CFA review courses provided by R. G. Quintero & Co. in Stamford, CT for candidates in the Metropolitan New York area. Many candidates from the Hartford and Boston area have also attended our weekend classes.
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Rgq&co cfa review winter 2015 (ct)
training is not a commodity; there are significant differences in the quality and features of CFA training programs.
Your choice of CFA training programs could be a determining factor in whether or not you earn your CFA charter. This is
particularly the case for Level I candidates, where CFA Institute data has revealed that less than 1 out of every 5 candidates who
fail the Exam ever chooses to retake it. Because many candidates achieve scores that are close to the cutoff point for passing,
you should leave nothing to chance. Consider the following criteria in making an informed judgment about CFA prep providers.
Criterion Consideration(s)
Trainer Classes are taught by people, not by institutions. The quality of your learning experience depends
upon the quality of your instructor. Ron Quintero will be your instructor and CFA mentor. Many of
our competitors don’t event disclose the instructor; others offer instructors with just a couple of
years of CFA training experience. Ron has been one of the most active CFA instructors in the
world over the past 20 years. See Ron’s bio on the next page or visit for his
expanded curriculum vitae.
Schweser discounts We provide discounts of 25% to 30% on substantially all of the products published by Schweser.
These PowerPoint presentations summarize the LOS’s, provide representative problems, enhance
the in-class experience, and facilitate your review. Many students use the Q-Notes as their primary
reviewing tool. Visit to download an excerpt from the Q-Notes.
Small classes;
accessible instructor
Large classes are not conducive to learning. Our average class size is 10 students. Instruction
is personalized. You will get to know Ron and your fellow students. Questions are encouraged.
Ron is available before and after class, and may be contacted at his office.
Convenience Stamford classes are at the Sheraton Stamford Hotel (Level I and II) and the Hotel Zero Degrees
(Level III), just a quick walk or cab ride from the Stamford train station.
Weekend classes Level I (1:15 – 5:15 PM) and II (9:20 AM – 1:10 PM) meet over 13 Saturdays beginning 1/31. Level
III classes meet every other Sunday beginning 2/1 from 9:20 AM until 4:20 PM.
Free online classes All sessions are available for makeups or review.
Buyer’s assurance plan If you don’t pass, you may repeat our program for $295 and receive updated Q-Notes.
No-cost deferral If you are unable to sit for the Exam, you can roll over your registration to the next Exam period.
Outstanding value Our all-inclusive fees enable you to receive outstanding instruction, small classes, the Q-Notes, free
online sessions, deep discounts on the Schweser family of products, and an inexpensive way to
repeat the program, if necessary.
Special discounts and
referral fees
Corporate and group discounts of $125 if you sign up with a friend or coworker. You can also
receive a $100 referral fee, and your colleague a $125 group discount, for each additional member
who you enroll in your group. Other discounts include: (1) $100 for Stamford CFA Society
members, candidates repeating the Exam, or candidates enrolled in or withdrawing from another
CFA review program; (2) $200 for unemployed candidates, or candidates commuting from New
York city, Long Island, or New Jersey; (3) $300 for full-time students; and (4) $400 for candidates
commuting from Hartford area, or $500 for candidates commuting from Boston area.
Financial Reporting and
Quantitative Analysis
We have special modules for Financial Reporting & Analysis (Accounting or FR&A) and
Quantitative Analysis that are available for candidates whose needs are confined to these areas.
Try before you buy Attend a class without cost or obligation and learn first-hand what differentiates our classes from
? If you are unhappy or have second thoughts about the course you registered in, join ours. We will grant you a $100
credit to defray any costs of withdrawing from another program or taking our class to supplement the program that you are
enrolled in.
? Talk with our sales force—our students and alumni. More than 85% of our students are alumni or candidates enrolling
based on referrals from alumni. We encourage you to talk with others who have taken our courses.
? Sign up now and we’ll send you the Schweser Study Notes and/or other Schweser products right away.
Days Location2
Begin End
Tuition Discounts6
and Special Pricing
on Schweser Family of Products7
Level 1 Sat Stamford 1/31/15 5/9/15 13 W 1:15 – 5:15 $1,099 $999 Stamford CFA Society members $100
Level 2 Sat Stamford 1/31/15 5/9/15 13 W 9:20 – 1:10 $1,099 $999 Discount for groups of 2 or more8
Level 3 Sun Stamford 2/1/15 4/26/15 7 B 9:20 – 4:15 $1,099 $999 Unemployed candidates9
L1 Quant. Sat Stamford 1/31/15 2/28/15 4 W 1:15 – 5:15 $349 $299 Scholarship for full-time students9
L1 FR&A Sat Stamford 3/14/15 4/11/15 4 W 1:15 – 5:15 $349 $299 Candidate referral fees10
L2 FR&A Sat Stamford 2/21/15 3/7/15 3 W 9:20 – 1:10 $279 $229 25% - 30% on entire family of Schweser products
See footnotes on the next page and visit Website for other discounts and additional details
R. G. QUINTERO & CO. ? WWW.RGQUINTERO.COM ? (212) 327-0200 ? (212) 327-0225 FAX
Name ____________________________________________________________ Employer __________________________________________________
Work Address ____________________________________________________________________________________ Floor or Suite Number _________
City _______________________________________________ State ______ Zip Code _____________ Telephone No. ____________________________
Email Address ______________________________________________________________ CFAI Candidate No. (if available) ______________________
Home Address ____________________________________________________________________________________ Apartment Number ___________
Home City __________________________________________ State ______ Zip Code ____________ Telephone No. _____________________________
I wish to enroll in the following program(s) in Stamford:
CFA Review Programs: □ Level I □ Level II □ Level III
Special Modules: □ L1 Quantitative Analysis □ L1 Financial Reporting & Analysis □ L2 Financial Reporting & Analysis
I prefer to receive any Schweser products that I have ordered: □ at work □ at home
Credit card number _______________________________________________________________ Expiration date____________ Zip code_____________
(VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, or Discover)
CFA Review Program □ $1,099 □ $999
Special Modules:
Level I Quantitative Analysis □ $349 □ $299 Level I Financial Reporting & Analysis □ $349 □ $299
LII Financial Reporting & Analysis □ $279 □ $229
Schweser Products9
□ $289 Study Notes □ $499 Essential Solution □ $779 Premium Solution □ $104 Secret Sauce
□ $229 SchweserPro Online + Download □ $249 SchweserPro CD □ $189 MP3 Download
□ $379 Video CDs □ $119 Practice Exam vol. 1 □ $119 Practice Exam vol. 2 □ $119 Flash Cards
? □ Would you prefer to receive products available in an eBook format as an alternative to paper products?
Refer to for further information about products. Special pricing is available on these on other
Schweser products ordered by RGQ&Co. students directly through RGQ&Co.
CFA Review program discounts8
Select highest applicable discount (only one is permitted). See footnotes below.
□ $100RGQ&Co. alumni □ $100 Candidates repeating at the same level9
□ $100Candidates withdrawing from, or enrolled in, another CFA review program9
□ $100Referral fee for each candidate10
□ $125Groups of two or more (corporate groups, study groups, or friends & colleagues)8
□ $200Unemployed candidates or candidates residing in New York city, Long Island, or New Jersey9
□ $300Full-time students during Winter/Spring 20159
□ $400 Candidates commuting from Hartford area9
□ $500 Candidates commuting from Boston area9
□ $295Tuition for RGQ&Co. alumni who are repeating at the same level
Financial Reporting & Analysis □ $50 Candidates repeating exam, or two or more candidates enrolled together9
and Quant. Module Discounts □ $100Candidates enrolled in another CFA review program9
□ $150 Candidates registering for both modules
I learned about your program: □ from a mailing □ from a colleague □ from the CFAI □ I was one of your students
□ from our training dept. □ via the Internet □ from the SCFAS □other
L1 = Level 1 Review; L2 = Level II Review; L3 = Level III Review; FR&A = Financial Reporting & Analysis module; Quant. = Quantitative Analysis module
Sheraton Stamford Hotel (L1 & L2), 700 Main Street, 5 minutes cab ride (15-minute walk) from Stamford RR station, 44 minutes from Grand Central Station (35
minutes from 125th
Street), (203) 358-8400; free parking is available and free shuttle to train station. Hotel Zero Degrees (L3), 909 Washington Boulevard, Stamford,
CT 06901, (203) 363‐7900, 9‐minute walk (3-minute cab ride) from Stamford RR station.
W = weekly; 13 meetings over 15 weeks (no class during Presidents’ weekend and Easter/Passover weekend); B = biweekly beginning February 1st
There is no additional cost for the Q-Notes or online classes.
Candidates repeating at the same level are entitled to special pricing. Proof of prior CFA exam registration is required at the time of enrollment.
Discounts are not additive. Candidates may select the highest applicable discount.
Special pricing is available only to RGQ&Co. students.
Group discount must be requested at the time of registration. Rebate will be provided if group status is attained after candidate registers for class.
Discount must be requested and documentation furnished at time of registration.
Referral fees may be claimed for candidates who have not previously enrolled in RG&Q courses and must be requested at time of registration.
Registration and payment options.
? Over the telephone—call (212) 327-0200. Please have the above information available.
? By email—scan and send filled-out form to
? By secure FAX—send this form with credit card payment information to (212) 327-0225.
? By mail—send this form with check or credit card information to: R. G. Quintero & Co., 375 Park Avenue, Suite 2607, New York, NY 10152.
? In person—bring the filled-in form with a check, credit card information, or cash to the first day of class. Our ability to accommodate walk-ins may be
limited. You are advised to call ahead of time at (212) 327-0200 to reserve your spot.
? Checks should be made payable to R. G. Quintero & Co.
About Ron Quintero. Ron is an award-winning lecturer, author, and scholar who has taught more than 350 CFA review programs over the past 20 years in
North America, Europe, and Asia. These programs have included open-enrollment programs, as well as in-house programs for leading investment banks,
commercial banks, international monetary institutions, financial services organizations, and leading academic institutions. Ron has been a CFA instructor
for the Stamford CFA Society, the New York Society of Security Analysts, the New York Institute of Finance, Sharp Seminars, 7city, and FitchLearning.
Besides being a CFA charter holder, he has earned CPA, CMA, CFP, CFE, CFF, CTP, CIRA, CDBV, and ABV certifications. To obtain these licenses, Ron
passed more than 20 examinations–all on the first sitting. He shares the approaches that he has successfully applied with his students. Ron is an award-
winning scholar, lecturer and writer, and a CFA practitioner with real-world experience. Before starting his firm in 1988, he was a member of the Investment
Banking Department at Bear Stearns, the Management Consulting Department of KPMG, and he was a turnaround consultant at Zolfo Cooper.
NOTE: The CFA Institute does not endorse, promote, review, or warrant the accuracy of the products or services offered by R. G. Quintero & Co. or endorse
the pass rates claimed by R. G. Quintero & Co. CFA?
and Chartered Financial Analyst? are trademarks owned by the CFA Institute.
R. G. QUINTERO & CO. ? WWW.RGQUINTERO.COM ? (212) 327-0200 ? (212) 327-0225 FAX