O documento discute os res¨ªduos s¨®lidos urbanos em Portugal, incluindo: (1) o que s?o res¨ªduos urbanos e seus tipos principais, (2) a quantidade produzida anualmente, (3) os destinos comuns como aterros sanit¨¢rios e incinera??o, e (4) instala??es como ecopontos, ecocentros e esta??es de transfer¨ºncia que facilitam a coleta e tratamento adequados.
La propiedad intelectual regula las creaciones del ingenio humano como los programas de computaci¨®n (software). El documento describe c¨®mo se protege legalmente el software en Estados Unidos, Argentina, Colombia y Per¨² a trav¨¦s de los derechos de autor u otras leyes. Finalmente, se discute la necesidad de una regulaci¨®n conjunta del software a nivel de la Comunidad Andina para lograr una protecci¨®n coherente en la regi¨®n.
This document outlines a proposed wellness program for Colorado State University Dining Services employees. It discusses the target audience, which includes full-time employees with an average income of $21,000-$50,000 annually. Many employees struggle with obesity, diseases like diabetes, and 30% smoke. The program aims to address this problem by providing resources to help employees develop personal health and wellness goals through lessons on exercise, stress management, and nutrition. It outlines the program's design using Social Cognitive Theory, including lessons, evaluations, and a logic model. The team will work with the Nutrition and Wellness Programs Manager to implement and present the program.
El documento describe brevemente un di¨¢logo entre el te¨®logo brasile?o Leonardo Boff y el Dalai Lama sobre cu¨¢l es la mejor religi¨®n. Cuando se le pregunt¨® al Dalai Lama cu¨¢l es la mejor religi¨®n, respondi¨® que es aquella que te hace m¨¢s compasivo, sensible, desapegado, amoroso, humanitario, responsable y ¨¦tico. Agreg¨® que la religi¨®n que logre hacerte mejor persona es la mejor religi¨®n.
This document discusses strategies for helping students construct mathematical arguments and critique the reasoning of others. It introduces the idea of having students determine whether mathematical statements are always, sometimes, or never true and provide arguments to support their categorization. Video examples show students attempting to prove statements about addition and the equal sign. The document suggests moves like examples, counterexamples, and describing concepts without numbers that help build convincing arguments. It encourages teachers to have students practice these argument skills and reflects on how the strategies support mathematical standards and practices.
The document discusses the Kindle Voyage e-reader. It describes the Voyage's marketing and branding as representing a serene lifestyle. Reviews praised the Voyage's slim, stylish design but had mixed opinions on whether extra features justified its higher price compared to other e-readers. The document also mentions the Voyage's high-resolution display, adaptive front light, page turn sensors, and integration of features like X-Ray and Goodreads.
CIHS Top Tips - Implementing ITIL successfully V2.0Tanya Marshall
The document discusses 5 common pitfalls organizations face when implementing ITIL-based service improvement initiatives. The first pitfall is insufficient attention to organizational change and people elements. The second is implementing ITIL without clear linkage to business priorities. The third is lack of proper governance, measurement, and planning. The fourth is an over-focus on tools rather than processes. The fifth is over-reliance on consultants instead of involving internal staff. The document provides recommendations to avoid each pitfall and successfully implement ITIL-based initiatives.
Este documento presenta un resumen de viabilidad para un proyecto de negocio llamado Agiles Soluciones, el cual proveer¨¢ soluciones r¨¢pidas como mensajer¨ªa y diligencias para empresas y personas. El proyecto parece viable t¨¦cnicamente ya que soluciona una necesidad com¨²n de falta de tiempo. Sin embargo, a¨²n se necesita m¨¢s desarrollo del plan de negocio e implementaci¨®n para evaluar la viabilidad financiera, operacional e institucional completa. La conclusi¨®n es que el diagn¨®stico preliminar muestra potencial de viabilidad si se mejora el
Internet como-derecho-fundamental-en-el-per¨²bryan matos
Este documento discute la importancia del acceso a Internet y c¨®mo deber¨ªa ser considerado un derecho fundamental en Per¨². Explica la diferencia entre derechos humanos y derechos fundamentales, y c¨®mo la constituci¨®n peruana protege libertades relacionadas a la informaci¨®n y comunicaci¨®n digital. Tambi¨¦n define conceptos clave como Internet y la brecha digital.
El documento describe los 9 bloques b¨¢sicos del Business Model Canvas, una herramienta que ayuda a dise?ar nuevos modelos de negocio. Los 9 bloques son: Segmentos de negocio, Propuesta de valor, Canales, Relaciones con clientes, Flujos de ingreso, Recursos, Actividades clave, Alianzas claves y Estructuras de costos. Cada bloque describe un aspecto clave del modelo de negocio como los clientes, la oferta de valor, los recursos y costos requeridos.
Good Clinical Practice By: Swapnil L. patilSwapnil Patil
Good Clinical Practice (GCP) provides quality standards for clinical research to ensure human subjects are protected and study results are reliable. Key responsibilities include Institutional Review Boards overseeing studies, investigators providing medical care and adhering to protocols, and sponsors manufacturing products and monitoring trials. GCP aims to conduct ethical research through informed consent, qualifications of researchers, and quality management systems.
This document provides an outline for a presentation on science and technology communication by Gensei Ishimura. It introduces Ishimura and his background working in science communication. It then discusses the definition and importance of science and technology communication, providing examples of practices at CoSTEP including science cafes and consensus conferences. It also outlines CoSTEP's education program for training science communicators, which aims to provide students with practical experience alongside theoretical knowledge through a curriculum integrating education, practice, and conceptualization.
Modelos Europeos de Farmacia - Reino Unido 1. Sistema Sanitarioratiopharm
El sistema sanitario del Reino Unido es pionero en los sistemas de cobertura p¨²blica en Europa, con su Servicio Nacional de Salud (NHS) creado en 1948. El NHS proporciona acceso universal gratuito, financiado principalmente a trav¨¦s de impuestos. Aunque el gasto sanitario como porcentaje del PIB es inferior al de Espa?a, el gasto per c¨¢pita es mayor en el Reino Unido. El NHS se enfrenta a desaf¨ªos como listas de espera y escasez de m¨¦dicos.
El documento trata sobre la biodiversidad y la vida silvestre. Explica que la biodiversidad incluye la diversidad de especies, gen¨¦tica y ecosistemas. Tambi¨¦n habla sobre la conservaci¨®n de la vida silvestre y las t¨¦cnicas para lograrla, como prohibiciones y santuarios. Otro tema es la extinci¨®n de especies, dando ejemplos de especies extintas en M¨¦xico y las causas directas e indirectas de la extinci¨®n, incluyendo la cacer¨ªa, p¨¦rdida de h¨¢bitat, contaminaci¨®n, desarrol
Perangkat keras tambahan (peripheral) seperti keyboard, mouse, printer, dan scanner dapat diatur pengaturannya melalui menu Control Panel untuk menyesuaikan fungsi dan penggunaannya. Beberapa pengaturan mencakup pengaturan tanggal dan jam, konfigurasi keyboard, pengaturan tampilan layar, dan pengaturan jenis printer.
Ritesh Ramanundi is applying for an estimator/print buyer position. He has over 15 years of experience in printing and packaging estimation. He holds several certificates and diplomas in printing, graphic design, estimating, and packaging technology. His most recent role was as an estimator at Fishwick Printers from 2012 to present. He is proficient in various printing processes and software. He provides 5 references from past managers and lecturers. In his motivation letter, he emphasizes his communication, organizational, and teamwork skills and his dedication to continuous learning and improvement.
Internet como-derecho-fundamental-en-el-per¨²bryan matos
Este documento discute la importancia del acceso a Internet y c¨®mo deber¨ªa ser considerado un derecho fundamental en Per¨². Explica la diferencia entre derechos humanos y derechos fundamentales, y c¨®mo la constituci¨®n peruana protege libertades relacionadas a la informaci¨®n y comunicaci¨®n digital. Tambi¨¦n define conceptos clave como Internet y la brecha digital.
El documento describe los 9 bloques b¨¢sicos del Business Model Canvas, una herramienta que ayuda a dise?ar nuevos modelos de negocio. Los 9 bloques son: Segmentos de negocio, Propuesta de valor, Canales, Relaciones con clientes, Flujos de ingreso, Recursos, Actividades clave, Alianzas claves y Estructuras de costos. Cada bloque describe un aspecto clave del modelo de negocio como los clientes, la oferta de valor, los recursos y costos requeridos.
Good Clinical Practice By: Swapnil L. patilSwapnil Patil
Good Clinical Practice (GCP) provides quality standards for clinical research to ensure human subjects are protected and study results are reliable. Key responsibilities include Institutional Review Boards overseeing studies, investigators providing medical care and adhering to protocols, and sponsors manufacturing products and monitoring trials. GCP aims to conduct ethical research through informed consent, qualifications of researchers, and quality management systems.
This document provides an outline for a presentation on science and technology communication by Gensei Ishimura. It introduces Ishimura and his background working in science communication. It then discusses the definition and importance of science and technology communication, providing examples of practices at CoSTEP including science cafes and consensus conferences. It also outlines CoSTEP's education program for training science communicators, which aims to provide students with practical experience alongside theoretical knowledge through a curriculum integrating education, practice, and conceptualization.
Modelos Europeos de Farmacia - Reino Unido 1. Sistema Sanitarioratiopharm
El sistema sanitario del Reino Unido es pionero en los sistemas de cobertura p¨²blica en Europa, con su Servicio Nacional de Salud (NHS) creado en 1948. El NHS proporciona acceso universal gratuito, financiado principalmente a trav¨¦s de impuestos. Aunque el gasto sanitario como porcentaje del PIB es inferior al de Espa?a, el gasto per c¨¢pita es mayor en el Reino Unido. El NHS se enfrenta a desaf¨ªos como listas de espera y escasez de m¨¦dicos.
El documento trata sobre la biodiversidad y la vida silvestre. Explica que la biodiversidad incluye la diversidad de especies, gen¨¦tica y ecosistemas. Tambi¨¦n habla sobre la conservaci¨®n de la vida silvestre y las t¨¦cnicas para lograrla, como prohibiciones y santuarios. Otro tema es la extinci¨®n de especies, dando ejemplos de especies extintas en M¨¦xico y las causas directas e indirectas de la extinci¨®n, incluyendo la cacer¨ªa, p¨¦rdida de h¨¢bitat, contaminaci¨®n, desarrol
Perangkat keras tambahan (peripheral) seperti keyboard, mouse, printer, dan scanner dapat diatur pengaturannya melalui menu Control Panel untuk menyesuaikan fungsi dan penggunaannya. Beberapa pengaturan mencakup pengaturan tanggal dan jam, konfigurasi keyboard, pengaturan tampilan layar, dan pengaturan jenis printer.
Internet como-derecho-fundamental-en-el-per¨²bryan matos
Ritesh Ramanundi is applying for an estimator/print buyer position. He has over 15 years of experience in printing and packaging estimation. He holds several certificates and diplomas in printing, graphic design, estimating, and packaging technology. His most recent role was as an estimator at Fishwick Printers from 2012 to present. He is proficient in various printing processes and software. He provides 5 references from past managers and lecturers. In his motivation letter, he emphasizes his communication, organizational, and teamwork skills and his dedication to continuous learning and improvement.