This study compared the use of electroencephalography (EEG) and somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP) for monitoring patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy (CEA) surgery to detect ischemia. EEG and SSEP were recorded before, during, and after surgery in 34 patients. Both EEG and SSEP detected changes requiring shunt placement in most cases, with EEG detecting changes in 9/34 patients and SSEP detecting changes in 5/34 patients. The addition of SSEP identified one more case requiring shunt placement that EEG missed. However, EEG was sufficient to predict shunt need in 33/34 cases. While EEG and SSEP provide overlapping detection of ischemia, combining the two methods increases safety during C
This presentation provides an overview of Con Edison's Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Program. The program offers rebates and incentives for equipment upgrades, custom projects, and energy efficiency studies. It provides case studies of projects at a hotel, car rental company, and supermarket that achieved energy savings. The process involves developing a scope of work, applying, getting pre-approval, installing measures, and getting paid incentives within 45 days. The program aims to help businesses reduce energy costs and carbon footprint through a simple application process and project support.
The document discusses sex selection and the current status of gender imbalance in India. It begins by explaining the natural sex ratio at birth and definitions of related terms. It then covers historical practices and myths related to sex selection. The document outlines current methods used for sex selection both pre-implantation and post-implantation. It discusses where sex selection occurs globally and within India and explores social, demographic, commercial and logistical reasons for sex selection. Metrics for measuring gender imbalance are defined and data on declining sex ratios in India over time is presented. The implications and challenges posed by the unbalanced sex ratio are also mentioned.
1. Antenatal care includes regular checkups during pregnancy to monitor the health of the mother and baby, provide supplements and immunizations, educate on warning signs, and plan for delivery.
2. Less than half of women in India receive antenatal care during their first trimester as recommended. Home births are still common which increases risks.
3. Objectives of antenatal care include promoting maternal and infant health, detecting high-risk pregnancies, advising on self-care, preparing for labor and lactation, and reducing anxiety. Regular checkups and tests are done to monitor progress and identify any issues.
Katurian, a writer, is interrogated by police along with his brother Michal about murders that mirrored stories Katurian had written. During questioning, Michal confesses to three of the murders. To protect his brother, Katurian kills Michal and confesses as well, but gives incorrect details causing the police to doubt his guilt. As Katurian tells the story of "The Pillowman", one of the interrogating officers grows frustrated and kills Katurian, solving the murder case.
The document discusses the use of line in artworks by various European and Asian artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Picasso, Kandinsky, Mondrian, Pollock, Freud, and others. It also discusses examples of nesting line compositions and how lines have been used to translate paintings into other forms.
The document appears to be sheet music for the song "Let It Go" from the movie Frozen. It contains musical notation, lyrics, and instructions for playing an easy piano version of the song. The sheet music guides the performer on how to play the melody and chords for each line of the song over 3 pages/staves of music.
The play follows Becca and Howie as they grieve the death of their young son Danny in an accident. Tensions rise at a family birthday party after the death. Howie is upset that Becca is trying to erase memories of Danny by getting rid of his things. Their main conflict is how to cope with the loss. As Becca and Howie struggle in their grief, the teenager responsible for Danny's death visits to apologize, sharing a story that offers a glimmer of hope. By the end, Becca and Howie show signs of growing closer in their mourning process.
The care of women during pregnancy is called antenatal care, which begins after conception and aims to have a healthy mother and child at birth. Antenatal care includes clinic visits, examinations, tests, immunizations, supplements, and interventions as needed. Care continues through pregnancy with additional visits in the third trimester to monitor for complications, counsel on warning signs, and prepare for delivery. Postnatal care aims to restore the mother's health and prevent complications, and provides basic care for the mother and child, education, and family planning services.
This document discusses vector-borne diseases (VBDs) and their history, epidemiology, and impact. It notes that VBDs represent 17% of the global disease burden and cause millions of cases and deaths annually from diseases like malaria, dengue, and filariasis. The document covers the basic concepts of VBD transmission cycles and how environmental factors can influence disease spread. It outlines the roles of mosquitoes, flies, lice, fleas, and ticks as disease vectors. The history of medical entomology and associations between vectors and major diseases are also summarized.
RS-422 is a telecommunications standard for binary serial communications between devices such as computers and printers. It uses a balanced four-wire system with two wires for transmitting from the data terminal equipment to the data communications equipment and two wires for transmitting in the opposite direction. RS-422 has advantages over RS-232 such as higher data rates, longer cable lengths, and better noise rejection, though it is only unidirectional and less common.
Maternal mortality refers to the death of a woman during pregnancy, childbirth or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy. Some key points:
- Causes of maternal mortality include hemorrhage, sepsis, unsafe abortion, obstructed labor, eclampsia, and complications from existing medical conditions.
- Maternal mortality is highest in Sub-Saharan Africa, where 1 in 16 women face the risk of dying from pregnancy or childbirth-related causes.
- In India, an estimated woman dies every seven minutes from pregnancy or childbirth complications. The maternal mortality ratio in India is around 200 per 100,000 live births.
- Prevention strategies focus on increasing access to antenatal
Here are the answers to your questions:
1. FINER criteria of a good research question are: Feasible, Interesting, Novel, Ethical, Relevant.
2. A null hypothesis is a statistical hypothesis that predicts that no relationship exists between two variables.
3. The types of relationships that may exist between two variables are: positive, negative, or no relationship.
4. Read around comes first before read into. Read around gives a broad overview of the topic area, while read into involves an in-depth review.
5. The literature review is often called the "mother of the research" as it helps identify gaps and formulate the research question.
6. If we
This document provides an overview of infectious disease epidemiology. It begins with a brief history of some major infectious disease outbreaks and their impacts. It then discusses concepts and definitions relevant to infectious disease epidemiology, including reservoirs, modes of transmission, epidemiological triad, and terminology. The document outlines the importance of studying infectious disease epidemiology and highlights current challenges like antimicrobial resistance and emerging/re-emerging pathogens. It also summarizes successes in disease eradication/elimination and the ongoing global burden of infectious diseases.
Este documento presenta el proyecto de vida de Luis Fredy Torres Rossi, t辿cnico en programaci坦n de software. Resume su historia de vida, incluyendo su lugar de nacimiento, educaci坦n y experiencia laboral. Describe sus fortalezas y debilidades, as鱈 como oportunidades y amenazas. Establece su misi坦n de servir a la humanidad y su visi坦n de terminar sus estudios para crear programas que mejoren la vida de las personas. Sus objetivos a 3 a単os incluyen estabilizar un proyecto de empresa de sistemas, pasar m叩s tiempo con su
Este documento presenta el proyecto de vida de una persona. Resume su historia de vida desde la infancia hasta la actualidad, incluyendo sus fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas. Establece su misi坦n de servir a la humanidad y mejorar su entorno. Su visi坦n es terminar sus estudios y crear programas que ayuden a las personas. Sus objetivos a 3 a単os son terminar sus estudios, ayudar a su familia, y crear una compa単鱈a de sistemas inform叩ticos para contribuir al desarrollo socioecon坦mic
El documento presenta varios problemas matem叩ticos y algoritmos para resolverlos. Incluye c叩lculos de salario seg炭n horas trabajadas y tarifa, c叩lculos de descuentos sobre sueldos, conversiones de tiempo entre minutos y segundos u horas y d鱈as, c叩lculos de promedios de notas, determinaci坦n de n炭meros pares e impares, c叩lculos de 叩reas y vol炭menes geom辿tricos, y operaciones aritm辿ticas b叩sicas.
El documento presenta varios problemas matem叩ticos y algoritmos para resolverlos, incluyendo: calcular el salario de un trabajador con horas extras y tarifa variable; calcular descuentos en sueldos basados en montos; convertir minutos a segundos y d鱈as/horas/minutos; calcular sumas y promedios de notas; determinar pares, impares, positivos y negativos; calcular la hipotenusa y 叩rea y volumen de un cilindro.
El documento presenta varios problemas matem叩ticos y algoritmos para resolverlos. Incluye c叩lculos de salario seg炭n horas trabajadas y tarifa, c叩lculos de descuentos sobre sueldos, conversiones de tiempo entre minutos y segundos u horas y d鱈as, c叩lculos de promedios de notas, determinaci坦n de n炭meros pares e impares, c叩lculos de 叩reas y vol炭menes geom辿tricos, y operaciones aritm辿ticas b叩sicas.
El documento presenta varios problemas matem叩ticos y algoritmos para resolverlos. Incluye c叩lculos de salario seg炭n horas trabajadas y tarifa, c叩lculos de descuentos sobre sueldos, conversiones de tiempo entre minutos y segundos u horas y d鱈as, c叩lculos de promedios de notas, determinaci坦n de n炭meros pares e impares, c叩lculos de 叩reas y vol炭menes geom辿tricos, y operaciones aritm辿ticas y sus restos.
La importancia de la teor鱈a de los algoritmosFredy Torres
El documento describe la importancia de la teor鱈a de los algoritmos en el desarrollo de software. Explica que los algoritmos son conjuntos de pasos para resolver problemas y son fundamentales en computaci坦n y en la vida cotidiana. Se単ala que la teor鱈a de algoritmos es crucial para el dise単o de software eficiente, especialmente en aplicaciones matem叩ticas, de simulaci坦n y juegos, donde se requiere optimizaci坦n. Concluye que los algoritmos permiten resolver problemas reales y que su estudio es la herramienta principal para lograr software eficiente.
El documento describe las tres estructuras b叩sicas de control de flujo en la programaci坦n estructurada: secuencial, de selecci坦n y de repetici坦n. Tambi辿n explica las tres estructuras de repetici坦n principales (Repita Para, Repita Mientras, Repita Hasta) y los operadores l坦gicos utilizados. Finalmente, detalla los tres tipos de estructuras condicionales: simples, dobles y m炭ltiples.
La importancia de la teor鱈a de los algoritmosFredy Torres
El documento describe la importancia de la teor鱈a de los algoritmos en el desarrollo de software. Explica que los algoritmos son conjuntos de pasos para resolver problemas y son fundamentales en computaci坦n y en la vida cotidiana. Se単ala que la teor鱈a de algoritmos es crucial para dise単ar software eficiente, especialmente en aplicaciones matem叩ticas, de simulaci坦n y juegos, donde se requiere optimizar procesos. Concluye que los algoritmos permiten resolver problemas reales y que su estudio es la herramienta principal para lograr software efectivo.
El documento describe los tres tipos b叩sicos de estructuras de control en programaci坦n estructurada: secuencial, de selecci坦n y de repetici坦n. Las estructuras de selecci坦n incluyen if/then y if/then/else, mientras que las de repetici坦n incluyen for, while y do-while. Tambi辿n se describen operadores l坦gicos y estructuras condicionales simples, dobles y m炭ltiples.
1. Antenatal care includes regular checkups during pregnancy to monitor the health of the mother and baby, provide supplements and immunizations, educate on warning signs, and plan for delivery.
2. Less than half of women in India receive antenatal care during their first trimester as recommended. Home births are still common which increases risks.
3. Objectives of antenatal care include promoting maternal and infant health, detecting high-risk pregnancies, advising on self-care, preparing for labor and lactation, and reducing anxiety. Regular checkups and tests are done to monitor progress and identify any issues.
Katurian, a writer, is interrogated by police along with his brother Michal about murders that mirrored stories Katurian had written. During questioning, Michal confesses to three of the murders. To protect his brother, Katurian kills Michal and confesses as well, but gives incorrect details causing the police to doubt his guilt. As Katurian tells the story of "The Pillowman", one of the interrogating officers grows frustrated and kills Katurian, solving the murder case.
The document discusses the use of line in artworks by various European and Asian artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Picasso, Kandinsky, Mondrian, Pollock, Freud, and others. It also discusses examples of nesting line compositions and how lines have been used to translate paintings into other forms.
The document appears to be sheet music for the song "Let It Go" from the movie Frozen. It contains musical notation, lyrics, and instructions for playing an easy piano version of the song. The sheet music guides the performer on how to play the melody and chords for each line of the song over 3 pages/staves of music.
The play follows Becca and Howie as they grieve the death of their young son Danny in an accident. Tensions rise at a family birthday party after the death. Howie is upset that Becca is trying to erase memories of Danny by getting rid of his things. Their main conflict is how to cope with the loss. As Becca and Howie struggle in their grief, the teenager responsible for Danny's death visits to apologize, sharing a story that offers a glimmer of hope. By the end, Becca and Howie show signs of growing closer in their mourning process.
The care of women during pregnancy is called antenatal care, which begins after conception and aims to have a healthy mother and child at birth. Antenatal care includes clinic visits, examinations, tests, immunizations, supplements, and interventions as needed. Care continues through pregnancy with additional visits in the third trimester to monitor for complications, counsel on warning signs, and prepare for delivery. Postnatal care aims to restore the mother's health and prevent complications, and provides basic care for the mother and child, education, and family planning services.
This document discusses vector-borne diseases (VBDs) and their history, epidemiology, and impact. It notes that VBDs represent 17% of the global disease burden and cause millions of cases and deaths annually from diseases like malaria, dengue, and filariasis. The document covers the basic concepts of VBD transmission cycles and how environmental factors can influence disease spread. It outlines the roles of mosquitoes, flies, lice, fleas, and ticks as disease vectors. The history of medical entomology and associations between vectors and major diseases are also summarized.
RS-422 is a telecommunications standard for binary serial communications between devices such as computers and printers. It uses a balanced four-wire system with two wires for transmitting from the data terminal equipment to the data communications equipment and two wires for transmitting in the opposite direction. RS-422 has advantages over RS-232 such as higher data rates, longer cable lengths, and better noise rejection, though it is only unidirectional and less common.
Maternal mortality refers to the death of a woman during pregnancy, childbirth or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy. Some key points:
- Causes of maternal mortality include hemorrhage, sepsis, unsafe abortion, obstructed labor, eclampsia, and complications from existing medical conditions.
- Maternal mortality is highest in Sub-Saharan Africa, where 1 in 16 women face the risk of dying from pregnancy or childbirth-related causes.
- In India, an estimated woman dies every seven minutes from pregnancy or childbirth complications. The maternal mortality ratio in India is around 200 per 100,000 live births.
- Prevention strategies focus on increasing access to antenatal
Here are the answers to your questions:
1. FINER criteria of a good research question are: Feasible, Interesting, Novel, Ethical, Relevant.
2. A null hypothesis is a statistical hypothesis that predicts that no relationship exists between two variables.
3. The types of relationships that may exist between two variables are: positive, negative, or no relationship.
4. Read around comes first before read into. Read around gives a broad overview of the topic area, while read into involves an in-depth review.
5. The literature review is often called the "mother of the research" as it helps identify gaps and formulate the research question.
6. If we
This document provides an overview of infectious disease epidemiology. It begins with a brief history of some major infectious disease outbreaks and their impacts. It then discusses concepts and definitions relevant to infectious disease epidemiology, including reservoirs, modes of transmission, epidemiological triad, and terminology. The document outlines the importance of studying infectious disease epidemiology and highlights current challenges like antimicrobial resistance and emerging/re-emerging pathogens. It also summarizes successes in disease eradication/elimination and the ongoing global burden of infectious diseases.
Este documento presenta el proyecto de vida de Luis Fredy Torres Rossi, t辿cnico en programaci坦n de software. Resume su historia de vida, incluyendo su lugar de nacimiento, educaci坦n y experiencia laboral. Describe sus fortalezas y debilidades, as鱈 como oportunidades y amenazas. Establece su misi坦n de servir a la humanidad y su visi坦n de terminar sus estudios para crear programas que mejoren la vida de las personas. Sus objetivos a 3 a単os incluyen estabilizar un proyecto de empresa de sistemas, pasar m叩s tiempo con su
Este documento presenta el proyecto de vida de una persona. Resume su historia de vida desde la infancia hasta la actualidad, incluyendo sus fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas. Establece su misi坦n de servir a la humanidad y mejorar su entorno. Su visi坦n es terminar sus estudios y crear programas que ayuden a las personas. Sus objetivos a 3 a単os son terminar sus estudios, ayudar a su familia, y crear una compa単鱈a de sistemas inform叩ticos para contribuir al desarrollo socioecon坦mic
El documento presenta varios problemas matem叩ticos y algoritmos para resolverlos. Incluye c叩lculos de salario seg炭n horas trabajadas y tarifa, c叩lculos de descuentos sobre sueldos, conversiones de tiempo entre minutos y segundos u horas y d鱈as, c叩lculos de promedios de notas, determinaci坦n de n炭meros pares e impares, c叩lculos de 叩reas y vol炭menes geom辿tricos, y operaciones aritm辿ticas b叩sicas.
El documento presenta varios problemas matem叩ticos y algoritmos para resolverlos, incluyendo: calcular el salario de un trabajador con horas extras y tarifa variable; calcular descuentos en sueldos basados en montos; convertir minutos a segundos y d鱈as/horas/minutos; calcular sumas y promedios de notas; determinar pares, impares, positivos y negativos; calcular la hipotenusa y 叩rea y volumen de un cilindro.
El documento presenta varios problemas matem叩ticos y algoritmos para resolverlos. Incluye c叩lculos de salario seg炭n horas trabajadas y tarifa, c叩lculos de descuentos sobre sueldos, conversiones de tiempo entre minutos y segundos u horas y d鱈as, c叩lculos de promedios de notas, determinaci坦n de n炭meros pares e impares, c叩lculos de 叩reas y vol炭menes geom辿tricos, y operaciones aritm辿ticas b叩sicas.
El documento presenta varios problemas matem叩ticos y algoritmos para resolverlos. Incluye c叩lculos de salario seg炭n horas trabajadas y tarifa, c叩lculos de descuentos sobre sueldos, conversiones de tiempo entre minutos y segundos u horas y d鱈as, c叩lculos de promedios de notas, determinaci坦n de n炭meros pares e impares, c叩lculos de 叩reas y vol炭menes geom辿tricos, y operaciones aritm辿ticas y sus restos.
La importancia de la teor鱈a de los algoritmosFredy Torres
El documento describe la importancia de la teor鱈a de los algoritmos en el desarrollo de software. Explica que los algoritmos son conjuntos de pasos para resolver problemas y son fundamentales en computaci坦n y en la vida cotidiana. Se単ala que la teor鱈a de algoritmos es crucial para el dise単o de software eficiente, especialmente en aplicaciones matem叩ticas, de simulaci坦n y juegos, donde se requiere optimizaci坦n. Concluye que los algoritmos permiten resolver problemas reales y que su estudio es la herramienta principal para lograr software eficiente.
El documento describe las tres estructuras b叩sicas de control de flujo en la programaci坦n estructurada: secuencial, de selecci坦n y de repetici坦n. Tambi辿n explica las tres estructuras de repetici坦n principales (Repita Para, Repita Mientras, Repita Hasta) y los operadores l坦gicos utilizados. Finalmente, detalla los tres tipos de estructuras condicionales: simples, dobles y m炭ltiples.
La importancia de la teor鱈a de los algoritmosFredy Torres
El documento describe la importancia de la teor鱈a de los algoritmos en el desarrollo de software. Explica que los algoritmos son conjuntos de pasos para resolver problemas y son fundamentales en computaci坦n y en la vida cotidiana. Se単ala que la teor鱈a de algoritmos es crucial para dise単ar software eficiente, especialmente en aplicaciones matem叩ticas, de simulaci坦n y juegos, donde se requiere optimizar procesos. Concluye que los algoritmos permiten resolver problemas reales y que su estudio es la herramienta principal para lograr software efectivo.
El documento describe los tres tipos b叩sicos de estructuras de control en programaci坦n estructurada: secuencial, de selecci坦n y de repetici坦n. Las estructuras de selecci坦n incluyen if/then y if/then/else, mientras que las de repetici坦n incluyen for, while y do-while. Tambi辿n se describen operadores l坦gicos y estructuras condicionales simples, dobles y m炭ltiples.