This document discusses statistics related to happiness, reasons for depression, and solutions to increase happiness. According to statistics, factors associated with happiness include wealth, social support, health, freedom, generosity, and low corruption. Tunisia ranks 107th in world happiness and has a life expectancy of 74.5 years. Reasons for depression include life events, personal factors, family history, personality, medical illness, substance use, and hormones. The document suggests four qualities to increase satisfaction: friendliness, cheerfulness, compassion, and acceptance of others' shortcomings.
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7. II. Reasons
The exact cause of depression isn't known, a
number of things can be associated with its
1. Life events
2. Personal factors
3. Family history
4. Personality
5. Serious medical illness
6. Drug and alcohol use
7. Hormones
10. 2. Cheerfulness
1. Sunny disposition to the
2. Smiles are
3. Research has shown that
when patients grimace
during medical treatments.
11. 3. Compassion
1. Accept others
2. Valuing humanity over
someones personal flaw.
3. Sadness are referred to as
the near enemies of
12. References
Auther: Suzanne Degges-White Ph.D. on Jul 27, 2015
in Lifetime Connectiondate of
Tile of the artcile: WORLD HAPPINESS REPORT
2015date of publication: APRIL 23, 2015, 11AM ET/1600
Editor's Notes
All the questions are welcomed after the presenatation
You have it in your e
This article includes three lists of countries bygross domestic product (at purchasing power parity) per capita, i.e. thepurchasing power parity(PPP) value of all finalgoods and servicesproduced within a country in a given year, divided by the average (or mid-year) population for the same year.
(or having someone to count on in times of trouble)
Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with your freedom to choose what you do with your life?
Have you donated money to a charity in the past month?
Is corruption widespread throughout the government or not? and Is corruption widespread within businesses or not?
Suzanne Degges-White Ph.D.: Professor and chair of the Counseling, Adult and Higher Education department at Northern Illinois UniversityPresident of the Association for Adult Development and Aging, a division of the American Counseling Association.