The document discusses how a movie represents particular social groups through its characters. It focuses on the age group of 20-22 which is considered adulthood. Both main characters, Jack and Elena, are described as belonging to the upper middle class based on details about their appearance, clothing, accessories, and technology used. Their portrayal shows that as members of the upper middle class, they value simplicity over flashy displays of wealth or status.
2. The movie is based on a couple. Who are in
their adulthood now. They both belong to an
upper middle class background.
3. Discussing age group and class
I am going to discuss the age group of 20-22 i-e adulthood.
The guy belongs to an upper middle class.
The girl belongs to an upper middle class
They both belong to the same age group
4. Characters representing age and
Jack is a 22 year old boy.
He is an upper middle
class boy. By looking at
his appearance we can find
it out that he is an upper
middle class boy. He is
wearing normal clothes. No
big and flashy shoes. He
has a normal smart phone.
Does not smoke or carries
extra accessories
Elena is a 20 year old
girl. She is an upper
middle class girl. Her
appearance portrays that
she believes in simplicity
rather than showing off
with designer clothes. She
wears normal clothes and
applies minimal makeup.
Upper middle class people
have expensive phones but
not as expensive as upper
class people.