DMC Service Group provides high quality fabricated steel products and services including custom fabrication, fleet reworking and extension, coating applications, and additive manufacturing technologies. They aim to partner with customers to meet their fabrication needs through their wide range of premium products and exceptional value. DMC Service Group can be contacted at their Detroit location for any intricate or non-intricate custom design projects.
Citizen participation is an important part of development projects. However, traditional models of participation from the 20th century may not be effective in today's digital world. New technologies and social media offer opportunities to engage citizens in development in different ways and allow for ongoing two-way communication between governments and those affected by development programs.
珂辿岳看糸看 cient鱈fico es el recurso cient鱈fico que nos permite organizar nuestra capacidad de pensamiento cient鱈fico, ya para descubrir la verdad, las leyes que ignoramos o ya para probarla y demostrarla a otros, cuando la conocemos, con el objetivo de transformar, por medio de la pr叩ctica cient鱈fica, la realidad.
This document discusses leveraging interns and outlines best practices for internship programs. It provides tips for finding and interviewing interns, managing interns, and ensuring a positive experience. Key recommendations include establishing clear expectations, providing meaningful work and mentorship, treating interns with respect, and conducting exit interviews to improve the program. The document also profiles John Culbertson and his experience in real estate development.
This document defines key concepts in media studies: audience (passive vs active), institution (large media companies), media language (how meaning is conveyed visually and through signs/symbols), and representation (how media portrays groups from an ideological perspective). It notes that passive audiences merely observe while active audiences make their own meaning, and that media institutions own mass media companies to influence audiences. Media language conveys meaning through filmed scenes and equipment, while representation shapes audience understanding of topics from a certain perspective.
El documento describe la evoluci坦n del internet y el correo electr坦nico desde sus or鱈genes. El internet naci坦 como un proyecto militar estadounidense en 1969 para asegurar las comunicaciones en caso de ataque nuclear, dando lugar a ARPANET. M叩s tarde, en 1990, Tim Berners-Lee cre坦 la World Wide Web, permitiendo el acceso p炭blico. El correo electr坦nico tambi辿n se desarroll坦 inicialmente para comunicaciones a distancia antes del internet. Aunque estas tecnolog鱈as han facilitado enormemente la comunicaci坦n, tambi辿n es importante no descuidar las interacciones person
This document provides an overview and sales results for Family Farm & Home's water softening salt products for 2015-2016. It summarizes that System Saver pellets had excellent 29% sales growth in 2015 compared to 2014. It also discusses opportunities to add additional product items to further increase sales. The document promotes Morton salts as the preferred consumer brand that can increase customer loyalty and traffic. It outlines Morton's product portfolio, innovation, and consumer research findings to support how partnering with Morton can help drive further category sales growth for Family Farm & Home.
The document summarizes the findings of a report on the post-legislative scrutiny of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003. It finds that the outdoor access provisions are largely working well, with some concerns about enforcement. The community right to buy has been used successfully in some cases but uptake has been limited due to high costs and risks. The crofting community right to buy has seen very limited use due to complex administrative requirements that make it more expensive than the land itself in some cases. Simplification of the crofting community right to buy is called for to make it a workable option.
Non ho scritto questo libro perch辿 debba piacere a qualcuno, forse non piacer a nessuno. Non piacer a Papa Benedetto, perch辿 non gli risparmio osservazioni molto critiche, tanto da poter essere etichettate come eresie. Parlo a Lui perch辿, attraverso lui, mi ascoltino anche altri. Non piacer ai miei ex colleghi preti, perch辿 sarebbero costretti a mettersi in discussione, ma sanno di trovarsi davanti una strada senza uscita. Non piacer a coloro che si ritengono bravi cristiani, perch辿 dovrebbero cominciare a ragionare con la propria testa. Non piacer ai laici perch辿 penseranno che perdo tempo, dal momento che colui al quale mi rivolgo non lo legger. Non piacer alla gran massa di indifferenti, abituati come sono a fare dei propri interessi l'unico scopo di vita.
Spero per嘆 che sia da stimolo a chi si pone domande, a chi 竪 deluso dalle superficiali risposte dei mass-media e da quelle antiquate della Chiesa, a chi non si accontenta di portare all'ammasso il proprio cervello.
Questo mio libro 竪 un piccolissimo battito dali, ma 竪 ci嘆 che la Vita ora mi chiede, anche se non so in quale parte dellUniverso questo piccolo effetto farfalla porter il suo contributo.
Employee engagement refers to an employee's emotional commitment and enthusiasm for their work and organization. It goes beyond job satisfaction to include feelings of value, inclusion, motivation, and a sense of the employee's input being welcomed. High employee engagement can positively impact a business. Engaged employees are more likely to feel appreciated, that their work matters, and to enjoy their jobs rather than see them as tasks to complete. Maintaining engagement involves making employees feel included, recognized, and valued through relationship building, team activities, creativity, and input in meetings. Separating personal and professional relationships at work can also help engagement by avoiding interpersonal issues.
D狸 la verit, quante volte hai pensato di entrare nellufficio del tuo capo per dirgli che lo saluti e cambi vita? Enrico ha avuto il coraggio di farlo, ha iniziato un viaggio che 竪 partito da una agenzia di pubblicit, passando per la campagna piemontese e andando alla scoperta di mete esotiche. Tranquillo, 竪 tornato a casa, ma il suo paesaggio interiore 竪 cambiato. La sua 竪 stata una variazione dellanima.
This document is a preface to a book that aims to show that the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic language is related to the Ethiopian and Eritrean languages of Amharic and Tigrigna. It discusses how the author, who is Ethiopian, believes he has uncovered meanings in the hieroglyphs by matching words to Amharic and Tigrigna. While this would be surprising to many Egyptologists, the preface argues that given ancient connections between Egypt and the Ethiopian/Eritrean regions, the author's claims deserve consideration rather than outright rejection. It encourages Egyptologists and scholars of the Ethiopian/Eritrean regions to examine the book and research with an open
This call sheet provides details for two actors, Harry Robinson and Liam O'hara, for a kidnapping scene being filmed at a house. Harry Robinson is playing the kidnapper and needs all black clothing and an anonymous mask. Liam O'hara is playing the kidnapped person who needs ripped jeans, a dirty shirt, and a blindfold or bag covering their sight. Both actors' call times and the producer and director are listed.
This document summarizes potential hazards during a film shoot at a house and the risk controls and further actions needed. It identifies tripping over carpets, slippery floors, electrical hazards, gas/fire hazards, and knives as potential moderate risks that could harm actors/crew or damage equipment. Additional controls like clearing carpets, drying floors, restricting water near outlets, turning off gas, and safely storing knives are recommended.
Breast MRI for early prediction of residual disease following neoadjuvant che...Wen Li
This study evaluated the use of breast MRI to predict response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy for locally advanced breast cancer. The researchers optimized MRI parameters and cut-points for different breast cancer subtypes (HR+/HER2-, HER2+, triple negative) to maximize sensitivity while maintaining high specificity. They found maximum sensitivities as early as after one chemotherapy cycle for triple negative cancer and between chemotherapy regimens for HR+/HER2- and HER2+ cancers when specificity was over 90%. Optimizing MRI parameters and cut-points improved prediction of response compared to default settings. Future work will validate these optimized models in a larger patient cohort.
Non ho scritto questo libro perch辿 debba piacere a qualcuno, forse non piacer a nessuno. Non piacer a Papa Benedetto, perch辿 non gli risparmio osservazioni molto critiche, tanto da poter essere etichettate come eresie. Parlo a Lui perch辿, attraverso lui, mi ascoltino anche altri. Non piacer ai miei ex colleghi preti, perch辿 sarebbero costretti a mettersi in discussione, ma sanno di trovarsi davanti una strada senza uscita. Non piacer a coloro che si ritengono bravi cristiani, perch辿 dovrebbero cominciare a ragionare con la propria testa. Non piacer ai laici perch辿 penseranno che perdo tempo, dal momento che colui al quale mi rivolgo non lo legger. Non piacer alla gran massa di indifferenti, abituati come sono a fare dei propri interessi l'unico scopo di vita.
Spero per嘆 che sia da stimolo a chi si pone domande, a chi 竪 deluso dalle superficiali risposte dei mass-media e da quelle antiquate della Chiesa, a chi non si accontenta di portare all'ammasso il proprio cervello.
Questo mio libro 竪 un piccolissimo battito dali, ma 竪 ci嘆 che la Vita ora mi chiede, anche se non so in quale parte dellUniverso questo piccolo effetto farfalla porter il suo contributo.
Employee engagement refers to an employee's emotional commitment and enthusiasm for their work and organization. It goes beyond job satisfaction to include feelings of value, inclusion, motivation, and a sense of the employee's input being welcomed. High employee engagement can positively impact a business. Engaged employees are more likely to feel appreciated, that their work matters, and to enjoy their jobs rather than see them as tasks to complete. Maintaining engagement involves making employees feel included, recognized, and valued through relationship building, team activities, creativity, and input in meetings. Separating personal and professional relationships at work can also help engagement by avoiding interpersonal issues.
D狸 la verit, quante volte hai pensato di entrare nellufficio del tuo capo per dirgli che lo saluti e cambi vita? Enrico ha avuto il coraggio di farlo, ha iniziato un viaggio che 竪 partito da una agenzia di pubblicit, passando per la campagna piemontese e andando alla scoperta di mete esotiche. Tranquillo, 竪 tornato a casa, ma il suo paesaggio interiore 竪 cambiato. La sua 竪 stata una variazione dellanima.
This document is a preface to a book that aims to show that the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic language is related to the Ethiopian and Eritrean languages of Amharic and Tigrigna. It discusses how the author, who is Ethiopian, believes he has uncovered meanings in the hieroglyphs by matching words to Amharic and Tigrigna. While this would be surprising to many Egyptologists, the preface argues that given ancient connections between Egypt and the Ethiopian/Eritrean regions, the author's claims deserve consideration rather than outright rejection. It encourages Egyptologists and scholars of the Ethiopian/Eritrean regions to examine the book and research with an open
This call sheet provides details for two actors, Harry Robinson and Liam O'hara, for a kidnapping scene being filmed at a house. Harry Robinson is playing the kidnapper and needs all black clothing and an anonymous mask. Liam O'hara is playing the kidnapped person who needs ripped jeans, a dirty shirt, and a blindfold or bag covering their sight. Both actors' call times and the producer and director are listed.
This document summarizes potential hazards during a film shoot at a house and the risk controls and further actions needed. It identifies tripping over carpets, slippery floors, electrical hazards, gas/fire hazards, and knives as potential moderate risks that could harm actors/crew or damage equipment. Additional controls like clearing carpets, drying floors, restricting water near outlets, turning off gas, and safely storing knives are recommended.
Breast MRI for early prediction of residual disease following neoadjuvant che...Wen Li
This study evaluated the use of breast MRI to predict response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy for locally advanced breast cancer. The researchers optimized MRI parameters and cut-points for different breast cancer subtypes (HR+/HER2-, HER2+, triple negative) to maximize sensitivity while maintaining high specificity. They found maximum sensitivities as early as after one chemotherapy cycle for triple negative cancer and between chemotherapy regimens for HR+/HER2- and HER2+ cancers when specificity was over 90%. Optimizing MRI parameters and cut-points improved prediction of response compared to default settings. Future work will validate these optimized models in a larger patient cohort.