This document proposes a strategic messaging campaign for River Prairie, a development project in Altoona, Wisconsin. The campaign has three parts: 1) Sharing concept drawings on social media to generate interest and trust by showing renderings of planned amenities. 2) Using inclusive language like "we" in all posts to welcome community members. 3) Positioning River Prairie as "Your Destination for Every Occasion" to appeal to various niche markets with tailored ads. The goal is to improve awareness of River Prairie and attract target audiences by addressing current issues like a lack of engaging visuals and proper language usage in social media posts.
The Public Relations Society of America created a new definition of PR in 2011 to reflect how PR now operates within the digital age where user generated content and engagement are essential. Modern PR creates and manages new media like social media and blogs, and engages customers and journalists through new media outlets. For the Ventura Visitor's Center PR to succeed, it must capture stories that people are engaged with, help create, and will share with friends by providing easily shareable, relatable content. The PR plan outlines strategies like blogging regularly, curating user generated local stories and images, and directing journalists to website content instead of press releases to encourage sharing and engagement.
Facebook has launched a new location-based service called Facebook Places that allows users to check-in at locations and share their location with friends. The service aggregates check-ins onto users' profiles and the Places Page for that location. It allows users to find friends nearby and discover new places. While this enhances sharing and discovery, it also raises privacy concerns since check-ins are public by default. The service provides new opportunities for brands to engage with customers, gain insights into customer locations and conversations at venues, and target ads locally. It also introduces scalability challenges for national brands with multiple locations.
The Davis and Associates Communications campaign for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission aimed to inform citizens about replacing the city's aging sewage system. Through focus groups, they found people were unaware of problems with the current system. The campaign used clever slogans on buses and in newspapers to raise awareness. This uncontrolled media attention was very successful, with the campaign receiving over 69 million impressions. While the campaign accomplished its goal of informing citizens and gaining support for the sewage system replacement, it lacked clearly stated objectives to properly evaluate its effectiveness.
- Tag is a private location sharing app that allows users to discreetly check-in and share their location with friends to facilitate meetups.
- It has grown rapidly among students at Penn State, reaching 10,000 users, with high levels of daily and weekly return usage.
- The company aims to launch Tag at 100 additional college campuses in the fall to continue expanding the network.
An IT company is a voluntary association formed to carry on a business using tools, processes, and methodologies for collecting, processing, and presenting information. The document discusses the duties, requirements, difficulty level, and typical salaries for several IT company roles.
This document contains a shot list for a film or video project. It details 20 shots to be filmed between November 14th and 15th at various outdoor locations including roads, an alleyway, and a park. Each entry includes the shot number, date, location, description of the shot, and the length of the shot in seconds. The shots include settings, actors running and resting, a changing facial expression, and opening a bag.
This document contains a list of 11 Instagram posts from the Bloomingdale's account from late 2015 promoting their brand and products. The posts provide links to photos and videos on Bloomingdale's Instagram page from that time period.
Stock seed, also known as breeder's seed, is the highest quality seed maintained by the breeder to ensure genetic purity. There are different classes of certified seed including breeder, foundation, registered, and certified seed. Maintaining genetic purity of stock seed is important and involves minimizing contamination and strictly rogueing off-types before pollination. Producing stock seed infrequently helps maintain genetic purity over time by reducing genetic drift. Proper storage methods like cool, dry conditions also preserve genetic integrity.
Transport Awards - Marketing Entry, Hertfordshire County CouncilStephen Lloyd Jones
The ML1 MaylandsLink bus service connects Hemel Hempstead railway station to the large Maylands Business Park. While ridership was good, it was not commercially viable and faced cuts without additional funding. A marketing campaign was designed using insights into commuting flows to target car commuters along key routes with billboards, digital ads, and employer engagement. Over 10,000 individuals engaged online, and ridership increased 30% despite service reductions, demonstrating the campaign's success in generating commercial interest for a continued, expanded service.
Penelitian menganalisis keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan makrozoobentos di Sungai Naborsahan, Sumatera Utara. Lima filum ditemukan terbagi menjadi 26 genera. Stasiun pertama memiliki indeks keanekaragaman tertinggi sedangkan stasiun ketiga memiliki kelimpahan individu tertinggi dengan genus Tryonia paling banyak. Parameter fisika dan kimia masih memenuhi syarat kehidupan makrozoobentos.
O documento discute a import但ncia de estabelecer metas claras e mensur叩veis para medir a produtividade dos colaboradores. Apresenta erros comuns na medi巽達o da produtividade, como recompensar aqueles que trabalham mais horas ou enviam mais e-mails, em vez de focar nos resultados alcan巽ados. Tamb辿m discute a necessidade de definir escalas de medi巽達o para fornecer feedback objetivo sobre o desempenho.
This document discusses a communication challenge at a university dining location where the author works as a student manager. Specifically, there is ineffective communication between supervisors, student managers, and regular employees regarding when formal vs casual communication is appropriate and responsibilities. The author analyzes this using Giddens' structuration theory, which explains how social structures emerge from individual actions. To address the problem, the author proposes an intervention plan involving assessing communication needs through employee reviews, implementing regular performance reviews and meetings, and evaluating the results over time to improve cooperation and effectiveness.
Este documento describe el examen f鱈sico del abdomen, incluyendo inspecci坦n, auscultaci坦n y percusi坦n. Explica c坦mo dividir el abdomen en regiones y cuadrantes, y qu辿 observar en cada parte del examen. Detalla los hallazgos normales y anormales en la piel, forma y sonidos del abdomen. Proporciona detalles sobre causas m辿dicas y quir炭rgicas comunes de distensi坦n y matidez abdominal.
[Webinar] Contractor Management: What is the Return on Investment (ROI)?browzcompliance
This webinar will outline a process for assessing the economic value of investing in contractor compliance management. We will outline the business conditions that make contractor management an imperative for many businesses, including the expected costs associated with effective management. Next, we will consider the potential direct and indirect costs of doing nothing; that is, deciding against an investment in contractor management. Finally, well explore the process of outsourcing compliance management to a vendor who offers a complete contractor management solution.
El documento describe la ex辿gesis b鱈blica como la disciplina de explicar la Biblia. Explica que la ex辿gesis del Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento son diferentes debido a factores como los idiomas originales, los per鱈odos hist坦ricos cubiertos y los contenidos narrados. Tambi辿n describe las herramientas y m辿todos utilizados en la ex辿gesis b鱈blica como ediciones de textos originales, concordancias, y m辿todos hist坦rico-cr鱈ticos y sincr坦nicos.
El documento trata sobre problemas de gen辿tica mendeliana relacionados con cruces de plantas y humanos. Describe cruces entre plantas con diferentes colores de flores, texturas de piel de guisantes y grupos sangu鱈neos humanos. Solicita esquemas de cruzamiento para predecir los resultados en cada caso.
Communications Engagement and Outreach Campaign Part 2TristinSapp
This campaign pitch was for a hypothetical Urban Roots location in Atlanta, Georgia. This is part 2 of the project which explains exactly how we will hit the objectives set in part 1. This project was for my advertising and media planning class.
LFPR knows the most effective way to make that happen is by connecting your narrative with the lives of real peoplewhether its through traditional print, television, radio, social, or digital media.
We believe in the power of storytelling.
The document provides a report on the development of a campaign video created by a student team for Adobe Creative Cloud and LADbible Group. It discusses the post-production process which included editing the video footage in Adobe Premiere Pro according to the storyboard. Design decisions were made to format the video for social media sharing, keep it under a minute, and include numbered captions to clearly convey the message. Logos and animations were also created using Adobe tools to brand the campaign for recognition across platforms.
A Set Of Works Final Distribution And Marketing PlanLauraStPreux
This project was complete in the Project and Portfolio V course, where I had to work in a group throughout the month to construct a marketing plan for a potential client.
The main objective of this document is to provide the Pathways to Prosperity in the Americas Initiative with a communications work plan that will permit the dissemination of its image, values, and main achievements in a clear and systematic way. The implementation of this strategy will contribute to increasing the motivation and cohesion amongst participating institutions and their employees, in addition to facilitating the exchange of best practices between stakeholders.
Transport Awards - Marketing Entry, Hertfordshire County CouncilStephen Lloyd Jones
The ML1 MaylandsLink bus service connects Hemel Hempstead railway station to the large Maylands Business Park. While ridership was good, it was not commercially viable and faced cuts without additional funding. A marketing campaign was designed using insights into commuting flows to target car commuters along key routes with billboards, digital ads, and employer engagement. Over 10,000 individuals engaged online, and ridership increased 30% despite service reductions, demonstrating the campaign's success in generating commercial interest for a continued, expanded service.
Penelitian menganalisis keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan makrozoobentos di Sungai Naborsahan, Sumatera Utara. Lima filum ditemukan terbagi menjadi 26 genera. Stasiun pertama memiliki indeks keanekaragaman tertinggi sedangkan stasiun ketiga memiliki kelimpahan individu tertinggi dengan genus Tryonia paling banyak. Parameter fisika dan kimia masih memenuhi syarat kehidupan makrozoobentos.
O documento discute a import但ncia de estabelecer metas claras e mensur叩veis para medir a produtividade dos colaboradores. Apresenta erros comuns na medi巽達o da produtividade, como recompensar aqueles que trabalham mais horas ou enviam mais e-mails, em vez de focar nos resultados alcan巽ados. Tamb辿m discute a necessidade de definir escalas de medi巽達o para fornecer feedback objetivo sobre o desempenho.
This document discusses a communication challenge at a university dining location where the author works as a student manager. Specifically, there is ineffective communication between supervisors, student managers, and regular employees regarding when formal vs casual communication is appropriate and responsibilities. The author analyzes this using Giddens' structuration theory, which explains how social structures emerge from individual actions. To address the problem, the author proposes an intervention plan involving assessing communication needs through employee reviews, implementing regular performance reviews and meetings, and evaluating the results over time to improve cooperation and effectiveness.
Este documento describe el examen f鱈sico del abdomen, incluyendo inspecci坦n, auscultaci坦n y percusi坦n. Explica c坦mo dividir el abdomen en regiones y cuadrantes, y qu辿 observar en cada parte del examen. Detalla los hallazgos normales y anormales en la piel, forma y sonidos del abdomen. Proporciona detalles sobre causas m辿dicas y quir炭rgicas comunes de distensi坦n y matidez abdominal.
[Webinar] Contractor Management: What is the Return on Investment (ROI)?browzcompliance
This webinar will outline a process for assessing the economic value of investing in contractor compliance management. We will outline the business conditions that make contractor management an imperative for many businesses, including the expected costs associated with effective management. Next, we will consider the potential direct and indirect costs of doing nothing; that is, deciding against an investment in contractor management. Finally, well explore the process of outsourcing compliance management to a vendor who offers a complete contractor management solution.
El documento describe la ex辿gesis b鱈blica como la disciplina de explicar la Biblia. Explica que la ex辿gesis del Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento son diferentes debido a factores como los idiomas originales, los per鱈odos hist坦ricos cubiertos y los contenidos narrados. Tambi辿n describe las herramientas y m辿todos utilizados en la ex辿gesis b鱈blica como ediciones de textos originales, concordancias, y m辿todos hist坦rico-cr鱈ticos y sincr坦nicos.
El documento trata sobre problemas de gen辿tica mendeliana relacionados con cruces de plantas y humanos. Describe cruces entre plantas con diferentes colores de flores, texturas de piel de guisantes y grupos sangu鱈neos humanos. Solicita esquemas de cruzamiento para predecir los resultados en cada caso.
Communications Engagement and Outreach Campaign Part 2TristinSapp
This campaign pitch was for a hypothetical Urban Roots location in Atlanta, Georgia. This is part 2 of the project which explains exactly how we will hit the objectives set in part 1. This project was for my advertising and media planning class.
LFPR knows the most effective way to make that happen is by connecting your narrative with the lives of real peoplewhether its through traditional print, television, radio, social, or digital media.
We believe in the power of storytelling.
The document provides a report on the development of a campaign video created by a student team for Adobe Creative Cloud and LADbible Group. It discusses the post-production process which included editing the video footage in Adobe Premiere Pro according to the storyboard. Design decisions were made to format the video for social media sharing, keep it under a minute, and include numbered captions to clearly convey the message. Logos and animations were also created using Adobe tools to brand the campaign for recognition across platforms.
A Set Of Works Final Distribution And Marketing PlanLauraStPreux
This project was complete in the Project and Portfolio V course, where I had to work in a group throughout the month to construct a marketing plan for a potential client.
The main objective of this document is to provide the Pathways to Prosperity in the Americas Initiative with a communications work plan that will permit the dissemination of its image, values, and main achievements in a clear and systematic way. The implementation of this strategy will contribute to increasing the motivation and cohesion amongst participating institutions and their employees, in addition to facilitating the exchange of best practices between stakeholders.
The document discusses strategies for promoting travel to Canada through social media. It recommends focusing social media efforts on platforms like Facebook and Twitter. It suggests creating localized online communities managed from Canada to build engagement. It also emphasizes listening to consumers, encouraging user-generated content, and shifting from one-way messaging to two-way dialogue to provide insights and a better customer experience.
MBA 525 - Module 3 Case Study Analysis Case Study .docxARIV4
This document provides information about a case study assignment for an MBA course. Students are asked to read the case study titled "The Third Battle of Bull Run: The Disney's America Theme Park (B)" and write a 2 page response identifying the main business problem Disney faced and analyzing the types of organizational communications used to address it. The response should have an introduction, body, and conclusion and meet graduate level writing standards. Students must submit their case study analysis to the online Chalk and Wire platform by the deadline for the assignment.
Thank you for your question. While change can be difficult, Fernwood NRG is committed to enhancing our neighbourhood in a way that respects its history and diversity. Our goal is to create more affordable housing and local businesses - supporting what makes Fernwood unique. We encourage all community members to stay involved and provide feedback throughout the process. Together, we can build a future that celebrates both our past and the next generation. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.
Dear Fernwood NRG:
I heard a rumour that you are putting in condos instead of affordable housing. Is this true? I'm worried the neighbourhood I grew up in won't be affordable for families anymore.
1) Brands that actively participate in helping consumers develop, share, and shape their personal narratives will be more relevant and valuable over time.
2) Understanding consumers' personal narratives provides opportunities for brands to align their products and stories to meaningful experiences in peoples' lives.
3) By connecting content marketing efforts to consumers' personal narratives across multiple platforms, brands can increase engagement and drive business goals.
I wrote this Audit as a group assessment in one of my university courses, PR Strategy, During this process my group and I had to work closely with the organisation and provide them with information about how we believe they could improve. The name of the organisation has been replaced with Organisation X or X to respect the organisation's privacy.
WUFT Innovation News Center analyzed its content and audience to increase engagement. It found most traffic came from Facebook and 18-24 year olds. However, it wanted to target 25-34 year olds more. It analyzed social media platforms and found most engagement on Instagram. The goals were to bridge public relations and journalism students, create loyal readers, increase brand awareness across platforms, and boost traffic and engagement. Objectives included increasing traffic from 25-34 year olds, social shares of articles, Twitter followers, and comments on articles by having reporters respond.
Welcome to today's presentation on how PR agencies are shaping the narrative of Los Angeles. In a city known for its glitz and glamour, it's easy to forget about the behind-the-scenes work that goes into crafting the stories we hear and see every day.
The document discusses leveraging digital and social media to amplify the voices of the KII GA DO WAAK NOOKIMISUK Grandmothers. It proposes creating educational content through interviews with the Grandmothers and promoting it on social media. This would allow the Grandmothers' teachings to reach more people during the pandemic and beyond. The content would address issues in Indigenous communities like addiction, mental health, violence, and human trafficking. Developing a social media strategy is key, including planning posts, building the brand, and measuring effectiveness at building community capacity.
The document discusses using a holistic "Paid, Owned, Earned" (POE) model for guiding brands through social media. It states that a one-dimensional communications strategy is not effective and that disseminating messages relies on converging paid, owned, and earned media tactics. It asserts that the whole of the POE communications model is greater than the sum of its individual parts, and taking a holistic POE approach can help consolidate return on investment.
Preparing for Writing in PR and AdvertisingBrett Atwood
The document discusses the differences between advertising and public relations. It notes that advertising aims to encourage or persuade an audience through paid announcements, while public relations builds mutually beneficial relationships through strategic communication. The document also explores stereotypes associated with advertising and PR, how the industries have changed with technology and globalization, and key differences between campaign writing and journalism like objectives, audiences, and skills required. It provides examples of case studies that could be examined, like a new music streaming service and Amazon launching a gaming store.
Facebook Strategy Shift to Reach & FrequencyTom Edwards
Facebook is shifting its strategic focus from an engagement-driven model to a reach and frequency model based on paid media. This will significantly reduce organic reach for brands to 1-2% of followers. It means brands must now pay to reach audiences on Facebook. The document provides recommendations on creative, frequency, personalization, and optimization strategies given this change. It also discusses considerations around paid media, earned media, communities and defining the best path forward for each brand.
What Love Looks Like in Philanthropy: Shared Power and Transparency Larry Polhill
What Love Looks Like in Philanthropy: Shared Power and Transparency
The document proposes a customer acquisition program for Spice Mobile in Odisha, India. It identifies opportunities in the untapped market and recommends targeting lower-income areas. The proposed strategy includes identifying prospective zones, studying demographics, media selection, and developing compatible messages. Specific zones, media planning considerations, and engagement programs involving local groups and causes are outlined. Concept campaigns around joy, sports, and social causes are suggested to generate interest and promote the Spice brand through regional events.
CJ 355 - River Prairie Final PresentationErin Bosman
This proposal outlines a plan to raise awareness of and generate excitement for the River Prairie concept in the Chippewa Valley. It identifies strengths like community support and amenities, as well as challenges like inconsistent messaging and a lack of public awareness. The proposal recommends unifying communications across platforms like Facebook and a dedicated website to consistently share the vision of River Prairie as "Your Destination for Every Occasion" and attract various audiences to the area.
This document discusses soaring above stigmas related to ADHD and learning disabilities. It begins with some poll questions about perceptions of ADHD. It then outlines an event schedule including speakers on ADHD and inventions created by those with learning disabilities. Some facts about ADHD are presented. The document discusses accommodations for learning disabilities and whether they are fair. Videos are shared from the Eye to Eye organization, which mentors youth with learning disabilities. Common myths and stigmas about ADHD and learning disabilities are listed, and ways to soar above stigmas are suggested, including learning more and speaking up about stigmas.
This summary provides the essential information from the document in 3 sentences:
The document describes a conflict that occurred between a student and a faculty member via email over scheduling a meeting to change the student's major. The conflict escalated due to miscommunications and both parties becoming increasingly aggressive in their emails. The student reflects on the conflict and takes responsibility for their role, apologizing and analyzing what went wrong in the communication between them.
MMG, a medical school, has seen declines in patient satisfaction and revenue. The CEO, Mike Taslow, hired Betty McDaniel as director of patient care to address this. Betty observed disorganization, poor communication between departments, and a lack of understanding from patients about MMG's procedures. There is a need for improved organization through better delegation, electronic patient files, and increased communication. A structure intervention like this combined with an educational campaign to inform patients and staff about MMG would help address the issues. Betty recommends a newsletter and website to communicate changes, address concerns, and help patients and staff understand MMG's goals and procedures.
The article discusses how leadership is increasingly about conversation due to new technologies and a new generation of consumers. Successful leaders focus on managing their organization and communicating new information to employees through face-to-face conversations that build intimacy, interactivity, inclusion and intentionality. Intimacy is built through trust, interactivity through dialogue, inclusion through sharing opinions, and intentionality through setting goals. The article relates to organizational communication by examining how personalized conversations between leaders and employees can enhance communication in organizations.
The document discusses behaviors that could be considered abnormal based on the "four D's" criteria of deviance, distress, dysfunction, and danger, but may not be viewed as abnormal by some. Two such behaviors mentioned are hyperactivity in children, which could be a sign of ADHD, and irregular sleep patterns in college students pulling all-nighters, which could indicate a sleep disorder or stress. While some may see these behaviors as normal for certain groups, it is important to consider whether they exhibit signs of the "four D's" that could point to an underlying psychological issue.
The document discusses Thomas Szasz's view that mental illnesses like schizophrenia are myths, as well as the author's disagreement with this perspective. While the author understands Szasz's position, they believe mental disorders require symptoms of deviance, distress, dysfunction or danger over a significant period of time, which is supported by biological and cognitive research. The author argues schizophrenia could be better characterized as a group of related disorders rather than a single condition. Overall, the author disagrees with Szasz's stance that schizophrenia is not a real disorder and should instead be considered problems stemming from how differently behaving individuals are mistreated in society.
Effect of White Noise on Off-Task BehaviorsErin Bosman
This study examined the effects of white noise and instrumental music on off-task behavior in two students with ADHD - one taking stimulant medication and one not. The dependent variable was off-task behavior such as talking off-topic or looking away from assignments. Researchers observed the students during independent work and recorded off-task behavior over 15-minute sessions under different conditions: baseline, white noise, and instrumental music. Preliminary results suggested white noise and music may reduce off-task behavior for both students compared to baseline. Further research is needed to better understand how auditory stimuli impact students with ADHD, both with and without medication.
This document describes a study that examined the relationship between parenting style and risk-taking behaviors. It provides background on previous research showing parenting style influences behaviors. The study aimed to create an inclusive definition of risk-taking behaviors and relate this to parenting styles of permissive, authoritative, and authoritarian based on Baumrind's definitions. The study hypothesized authoritative parenting would relate to lower risk-taking. A survey of 93 participants did not support this hypothesis and found parenting style did not strongly influence risk-taking behaviors.
The author explored the career of school counseling and found they enjoyed influencing and supporting students. They also liked collaborating with others on events and lesson plans. However, one concern was students not taking counselors seriously.
The author's current qualifications do not fully meet the requirements for a school counselor position, which include licensing and understanding of counseling ethics and standards.
To become licensed, the author plans to obtain a school counseling master's degree. They will also gain experience through volunteering, networking, and internships to strengthen their candidacy for school counseling careers.
The document provides instructions for an assignment on infantile amnesia. Students are asked to collect data by interviewing classmates about their earliest memories and verifying them. They must then write a paper with four sections: an introduction defining infantile amnesia and why we can't remember early childhood, a methods section describing how data was collected, a results section summarizing the interviews, and a discussion concluding whether the memories were true or constructed and at what age infantile amnesia disappears.
The document discusses Jean Piaget's theories of conservation and reversibility in childhood development. Piaget found that children typically develop an understanding of conservation, such as maintaining the same amount of liquid in differently shaped containers, during the concrete operational stage from ages 7 to 11. The author conducted her own test with her 7-year-old niece, who was able to understand that two rows with the same number of items were equal, contrary to Piaget's findings. She attributes her niece's ability to her aunt's work as a teacher and her age placing her further in the concrete operational stage.
Memories Developed from Infantile AmnesiaErin Bosman
1) Infantile amnesia refers to the inability of adults to recall episodic memories from ages 2 to 4 years old due to the brain still developing, especially areas involved in memory storage like the hippocampus.
2) Memories from these young ages can sometimes be remembered through triggers like hearing stories, seeing photos, or watching home videos, which help individuals form memories of those times.
3) The examples provided show how memories from ages 2 to 4 tend to be pieced together from other sources rather than accurately recalled, while the memory from age 5 contained more accurate details, suggesting memory storage is more developed by that age.
Psychoactive drugs are substances that alter mood, thought, or behavior. While some psychoactive drugs are used as medications to treat conditions like anxiety, insomnia, and depression, they can also negatively impact health when abused. Psychoactive drugs are divided into categories like anxiolytics, sedatives, antidepressants, and antipsychotics. Both short-term effects like mood swings and anxiety and long-term effects like depression and schizophrenia can result from psychoactive drug abuse. Psychoactive drugs may also contribute to the development of disorders like attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and bipolar disorder or worsen their symptoms. Fetal exposure to abused psychoactive drugs can cause conditions like fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
School counselors help students with personal, academic, and career development from pre-K through 12th grade. They provide individual counseling, classroom guidance, and organize programs to meet various student needs. School counselors typically have a master's degree in counseling and required certification. They work full-time in schools, earning an average salary of $53,610 per year. Professional organizations like the American School Counselors Association and National Board for Certified Counselors provide support and resources for career development.
The vocational process typically begins in a person's teenage years when they analyze their strengths, interests, and skills to form career goals. This process involves three periods - fantasy, tentative, and realistic. The author hypothesizes that an individual's final career choice will show an expansion of interests, skills, and high school jobs. To test this, the author interviews her mother Barbara about her vocational journey from childhood to her current role as a risk management leader. Barbara's interests evolved from playing with dolls to babysitting to various jobs, culminating in a 30-year career at Wells Fargo that allowed her to successfully raise a family. The author concludes Barbara's path followed the three periods and her career demonstrated an expansion
This document summarizes a group project analyzing dynamics within a social problem research project group. The group's goal was to generate commitment for individuals with ADHD by challenging stigmas. Group members collaborated with outside organizations and planned an event with a speaker, music, and projects. The summary discusses challenges like differing subgroup goals, one member's lack of contribution, and differing views on whether ADHD is a learning disability. It emphasizes the importance of balancing individualism and collectivism to achieve group goals.
This document discusses the relationship between task cohesion and group motivation. It defines task cohesion as the dedication of group members to complete a goal that requires group effort. For a group to remain cohesive and on task, the motivation of members must be oriented toward the group's success rather than just individual success. The document reviews a study that found a significant relationship between constructs of group cohesion and motivation among female students in physical activity classes. It emphasizes how considering group motivation and task cohesion provided new insights for research on student motivation. The author reflects on applying these concepts to their own social problem research project group.
Groups often claim territory in public places by placing personal items like purses and sweatshirts to define their group space. Group space is a temporary spatial boundary that forms around interacting groups to serve as a barrier against unwanted intrusion. The concept of group space is most commonly seen in group-oriented places where people regularly interact with known others, such as parks, rather than individual or aggregate spaces. For example, the author's family brings chairs and coolers to claim group space while watching her brother-in-law play softball at the park with friends.
This document discusses individualism and collectivism and how they relate to social identity. Individualism focuses on uniqueness of individuals while collectivism focuses on the group as a whole over individuals. People can exhibit traits of both and it depends on whether they are with close friends/family or in work/school groups. The author personally shows more individualism with close groups but collectivism in work/school where their goals may cooperate or not correlate with the group goals. Individualism and collectivism can vary per person and influence how included or excluded people feel in social groups.
1. 1
Erin Bosman, Erin Brault, Jennifer Oppor,
Emily Lovvik, Jack Delahunt
Dr. Martha Fay
CJ 355
8 December 2016
Rationale Paper
Over the course of this semester,in our Strategic Message Design class, we have addressed
concepts, theories, and strategies to communicate more effectively. We utilize these three areas to
develop a hypothetical visual, collective we and inclusive messaging, and to create a unique identity for
River Prairie. We plan to develop a unique identity through a memorable message and utilize social
media to promote what River Prairie is yet to be. Our rationale for these strategies include an objective, an
audience, and an intervention; it is our intention to also address exigence, the constraints and assets to this
project, as well as the resources that are already available to River Prairie. In order to achieve a successful
strategic messaging campaign for Altoonas River Prairie, our group proposes a three-pronged initiative
which addresses sharing high-impact visuals with the public, selecting proper language that best resonates
with the target audience, and building a unique reputation within a niche market to remain competitive.
Based upon our existing knowledge of the River Prairie project and the city of Altoonas
intentions, we have recognized a serious exigency: the improper usage of social media platforms which is
detrimental to the attraction of ideal audiences. A lack of awareness about River Prairie is keeping the
community from understanding the magnitude of the project or how they can be included in the
development. By addressing this exigency, River Prairie administrators will find that their messaging
campaigns have a broader reach and make meaningful connections with the audience. The following lists
of constraints, assets,and resources will be helpful in ensuring that the exigency is optimally resolved. A
few constraints faced by the developers of River Prairie include fast-approaching deadlines, an ineffective
use of communication across social media platforms, a lack of top-down management styles, and
noteworthy competition from venues or parks in Eau Claire. River Prairies assets are their excited
2. 2
community members who believe that this development will add to the Altoona area and the strategic
partnering of River Prairie with Visit Eau Claire to share resources in a mutually beneficial relationship.
Critical resources available to River Prairie include the vast expanse of land for construction, existing
social media platforms that can be altered for increased impact, professional concept drawings, and ample
funding. River Prairie will prove to be a successfulventure if it remains aware of the constraints, assets,
and resources which affect the potency of their messaging campaigns among target audiences.
Of the social media posts which are currently promoting River Prairie, there was an
overwhelming lack of engaging visuals that could be used to create personalconnections with the
prospective audience. Our group identified a strong need for a consistent use of images across the City of
Altoona and River Prairies Facebook pages. During the initial meeting with Altoona administrators, it
was brought to our attention that there are numerous concept drawings of various River Prairie facilities.
We posit that these images would be highly appealing to the target audience as they demonstrate the
impressive variety of amenities that community members will be able to enjoy. Sharing these images one-
by-one as teasers would intrigue the audience and could be rejuvenated once the construction for River
Prairie is complete because they could place a faux before and after by posting the concept drawing
next to a photo of the finished facility. This would build trust among community members as they will see
that Altoona city administrators had a plan and delivered upon their promises.
A second concern that our groups proposal would address is the improper use of language which
often feels distant and ingenuine for the average audience. A critical example of intangible language was
the initial proposal to market River Prairie in association with the term conviviality. This suggestion,
and the enthusiasm with which it was proposed, was worrisome because it showed a misunderstanding
between the administrators and their audience. It also lead our group to believe that this idea was brought
forth without having experimented with a focus group as the overwhelming majority of the class was not
in agreeance that conviviality would be the ideal descriptor for this development. Furthermore, the
danger of misusing language is that the audience will not be able to associate themselves with River
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Prairie and will lose interest in the development as it appears to not apply to their lifestyle. To resolve this
concern, our group has chosen to reword future messaging to highlight the collective we which feels
welcoming to everyone through its inclusive verbiage. All posts to social media and the various forms of
marketing collateral that are distributed will be tailored to use we so that the target audience knows they
are an integral part of a bigger picture. They are a member of the River Prairie family. People who
identify themselves with an organization remain loyal to the products and services of that organization, so
River Prairie can reap the benefits of prioritizing strong relationships with their target audience.
The third strategy we have developed positions River Prairie within a specialized market so that
they have room now, and into the future, to continue building a unique identity. Our message states that
River Prairie is, Your Destination for Every Occasion which provides a space for individualization and
appeals to the varying interests of niche markets. By selecting micro-messages that fit within a general
framework, each target audience can be shown their own advertisement which will increase the popularity
of River Prairie. Below our framework message of, Your Destination for Every Occasion we envision
catchy phrases such as happy homes or luxury living to sell apartments,hottest hotels to attract
vacationing families, or brand name bargains to draw attention to the strip mall. Professional images of
each amenity will be highlighted in its respective ad. Social media campaigns can then be streamlined so
that advertisements are sent out based on demographics or interests. The series of finalized ads would also
make a gorgeous, interactive centerpiece for a new River Prairie webpage since it could be formatted as a
series of photos like the Visit Eau Claire page or could be moving graphics in a slideshow like on the
Altoona City page. Both of these options are captivating, professional, and will set River Prairie apart.
River Prairie could truly become an impressive establishment in the Altoona community if city
administrators quickly begin to improve upon their failing change management plans. For example, they
are currently hoping for the best with a spray and pray tactic which is a communication strategy where
managers or partners barrage employees with information (Fay, 2016). This technique is beneficial for
getting information out in the open however is less effective with the assumption that employees will
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understand the message being revealed (Fay, 2016). Underscore and explore is a communication strategy
that utilizes core messages developed by the management team which is linked to organizational success
(Fay, 2016). Underscore and explore allows for employees to express any misunderstandings and
potential obstacles (Fay, 2016). It is essential that River Prairie develops core messages to represent the
project as whole. These messages need to be properly conveyed to all partners of this project with the
ability to be fully understood. We find it most beneficial for River Prairie to develop core messages and
share those as soon as they are available. It is important the the communities surrounding this project
know what is offered through this development.
The River Prairie development will provide a variety of amenities to Altoona and the surrounding
communities however we believe the purpose of the project has been lost. We feel that the intended
purpose of this project is to bring communities together and to provide a unique, friendly, and lively
atmosphere in a safe location. We have decided that there has been a lack of messaging to convey this
specific purpose to the River Prairie Development. The participation with regards to this development has
also been lacking meaning (Fay, 2016). We feelthis disconnect is due to ineffective communication with
stakeholders as well as community members. The River Prairie development could create participation
from all audiences with proper, effective messaging and rhetoric. Another evaluation we have made is the
unrealistic expectations put forth by the city administration (Fay, 2016). These expectations include
having all individuals be interested and invested into this development, wanting to fill the empty lots with
businesses, etc. The rate that the construction is going with this development is relatively slow and
majority of individuals have yet to hear about the project. The expectations made for this project have
become unrealistic due to the lack of effective messaging and communicating with the surrounding
communities. In our revitalized proposition we would like to make the suggestion for River Prairie to
reimagine and rethink the expectations and messaging that are currently in place and we believe are not
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This triple-tactic campaign is the ideal solution for River Prairies strategic messaging plan
because our group has analyzed the needs assessment and responded accordingly. Community members
voiced their love of current amenities to include public parks, retail options, restaurants and cafes,and
local food options. Additionally, survey-takers mentioned that they feelsafe and at home in Altoona
while valuing their proximity to ample resources in Eau Claire. The development is already going to be a
unique spot for a range of demographic groups to explore. Just by education levels alone, there are
individuals with high school diplomas, some college, Associates degrees,Bachelors degrees,Masters
degrees and Doctoral degrees. By addressing ways to make messaging campaigns more aesthetically
pleasing and interactive, the River Prairie development will be associated with modernity. We also asked
participants where they obtained their local entertainment news and found that 37% preferred social
media sites for keeping up-to-date. While this number may seem low, it was directed at selecting a
singular, preferred choice but does not include those who may opt for social media as their second choice
for entertainment news. Our solution will be valuable to River Prairie because it posits that colorful
imagery and interactive web formats will pull the newest addition to Altoona into the 21st Century.
To create a personalized strategic messaging campaign for Altoonas River Prairie, our group
proposes a three-pronged initiative which addresses sharing high-impact visuals with the public, selecting
proper language that best resonates with the target audience, and building a unique reputation within a
niche market to remain competitive. Based upon the sheer amount of research and thought that went into
this proposal, we posit that this series of tactics will be a meaningful upgrade to River Prairies current
social media campaign. We hope to see River Prairie grow into a thriving entertainment destination for
years to come!
Works Cited
Fay, M. (2016, Fall). Key Concepts in Organizational Change. Microsoft Powerpoint. Eau Claire,
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Please paste the following grading criteria onto the end ofyour paper.
Rationale Paper: 50 points
_____/ 20 points: Explanation of Choices: How well does the author explain her/his choices concerning
rhetorical goal and strategy? Does the author use specific information from the needs assessment and
specific examples from the final communication piece to provide support for the explanation?
_____/20 points: Use of Communication Concepts: Does the author select appropriate communication
concepts to help explain the choices made in the message? Are the concepts clearly explained using
correct terminology? Does the author correctly cite sources for the concepts?
_____/ 10 points: Clarity of Writing: Was the essay well organized? Is it appropriately introduced and
concluded? Were paragraphs clearly structured including topic sentences? Were sentences clear and easy
to follow? Are conventions of grammar observed? Does the essay show evidence that it has been