1. Reading is a selective process where readers do not focus on every word, but rather skip words to get the overall sense quickly.
2. There are different reading techniques including skimming to get general information about a text at a glance, scanning to find a specific piece of information, extensive reading to understand the general development of a text, and intensive reading to get a clear and complete understanding.
3. Even during initial readings, readers make inferences about what will come next and arrive at confirmations step-by-step, resulting in a subjective interpretation of the text.
3. Reading is a
Good readers do not
selective process.
concentrate on all the
Efficient single marks they see
reading does not on paper. They often
result from precise skip words to get the
perception and sense more quickly.
identification of all Look
elements at the sentences that
but from skill in follow:
selecting meaningful
A gir- was read--- a b---
wh-- the teleph--- ----.
Im-----tely s-- went --
A girl was reading a
book when the telephone
Immediately she went to
4. Skimming: to
read quickly a
text, in order to
about its content
Scanning: to Extensive reading: to
approach texts of a given
read a text in order
to find a particular
piece of
Reading length
focusing on their general
development rather than on
information (with
the help of key
techniques the comprehension of
single details. It is, for
example, what you do
words) when you read to enjoy the
Intensive reading: to read a
text in order to get its
clear and complete
understanding. It is, for
what you do when you
read a recipe of a new dish
want to cook, or a textbook
for your exam 34
5. Even the first reading of a text involves a
critical act. Characterized by a sudden and
unware effort to guess or sense.
The reader always makes succesive inference
on what will be writen, and, steo by step arrives
at a confirmation.