Imagine this scenario. You follow an OpenAPI-first approach when designing your services. You have a distributed architecture with multiple services and all of them expose a RESTful API and have their OpenAPI Specification. Now you use Spring Cloud Gateway in front of them so you can route the requests to the appropriate service and apply cross-cutting concerns. But, what happens with the OpenAPI of every service? It would be great if you could generate a unique OpenAPI for the whole system in the Gateway. You could also expose and transform only selected endpoints when defining them as public. And what about the routes? You would like to reconfigure them dynamically and on-the-fly in the Gateway when there is a change in a service, right?
Stop imagining. In this talk, I will show you how we have done that in our product and how we are leveraging the programmatic Spring Cloud Gateway API to reconfigure the routes on the fly. You will also see it in action during the demo!
The document summarizes a presentation given by Alex Borysov and Mykyta Protsenko comparing gRPC and REST. It provides an overview of gRPC, describing it as a high performance RPC framework. It then discusses some issues with REST including heterogeneous data formats and service discovery. Examples are given of implementing a sample aggregator service using both REST and gRPC to illustrate their differences.
The document provides an overview of the React Context API, including what it is, when to use it, and how to use it. It explains that the Context API was introduced by React to solve the problem of prop drilling and make state management simpler for developers. It describes the key aspects of using the Context API, such as creating contexts with React.createContext, rendering context providers with Context.Provider, and subscribing to contexts within components using Context.Consumer. Examples and additional resources on the Context API are also provided.
This document discusses testing React JS applications with tools like Mocha, Enzyme, and It covers why writing tests is important, provides examples of unit testing React components with Enzyme, and discusses how to do functional and integration testing with The document demonstrates testing architectures, common testing patterns like page objects, and concludes that frontend tests are important and not too costly to implement.
You take a React course and you learn the fundamentals. You can build simple applications and know how things work. You start building your first larger project and questions pop up. How do I structure my project? Where do I put this component? How do I make it more reusable? What styling tool to use?
There are many resources that can teach you the little pieces. No one tells you how to put them together to build real applications.
This document introduces Jest, a JavaScript testing framework. It discusses why Jest is useful, including that it runs tests in parallel sandboxed environments, provides a fast feedback loop with rich logging and error outputs, and acts as a one-stop shop for testing. The document also covers anatomy of Jest tests, how to use mocking, tips like resetting modules between tests and snapshot testing, and references for additional Jest resources.
gRPC is a remote procedure call framework developed by Google that uses HTTP/2 for transport, Protocol Buffers as the interface definition language, and provides features such as authentication, bidirectional streaming and blocking or nonblocking bindings. It aims to be fast, lightweight, easy to use and supports many languages. Key benefits include low latency using HTTP/2, efficient serialization with Protocol Buffers and multi-language support.
Przemek Nowakowski: Podej?cie mikroserwisowe w naszym projekcie, opr¨®cz oczywistych zalet, potrafi wygenerowa? te? szereg problem¨®w ¨C mi?dzy innymi z komunikacj? pomi?dzy poszczeg¨®lnymi serwisami. W prezentacji om¨®wimy od podstaw framework gRPC, dzi?ki kt¨®remu b?dziemy w stanie w szybki i przyjemny spos¨®b po??czy? nasze serwisy. Sprawdzimy te?, do czego si? nadaje, do czego nie oraz prze?ledzimy podstawowe problemy, jakie mo?emy napotka? przy takim podej?ciu. Nie obejdzie si? r¨®wnie? bez por¨®wnania z obecnymi na rynku alternatywami i sprawdzenia, co z t? obiecywan? wysok? wydajno?ci?.
The document provides an overview of the React Context API, including what it is, when to use it, and how to use it. It explains that the Context API was introduced by React to solve the problem of prop drilling and make state management simpler for developers. It describes the key aspects of using the Context API, such as creating contexts with React.createContext, rendering context providers with Context.Provider, and subscribing to contexts within components using Context.Consumer. Examples and additional resources on the Context API are also provided.
This document discusses testing React JS applications with tools like Mocha, Enzyme, and It covers why writing tests is important, provides examples of unit testing React components with Enzyme, and discusses how to do functional and integration testing with The document demonstrates testing architectures, common testing patterns like page objects, and concludes that frontend tests are important and not too costly to implement.
You take a React course and you learn the fundamentals. You can build simple applications and know how things work. You start building your first larger project and questions pop up. How do I structure my project? Where do I put this component? How do I make it more reusable? What styling tool to use?
There are many resources that can teach you the little pieces. No one tells you how to put them together to build real applications.
This document introduces Jest, a JavaScript testing framework. It discusses why Jest is useful, including that it runs tests in parallel sandboxed environments, provides a fast feedback loop with rich logging and error outputs, and acts as a one-stop shop for testing. The document also covers anatomy of Jest tests, how to use mocking, tips like resetting modules between tests and snapshot testing, and references for additional Jest resources.
gRPC is a remote procedure call framework developed by Google that uses HTTP/2 for transport, Protocol Buffers as the interface definition language, and provides features such as authentication, bidirectional streaming and blocking or nonblocking bindings. It aims to be fast, lightweight, easy to use and supports many languages. Key benefits include low latency using HTTP/2, efficient serialization with Protocol Buffers and multi-language support.
Przemek Nowakowski: Podej?cie mikroserwisowe w naszym projekcie, opr¨®cz oczywistych zalet, potrafi wygenerowa? te? szereg problem¨®w ¨C mi?dzy innymi z komunikacj? pomi?dzy poszczeg¨®lnymi serwisami. W prezentacji om¨®wimy od podstaw framework gRPC, dzi?ki kt¨®remu b?dziemy w stanie w szybki i przyjemny spos¨®b po??czy? nasze serwisy. Sprawdzimy te?, do czego si? nadaje, do czego nie oraz prze?ledzimy podstawowe problemy, jakie mo?emy napotka? przy takim podej?ciu. Nie obejdzie si? r¨®wnie? bez por¨®wnania z obecnymi na rynku alternatywami i sprawdzenia, co z t? obiecywan? wysok? wydajno?ci?.