This document provides an overview of a unit on matter and energy for year 6 students. It covers topics on the states of matter, pure substances and mixtures, and types of energy. For mixtures, it defines pure substances and the two types of mixtures - homogeneous and heterogeneous. It describes two types of each - homogeneous mixtures allow the different substances to be seen, while heterogeneous mixtures do not. The document also outlines several common methods to separate mixtures, including filtration, decantation, distillation, and evaporation. Examples are given for each separation method.
2. Contents
Matter and its properties
The states of matter (Changes of state)
The states of matter (Physical and chemical changes)
Pure substances and mixtures
5. 3. Pure substances and mixtures (P叩g. 18)
Ma#er g(oups together to create substances. There are 2 t56es of substances:
Pure substances Mixtures
They are made up of 1 type
of component or substance.
They are made up of 2 or more
types of component or substances.
7. 3. Pure substances and mixtures (P叩g. 18)
There are 2 types of mixtures:
We can see the different substances
and they can be separated easily.
We cant see the different substances
but they can also be separated.
9. 3.1 The separation of mixtures (P叩g. 18)
There are di鍖erent ways to separate the components of a mix@Are:
10. 3.1 The separation of mixtures (P叩g. 18)
Separation of: solids (not
dissolved) from liquids.
Type of mixture: Heterogeneous.
We need: 鍖lters.
Example: preparing a cup of tea or
11. 3.1 The separation of mixtures (P叩g. 18)
Separation of: substances with different
DENSITIES.(the element with the
highest density remains at the bottom of
the 鍖rst container.
Type of mixture: Heterogeneous.
We need: two containers.
Example: separating sand from water.
12. 3.1 The separation of mixtures (P叩g. 18)
Separation of: 2 liquid substances
with different BOILING
Type of mixture: Homogeneous.
We need: heat, a condenser, and
Example: making alcoholic drinks.
Video time
13. 3.1 The separation of mixtures (P叩g. 18)
Separation of: solids dissolved
in liquids. The liquid turns into
steam and the solid is collected
from the container.
Type of mixture: Homogeneous.
We need: heat, a pan.
Example: separating salt water.
14. activities
1. Diagram
2. What is the difference between pure substances and mixtures? And between
homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures?
3. How would you separate the following mixtures?
- Rice and water. - Coca Cola and ice cubes.
- Sugar and water. - Acetone and water.
- Cereal at the bottom of the glass and milk.
2.2, 2.3 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CHANGES (P叩gs. 15, 16, 17)