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Final evaluation question 2.

How Effective is the Combination
   of Your Main Product and
        Ancillary Texts?
The combination of my main product and ancillary texts work well together
   as there is a colour scheme throughout which is black, white and grey. I
   also decided to add a bit of colour through the use of my photos. They
   were not too much of a bold colour though as I didnt want my products
   to look over powering. This is used throughout both my advert and
   digipack because I want them to combine. Also the picture that I put in
   the digipack and advert allowed me to combine the main product of my
   music product with my ancillary texts as it shows the band similarities.
   This connects to my video as some of the photos I used in my digipack
   and advert were from some of the shots in my video for example the
   band shots in my video, that room was also where one of my photos in
   my digipack was taken. I also used all of the people in my video on the
   digipack and the advert as i think this was a good way of connecting all
   three products together to create an audience recognition of the star
   image. Therefore because of the changes that I made the combination of
   my products is very effective
My digipack changed a lot as my original idea, although worked for a
  grungy band, did not connect to my main product at all. Also after I
  looked at it the combination of texts and pictures did not look
  professional or match what I wanted it to actually look like. This is then
  when I looked at the combination of my main music video and looked
  at what would be the most effective ways of combining the products
  together. As for the name of the album 'Circles', I chose this as i
  wanted to link it to the song of our music video. It linked as the song
  she is singing about that she cant get out of what she is stuck in and so
  it is like she is going round in circles. This is then where the idea of
  calling the album Circles came from. It worked well because I could
  combine my main product and ancillary texts together by also having a
  message. Because of the combination of text and images went well
  and presented well together.
The advert also changed around a lot as I wanted the audience to see it
   and understand what type of band it was advertising. I also had it
   connect to my digipack which connected to my video because I have
   the band members standing out. However my first idea did not have
   a picture of any of the band members at all, nor did it connect with
   my video. Therefore I had to think carefully on what I wanted. I had
   to think if I wanted it to give of a grunge look or for it to still be a bit
   grungy but have the main attraction to be the band members. I
   decided on using an image as this combined the music video and
   digipack to my advert and so it all fitted together better. This is then
   why I decided to take out an image from the digipack of all the band
   so that the audience reading it could relate to it but also related to
   the combination of shots in the music video in which it would
The fonts of the band name is on both of the digipack and the advert and are in a
   big font. I chose this font as I thought it connected to the grunge look that I
   waned but also made the band name stand out. I did this so that my band
   name could be recognised and it combined well with the layout of my text. The
   text inside my digipack is also the same font as the bands name font. I did this
   as the text fitted well with the lay out and also combined with my music video
   as it gave off a grunge vibe. Another reason that I used the font for other
   pieces of text was so that the audience became used to they type of font they
   were looking for when wanting something to do with my band. A part that I did
   that allowed my advert to combine with the digipack was the record label that
   I used. I made sure that the record label was big enough for people to see and
   recognise and also that record label works with lots of other grungy bands. This
   then meant that I could combine it to my main media product of my music
   video as the song and the type of band is grungy. Also people that listen to
   music with record label will recognise it and so will then look at my bands
   music. The record label was placed in around the same place on both my
   advert and digipak which was at the bottom left. I did this as I thought it would
   stand out more and also people would know were to look. Then because of
   these changes I did to my advert to fit with my digipack it helped all my
   product combine together.
The eye makeup that the main singer had was made heavy so that Laura's eyes
   stood out to people watching the video. We did this so that it would give off a
   vibe of emotion and would help people understand the style of the band and
   what they were trying to get across. I wanted quite a strong looking lead
   singer in the band to show that they mean business in the music industry and
   that the song is sending a message and I think that the makeup helps us to
   achieve this. This is because it allows her to really connect with the camera
   which then allows her to connect with the audience. This then combines with
   the main media product and ancillary texts because I can have her image and
   emotions on them to shows the target audience who they aren't and what
   their style of music is and that they are getting across a message.

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Qu 2 final eval

  • 1. Final evaluation question 2. How Effective is the Combination of Your Main Product and Ancillary Texts?
  • 2. The combination of my main product and ancillary texts work well together as there is a colour scheme throughout which is black, white and grey. I also decided to add a bit of colour through the use of my photos. They were not too much of a bold colour though as I didnt want my products to look over powering. This is used throughout both my advert and digipack because I want them to combine. Also the picture that I put in the digipack and advert allowed me to combine the main product of my music product with my ancillary texts as it shows the band similarities. This connects to my video as some of the photos I used in my digipack and advert were from some of the shots in my video for example the band shots in my video, that room was also where one of my photos in my digipack was taken. I also used all of the people in my video on the digipack and the advert as i think this was a good way of connecting all three products together to create an audience recognition of the star image. Therefore because of the changes that I made the combination of my products is very effective
  • 3. My digipack changed a lot as my original idea, although worked for a grungy band, did not connect to my main product at all. Also after I looked at it the combination of texts and pictures did not look professional or match what I wanted it to actually look like. This is then when I looked at the combination of my main music video and looked at what would be the most effective ways of combining the products together. As for the name of the album 'Circles', I chose this as i wanted to link it to the song of our music video. It linked as the song she is singing about that she cant get out of what she is stuck in and so it is like she is going round in circles. This is then where the idea of calling the album Circles came from. It worked well because I could combine my main product and ancillary texts together by also having a message. Because of the combination of text and images went well and presented well together.
  • 4. The advert also changed around a lot as I wanted the audience to see it and understand what type of band it was advertising. I also had it connect to my digipack which connected to my video because I have the band members standing out. However my first idea did not have a picture of any of the band members at all, nor did it connect with my video. Therefore I had to think carefully on what I wanted. I had to think if I wanted it to give of a grunge look or for it to still be a bit grungy but have the main attraction to be the band members. I decided on using an image as this combined the music video and digipack to my advert and so it all fitted together better. This is then why I decided to take out an image from the digipack of all the band so that the audience reading it could relate to it but also related to the combination of shots in the music video in which it would connect.
  • 5. The fonts of the band name is on both of the digipack and the advert and are in a big font. I chose this font as I thought it connected to the grunge look that I waned but also made the band name stand out. I did this so that my band name could be recognised and it combined well with the layout of my text. The text inside my digipack is also the same font as the bands name font. I did this as the text fitted well with the lay out and also combined with my music video as it gave off a grunge vibe. Another reason that I used the font for other pieces of text was so that the audience became used to they type of font they were looking for when wanting something to do with my band. A part that I did that allowed my advert to combine with the digipack was the record label that I used. I made sure that the record label was big enough for people to see and recognise and also that record label works with lots of other grungy bands. This then meant that I could combine it to my main media product of my music video as the song and the type of band is grungy. Also people that listen to music with record label will recognise it and so will then look at my bands music. The record label was placed in around the same place on both my advert and digipak which was at the bottom left. I did this as I thought it would stand out more and also people would know were to look. Then because of these changes I did to my advert to fit with my digipack it helped all my product combine together.
  • 6. The eye makeup that the main singer had was made heavy so that Laura's eyes stood out to people watching the video. We did this so that it would give off a vibe of emotion and would help people understand the style of the band and what they were trying to get across. I wanted quite a strong looking lead singer in the band to show that they mean business in the music industry and that the song is sending a message and I think that the makeup helps us to achieve this. This is because it allows her to really connect with the camera which then allows her to connect with the audience. This then combines with the main media product and ancillary texts because I can have her image and emotions on them to shows the target audience who they aren't and what their style of music is and that they are getting across a message.