. de Bono, Edward, 1994, De Bono’s Thinking Course, BBC Books
  • 4. 4 Project 1 : Musical Performance(Daily Object as Musical Instrument) UNIT NAME: TUTOR: S/SN DATE: Song + Presentation Title: No. Assessment: Marks Comments/Notes: A Demonstration of understanding of brief (the understanding and application of daily object as musical instrument) Total 10% 1. Understanding of brief and requirement /10 TOTAL: /10 B Appropriateness application of daily object as musical instrument) (appropriateness and effectiveness of daily object used as musical instrument , props, song, sound, performance Total 40% 1. Appropriateness application of daily objects as musical instrument /20 2. Appropriateness of technique used in performance /10 3. Appropriateness of props, costume, background and dance as a whole performance /10 TOTAL: /40 C Originality of Performance ( The overall performance, originality, surprises, new ideas, style of delivering the songs and sounds etc) Total 30% 4. Creativity in presenting the songs /20 5. Originality of performance /10 TOTAL: /30 D Team Work and Group participation Total 20% 1. Team collaboration and participation /20 TOTAL: /20 (WILL BE CALCULATED AS 20%)TOTAL: /100 GRADE: COMMENTS: Group members name: