Viability's Guy Wilkinson writes a monthly column for Hotelier Middle East Magazine. This article originally appeared in July 2009.
For more information about Viability, please visit or
This document summarizes an energy program called PowerPay! offered by Energy Curtailment Specialists, Inc. (ECS) that pays businesses to reduce electricity usage during rare periods of high demand on the electric grid. PowerPay! members are notified in advance of reduction events and can receive significant payments for reducing load with no penalties for failing to cut usage. Over 10,000 businesses participate in PowerPay! nationwide with over $10 million paid out monthly. The program costs nothing to join and presents an opportunity for businesses to save on electricity bills while helping maintain grid reliability.
Viability's Guy Wilkinson writes a monthly column for Hotelier Middle East Magazine. This article originally appeared in October 2009.
For more information about Viability, please visit or
Hotelier Middle East Sept 2013 GCC hotel pipeline surveyPCFC Hotels
The document summarizes a survey of hotel development pipelines in five major Gulf markets - Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Doha, Makkah, and Riyadh. It found that these markets will see 189 new chain hotels with 64,063 rooms by 2017. Dubai will have the largest number of new rooms at 20,227, followed by Makkah at 15,981 rooms. The majority of new rooms, around 70%, will be rated five-star. It also provides highlights for each individual market, noting trends like increased upscale brands in Abu Dhabi, the rise of hotel condo apartments in Dubai, and growth of new international brands in Doha.
Hotelier Middle East May 2013 WTTC Summit reportPCFC Hotels
Guy Wilkinson was fortunate enough to attend the WTTC Summit that took place in Abu Dhabi this year. He reports on the key trends discussed at this high-level global forum, and focuses on issues of importance to the Middle East hotel sector.
Hotelier ME July 2014 chain hotel pipeline survey articlePCFC Hotels
Article about Viability's annual (June 2014) survey of the future hotels in the GCC (Arabian Gulf) region, as declared to us by 134 chains. Includes rankings by chain and city/town, as well as individual chain rankings for Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh, Jeddah, Makkah, Doha, Muscat
Viability GCC future chain hotel pipeline survey 2014PCFC Hotels
Viability's annual (June 2014) survey of the future hotels in the GCC (Arabian Gulf) region, as declared to us by 134 chains. Includes rankings by chain and city/town, as well as individual chain rankings for Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh, Jeddah, Makkah, Doha, Muscat
analysis of professional contents pagesmatt_crosby
The contents page follows the color scheme of the magazine and provides the issue date. It includes an alphabetical band index with page numbers. As with most music magazines, it lists the main stories and articles under headings along with page numbers and offers subscribers a free gift or discount.
Design for the Margins by Ceasar McDowell (Interaction Institute for Social C...Becky Michelson
In the second annual Boston Civic Media conference on Technology, Design, and Social Impact, Participatory Design Scholar and Leader Ceasar McDowell presents on Designing for the Margins.In the second annual Boston Civic Media conference on Technology, Design, and Social Impact, Participatory Design Scholar and Leader Ceasar McDowell presents on Designing for the Margins. Watch the talk here:
O documento discute as estradas brasileiras, afirmando que apesar de bem cuidadas, elas s達o caras para os motoristas que j叩 pagam impostos sobre gasolina e ve鱈culos. O autor tamb辿m critica os altos impostos no Brasil de forma geral.
El documento presenta una actividad sobre la integraci坦n curricular de las tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y la comunicaci坦n (TIC) en la educaci坦n. La actividad contiene preguntas sobre conceptos clave como integraci坦n, curr鱈culum y TIC, y sobre las premisas necesarias para una exitosa integraci坦n curricular de las TIC seg炭n la autora. Finalmente, incluye preguntas sobre modelos de integraci坦n curricular de las TIC como el modelo anidado e integrado.
IndustryMasters ist eine web-basierte
Wirtschaftssimulation, die in Unternehmen
und Hochschulen zur Entwicklung von
unternehmerischem Denken und Handeln
eingesetzt wird.
ctDialer Discador Preditivo de alta performanceDaniel Jurado
O documento descreve um sistema de discagem preditiva chamado ctDialer que pode melhorar a performance de uma opera巽達o de vendas ativa. O sistema calcula os tempos m辿dios de atendimento e completamento para ligar para um novo cliente enquanto o operador est叩 em outro contato, de modo que quando o operador desligar a chamada anterior, o novo cliente j叩 ter叩 atendido. Isso permite que o operador fale com mais clientes e seja mais produtivo do que discando manualmente. O sistema pode ser integrado facilmente aos softwares e bases de dados existentes
Sun sparc enterprise t5140 and t5240 servers customer presentationxKinAnx
This document discusses Sun SPARC Enterprise T5140 and T5240 servers. It begins with an agenda that will discuss today's IT challenges, how chip multithreading is making a difference for businesses, and how Sun's new CoolThreads servers can help scale more with less. It then discusses how the network is growing exponentially and the business challenges of growing demand and shrinking resources. It promotes Sun's Eco leadership and how their CoolThreads technology can help virtualize infrastructure, scale more with less to capture new revenue, and build eco-efficient virtualized data centers. Benchmarks show CoolThreads servers providing up to 5x the performance of x86 systems in the same footprint at lower costs.
There is a need for comprehensive monitoring and control of mechanical and electrical infrastructure in data centers to ensure dynamic power and cooling demands from cloud computing are met. Proper planning of the mechanical and electrical design focused on cloud operations will define the best monitoring and control systems coupled with equipment that can support dynamic demands. What is at risk for data center tenants and the data center company itself is the sensitive customer information housed in the data center infrastructure, so proper preparedness and design is important to identify and correct potential issues before operation.
Composite Building Structures develops a composite framing material as an alternative to wood and concrete for building structures. The composite material is stronger than steel, lighter than wood, and can be manufactured quickly in an automated factory process. It provides benefits such as strength in high winds and earthquakes, fire resistance, and sustainability. The document proposes that using the composite material could help address various problems and challenges facing the construction industry while earning points for green building certification standards.
Companies can improve supply chain efficiency and reduce costs and environmental impact by studying their physical infrastructure and building designs. Buildings are large energy users and wasters, so designing, constructing, operating and maintaining buildings with environmental impacts in mind can yield significant efficiencies. When selecting sites and designing buildings, considering factors like proximity to suppliers/customers, transportation infrastructure, and building certification programs can help green the supply chain. Pepsi's new plant in Chongqing, China was designed to significantly reduce water and energy usage.
This document discusses how colocation data centers provide an enabling infrastructure for enterprises and cloud providers to focus on their core missions rather than managing a distributed network of their own data centers. It argues that colocating infrastructure with expert data center operators provides significant advantages over maintaining proprietary data centers, including lower total costs, energy efficiency, scalability, security, and allowing consolidation of resources. By using tools to calculate the true costs of building and maintaining their own facilities versus colocating, companies can determine that colocation offers an economically superior solution to hosting their computing needs.
It\'s affordable replication, backup and archiving of your data.
Exponential data growth and finding affordable storage options is one of the biggest challenges businesses face.
We keep it straightforward and cost-effective: Our model is called Multi-tier Data Management (MDM) and we charge according to the priority of the data, not the volume.
It\'s simple; it works and will cut your data management costs.
InTechnology provides data center hosting services from three secure, resilient, and highly monitored facilities in Harrogate, Reading, and London. They offer colocation and private suites with climate control and fire suppression. Outsourcing to InTechnology's data centers not only saves money but also frees up internal IT resources to focus on front-end business applications rather than back-end infrastructure. InTechnology recommends their data center services based on using their own facilities to host their own key platforms.
InTechnology provides data center hosting services from three secure and resilient data centers located in Harrogate, Reading, and London. They offer colocation and private suites with 24/7 monitoring and climate control. Outsourcing to a managed service provider like InTechnology saves money, reduces risks, and frees up internal IT resources to focus on front-end business applications rather than back-end infrastructure maintenance. InTechnology's data center hosting is one of many services within their full managed service portfolio that can help customers cut costs, increase agility and productivity.
The evolution of the Dubai hotel sector 19 01 15PCFC Hotels
Dubai has transformed from a small trading port into a global metropolitan city through strategic investments and world-record breaking developments. The document outlines Dubai's history from nomadic herders to a center for trade and tourism, highlighting milestones like oil discovery, the rise of Emirates Airlines, mega developments like Dubai International Airport, Burj Khalifa, and Dubai Mall. It also discusses Dubai's strong economic base in free trade zones and the real estate boom that made property ownership available to foreigners, fueling further growth.
Viability PPT Hospitality Round Table Tanzania 10 11 14PCFC Hotels
Keynote presentation by Guy Wilkinson of Viability Management Consultants about the state of the African hotel industry in November 2014, including countrywide historic performance and future pipeline data.
Viability presentation on likely impact for hotel industry of Expo 2020 & FIF...PCFC Hotels
Introductory presentation by Guy Wilkinson of Viability Management Consultants for the panel session at the Hotel Show Vision Conference 2014 in Dubai entitled: "What should hoteliers really expect from Expo 2020 and the FIFA World Cup 2022?"
'All Eyes on Africa' Guy Wilkinson presentation Hotel Show 28 09 13PCFC Hotels
Presentation on the exciting prospects for the African hotel market, given on 28 09 13 at the Hotel Show's Vision Conference in Dubai. Covers demand drivers, existing supply and future pipeline, case studies of 'hot market' cities. African economic performance is much better than Europe's! Hotels are undersupplied! You should be there now!
Hotec me 2013 seminar g wilkinson viability dist PCFC Hotels
Guy Wilkinson's popular PPT about the future pipeline of chain hotel rooms in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Doha, Makkah and Riyadh, presented at the HOTEC Middle East 2013 hosted buyers event in Abu Dhabi this June
analysis of professional contents pagesmatt_crosby
The contents page follows the color scheme of the magazine and provides the issue date. It includes an alphabetical band index with page numbers. As with most music magazines, it lists the main stories and articles under headings along with page numbers and offers subscribers a free gift or discount.
Design for the Margins by Ceasar McDowell (Interaction Institute for Social C...Becky Michelson
In the second annual Boston Civic Media conference on Technology, Design, and Social Impact, Participatory Design Scholar and Leader Ceasar McDowell presents on Designing for the Margins.In the second annual Boston Civic Media conference on Technology, Design, and Social Impact, Participatory Design Scholar and Leader Ceasar McDowell presents on Designing for the Margins. Watch the talk here:
O documento discute as estradas brasileiras, afirmando que apesar de bem cuidadas, elas s達o caras para os motoristas que j叩 pagam impostos sobre gasolina e ve鱈culos. O autor tamb辿m critica os altos impostos no Brasil de forma geral.
El documento presenta una actividad sobre la integraci坦n curricular de las tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y la comunicaci坦n (TIC) en la educaci坦n. La actividad contiene preguntas sobre conceptos clave como integraci坦n, curr鱈culum y TIC, y sobre las premisas necesarias para una exitosa integraci坦n curricular de las TIC seg炭n la autora. Finalmente, incluye preguntas sobre modelos de integraci坦n curricular de las TIC como el modelo anidado e integrado.
IndustryMasters ist eine web-basierte
Wirtschaftssimulation, die in Unternehmen
und Hochschulen zur Entwicklung von
unternehmerischem Denken und Handeln
eingesetzt wird.
ctDialer Discador Preditivo de alta performanceDaniel Jurado
O documento descreve um sistema de discagem preditiva chamado ctDialer que pode melhorar a performance de uma opera巽達o de vendas ativa. O sistema calcula os tempos m辿dios de atendimento e completamento para ligar para um novo cliente enquanto o operador est叩 em outro contato, de modo que quando o operador desligar a chamada anterior, o novo cliente j叩 ter叩 atendido. Isso permite que o operador fale com mais clientes e seja mais produtivo do que discando manualmente. O sistema pode ser integrado facilmente aos softwares e bases de dados existentes
Sun sparc enterprise t5140 and t5240 servers customer presentationxKinAnx
This document discusses Sun SPARC Enterprise T5140 and T5240 servers. It begins with an agenda that will discuss today's IT challenges, how chip multithreading is making a difference for businesses, and how Sun's new CoolThreads servers can help scale more with less. It then discusses how the network is growing exponentially and the business challenges of growing demand and shrinking resources. It promotes Sun's Eco leadership and how their CoolThreads technology can help virtualize infrastructure, scale more with less to capture new revenue, and build eco-efficient virtualized data centers. Benchmarks show CoolThreads servers providing up to 5x the performance of x86 systems in the same footprint at lower costs.
There is a need for comprehensive monitoring and control of mechanical and electrical infrastructure in data centers to ensure dynamic power and cooling demands from cloud computing are met. Proper planning of the mechanical and electrical design focused on cloud operations will define the best monitoring and control systems coupled with equipment that can support dynamic demands. What is at risk for data center tenants and the data center company itself is the sensitive customer information housed in the data center infrastructure, so proper preparedness and design is important to identify and correct potential issues before operation.
Composite Building Structures develops a composite framing material as an alternative to wood and concrete for building structures. The composite material is stronger than steel, lighter than wood, and can be manufactured quickly in an automated factory process. It provides benefits such as strength in high winds and earthquakes, fire resistance, and sustainability. The document proposes that using the composite material could help address various problems and challenges facing the construction industry while earning points for green building certification standards.
Companies can improve supply chain efficiency and reduce costs and environmental impact by studying their physical infrastructure and building designs. Buildings are large energy users and wasters, so designing, constructing, operating and maintaining buildings with environmental impacts in mind can yield significant efficiencies. When selecting sites and designing buildings, considering factors like proximity to suppliers/customers, transportation infrastructure, and building certification programs can help green the supply chain. Pepsi's new plant in Chongqing, China was designed to significantly reduce water and energy usage.
This document discusses how colocation data centers provide an enabling infrastructure for enterprises and cloud providers to focus on their core missions rather than managing a distributed network of their own data centers. It argues that colocating infrastructure with expert data center operators provides significant advantages over maintaining proprietary data centers, including lower total costs, energy efficiency, scalability, security, and allowing consolidation of resources. By using tools to calculate the true costs of building and maintaining their own facilities versus colocating, companies can determine that colocation offers an economically superior solution to hosting their computing needs.
It\'s affordable replication, backup and archiving of your data.
Exponential data growth and finding affordable storage options is one of the biggest challenges businesses face.
We keep it straightforward and cost-effective: Our model is called Multi-tier Data Management (MDM) and we charge according to the priority of the data, not the volume.
It\'s simple; it works and will cut your data management costs.
InTechnology provides data center hosting services from three secure, resilient, and highly monitored facilities in Harrogate, Reading, and London. They offer colocation and private suites with climate control and fire suppression. Outsourcing to InTechnology's data centers not only saves money but also frees up internal IT resources to focus on front-end business applications rather than back-end infrastructure. InTechnology recommends their data center services based on using their own facilities to host their own key platforms.
InTechnology provides data center hosting services from three secure and resilient data centers located in Harrogate, Reading, and London. They offer colocation and private suites with 24/7 monitoring and climate control. Outsourcing to a managed service provider like InTechnology saves money, reduces risks, and frees up internal IT resources to focus on front-end business applications rather than back-end infrastructure maintenance. InTechnology's data center hosting is one of many services within their full managed service portfolio that can help customers cut costs, increase agility and productivity.
The evolution of the Dubai hotel sector 19 01 15PCFC Hotels
Dubai has transformed from a small trading port into a global metropolitan city through strategic investments and world-record breaking developments. The document outlines Dubai's history from nomadic herders to a center for trade and tourism, highlighting milestones like oil discovery, the rise of Emirates Airlines, mega developments like Dubai International Airport, Burj Khalifa, and Dubai Mall. It also discusses Dubai's strong economic base in free trade zones and the real estate boom that made property ownership available to foreigners, fueling further growth.
Viability PPT Hospitality Round Table Tanzania 10 11 14PCFC Hotels
Keynote presentation by Guy Wilkinson of Viability Management Consultants about the state of the African hotel industry in November 2014, including countrywide historic performance and future pipeline data.
Viability presentation on likely impact for hotel industry of Expo 2020 & FIF...PCFC Hotels
Introductory presentation by Guy Wilkinson of Viability Management Consultants for the panel session at the Hotel Show Vision Conference 2014 in Dubai entitled: "What should hoteliers really expect from Expo 2020 and the FIFA World Cup 2022?"
'All Eyes on Africa' Guy Wilkinson presentation Hotel Show 28 09 13PCFC Hotels
Presentation on the exciting prospects for the African hotel market, given on 28 09 13 at the Hotel Show's Vision Conference in Dubai. Covers demand drivers, existing supply and future pipeline, case studies of 'hot market' cities. African economic performance is much better than Europe's! Hotels are undersupplied! You should be there now!
Hotec me 2013 seminar g wilkinson viability dist PCFC Hotels
Guy Wilkinson's popular PPT about the future pipeline of chain hotel rooms in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Doha, Makkah and Riyadh, presented at the HOTEC Middle East 2013 hosted buyers event in Abu Dhabi this June
Viability's Guy Wilkinson writes a monthly column for Hotelier Middle East Magazine. This article originally appeared in January 2011.
For more information about Viability, please visit or
Freedom on Three Wheels: The TopMate ES35 AdventureTopmate
Experience the ultimate blend of freedom and convenience with the TopMate ES35 Powered Mobility Scooter! This sleek, 3-wheel foldable electric trike is designed for adults who want a smooth, reliable ride for commuting and travel. With its lightweight frame, removable 36V 7.8AH battery, and reverse function, navigating through city streets or exploring new places has never been easier. The key switch adds extra security, while the comfortable seat ensures a relaxing journey every time. Whether you're heading to work or enjoying a leisurely ride, the TopMate ES35 is your perfect travel companion!
Exploring Funding Opportunities for Construction Projects in Crete 1..pdfARENCOS
"Exploring Funding Opportunities for Construction Projects in Crete" is a concise guide designed to help businesses and investors navigate the available financial support for construction and development projects in Crete. It highlights key funding programs, incentives, and application processes, ensuring you stay informed about opportunities to boost your projects growth.
Tran Quoc Bao Represents Prima Saigon at World Association of Eye Hospitals M...Ignite Capital
Tran Quoc Bao: A Visionary Leader in Vietnams Ophthalmology Field
Tran Quoc Bao has been a driving force in advancing ophthalmology in Vietnam, earning recognition for his dedication to improving eye care. With a deep passion for making quality vision healthcare accessible to all, Bao has played a key role in elevating Vietnam's position in the global ophthalmology community.
In 2011, Bao made a landmark contribution by introducing Cao Thang Eye Hospital to the World Association of Eye Hospitals (WAEH). This significant step connected Cao Thang with some of the worlds most prestigious eye care institutions, marking the beginning of Vietnams prominent role in global ophthalmology. His vision ensured that local professionals had access to cutting-edge research, technology, and expertise.
Baos leadership has expanded beyond Cao Thang, with his recent representation of Prima Saigon at the WAEHs 17th meeting. His participation highlights his commitment to promoting Vietnams growing role in international eye care. By collaborating with global experts and sharing best practices, Bao has raised the standard of eye care in Vietnam.
Under Baos guidance, Cao Thang Eye Hospital and Prima Saigon have become leaders in Vietnams ophthalmology sector, offering advanced treatments and focusing on education for the next generation of ophthalmologists. Bao believes strongly in the importance of training future professionals to ensure the continued growth of the field.
Bao is also committed to making eye care accessible to all, particularly in rural areas. He has worked to ensure that even remote communities in Vietnam receive essential vision care, bridging the gap between global advancements and local needs. His efforts have significantly improved the lives of thousands across the country.
Through his leadership and collaboration with global institutions, Tran Quoc Bao has become a key figure in the evolution of ophthalmology in Vietnam. His work has not only transformed the healthcare system but also positioned Vietnam as a rising hub for eye care in Asia.
Baos legacy is one of inspiration, driven by a vision of collaboration, education, and excellence. His contributions will continue to shape the future of ophthalmology, leaving a lasting impact on the global community.
The Proof Strategies CanTrust Index, now in its ninth year, is a leading source of research and insights on trust in Canada. We report a distinctly Canadian story. Societies, democracies and economies cannot function without trust.
Our study uses a 7-point scale with 7 being the highest trust and 1 being the lowest. Respondents choosing 7, 6 or 5 result in the percentages of trust used in this report.
The Proof Strategies CanTrust Index tells the unique story of trust among Canadians, and who they believe is trustworthy in this world of ever-increasing misinformation, conspiracy theories and keyboard warriors.
One night, deep within one of those YouTube rabbit holes-you know, the ones where you progress from video to video until you already can't remember what you were searching for-well, I found myself stuck in crypto horror stories. I have watched people share how they lost access to their Bitcoin wallets, be it through hacks, forgotten passwords, glitches in software, or mislaid seed phrases. Some of the stupid mistakes made me laugh; others were devastating losses. At no point did I think I would be the next story. Literally the next morning, I tried to get to my wallet like usual, but found myself shut out. First, I assumed it was some sort of minor typo, but after multiple attempts-anything I could possibly do with the password-I realized that something had gone very wrong. $400,000 in Bitcoin was inside that wallet. I tried not to panic. Instead, I went back over my steps, checked my saved credentials, even restarted my device. Nothing worked. The laughter from last night's videos felt like a cruel joke now. This wasn't funny anymore. It was then that I remembered: One of the videos on YouTube spoke about Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven. It was some dude who lost his crypto in pretty similar circumstances. He swore on their expertise; I was out of options and reached out to them. From the very moment I contacted them, their staff was professional, patient, and very knowledgeable indeed. I told them my case, and then they just went ahead and introduced me to the plan. They reassured me that they have dealt with cases similar to this-and that I wasn't doomed as I felt. Over the course of a few days, they worked on meticulously analyzing all security layers around my wallet, checking for probable failure points, and reconstructing lost credentials with accuracy and expertise. Then came the call that changed everything: Your funds are safe. Youre back in. I cant even put into words the relief I felt at that moment. Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven didnt just restore my walletthey restored my sanity. I walked away from this experience with two important lessons:
1. Never, ever neglect a wallet backup.
2. If disaster strikes, Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven is the only name you need to remember.
If you're reading this and thinking, "That would never happen to me," I used to think the same thing.油Until油it油did.
EMAIL: cranixethicalsolutionshaven at post dot com
WHATSAPP: +44 (7460) (622730)
TELEGRAM: @ cranixethicalsolutionshaven
As a Nantucket-based artist, Heather loves to create original copper designs that reflect what makes Nantucket unforgettable. From the shape of our beautiful island to the treasures found on her sandy shores and in her surrounding waters, Heather finds herself constantly wandering in awe and excited to express what she has just seen.
Robotics & Coding: Unlocking Innovation and Future Technologyaeroboticsmarketing0
Explore the exciting world of robotics and coding, where innovation meets technology. Learn how programming and automation drive advancements in AI, engineering, and everyday applications. From beginners to experts, dive into hands-on projects, STEM education, and career opportunities in this ever-evolving field. Unlock the future by mastering robotics and coding today!
Saraf Furniture Reviews Is It Worth Your MoneySaraf Furniture
Saraf Furniture is a strong contender in the solid wood furniture market. If you value high-quality Sheesham wood and are willing to deal with potential delivery delays, it can be a worthwhile purchase. However, if customer service and quick turnaround times are a priority for you, it may be worth considering alternatives.
Mac to Windows QuickBooks File Conversion Guidedennislopez2310
To guarantee compatibility and data integrity, converting QuickBooks files from Mac to Windows needs to be done in a systematic manner. This entails exporting the Mac file as a.qbb backup, updating QuickBooks, and confirming and restoring data. After that, the file is moved to a Windows machine, restored in QuickBooks for Windows, and its discrepancies are examined. To guarantee correctness after conversion, users need to review financial reports, customer lists, and settings. Verifying data and eliminating special characters can fix common problems like missing transactions or format errors. Using expert conversion services or adhering to a thorough step-by-step instruction is advised for a smooth relocation.
Tran Quoc Bao the first Vietnam joining the prestigiousAdvisory Board of Asia...Ignite Capital
Tran Quoc Bao: A Visionary Leader Shaping the Future of Healthcare
Tran Quoc Bao, the first Vietnamese to join the prestigious Advisory Board of Asian Hospital & Healthcare Management, is a trailblazer in both healthcare and finance. As CEO of Prima Saigon, Vietnams premier international daycare and ambulatory hospital, Bao has set new benchmarks for medical care and innovation, positioning the institution as a leader in Southeast Asias healthcare landscape.
Baos career spans nearly two decades, blending healthcare administration with investment banking expertise. He has held key roles at institutions like City International Hospital, FV Hospital, and TMMC Healthcare, and played an instrumental part in transforming Cao Tang Hospital into Vietnams first Joint Commission International (JCI)-accredited facility. This milestone placed Vietnam firmly on the global healthcare map.
Not just a clinical leader, Bao is also a financial strategist with elite credentialsCFA速, CMT速, CPWA速, and FMVA速who has driven over $2 billion in healthcare mergers and acquisitions. His ability to marry medical expertise with financial acumen has redefined healthcare investments in Vietnam and beyond.
Baos influence extends through his prolific contributions to major publications such as Bloomberg, Forbes, and Voice of America, where his articles on healthcare investment and innovation have made him a sought-after thought leader. His accolades include being named Healthcare Executive of the Year (Vietnam) in 2021 and Medical Tourism Leader of the Year (Japan) in 2021.
His advisory roles with consulting giants like BCG, Bain, and McKinsey have positioned Bao at the forefront of strategic healthcare investments in Asia, ensuring that he continues to shape the future of global healthcare. With his unmatched vision and leadership, Tran Quoc Bao is more than a pioneer; hes a catalyst for change, revolutionizing healthcare on the world stage.
In the competitive hospitality industry, high-quality visuals are essential to attract guests and create a lasting impression. At Stephanie Russo Photography, we specialize in capturing the elegance and atmosphere of hotels, restaurants, and luxury spaces with expert precision. As a leading San Francisco commercial photographer, Stephanie creates stunning images that showcase the unique character of your property, helping you enhance your marketing, increase bookings, and stand out in a crowded market. Book a session today and let your hospitality brand shine with captivating, professional photography!
Tran Quoc Bao - Best and Most Influential Healthcare Leaders in Vietnam 2024Ignite Capital
Tran Quoc Bao: Redefining Healthcare Leadership in Vietnam and Promoting Global Medical Tourism He is recognized by Google as one of the Best and Most Influential Healthcare Leaders in Vietnam in 2024.
Bao stands as a visionary force in transforming the countrys healthcare landscape. From spearheading groundbreaking partnerships to raising Vietnams profile in global medical tourism, Dr. Baos leadership has left an indelible mark on the industry.
Dr. Baos extensive influence spans across several key organizations, including Prima Saigon, PwC Consulting, City International Hospital, TMMC Healthcare, and Cao Thang Hospital. His work has been integral in shaping a modern, innovative healthcare ecosystem that leverages international collaborations to improve Vietnams medical standards and attract global attention.
A cornerstone of Dr. Baos strategy has been fostering partnerships with leading global entities. Through TMMC Healthcare, he facilitated cutting-edge technology transfer and medical staff training in collaboration with international partners, particularly from Japan. These collaborations have propelled Vietnam into the global healthcare conversation, offering patients world-class treatments and medical expertise.
At City International Hospital, Dr. Baos vision came to life as the institution became a hub for medical tourism, known for providing high-quality healthcare at competitive prices. His leadership in ensuring the integration of international best practices, advanced technology, and patient-centered care has made the hospital a sought-after destination for medical tourists worldwide. Under his guidance, Cao Thang Hospital has also grown into a key player in delivering exceptional healthcare services, while Prima Saigon and PwC Consulting have provided strategic insights into enhancing Vietnam's healthcare infrastructure and business practices.
Dr. Baos efforts extend beyond healthcare facilities. He has been a catalyst for international conferences and medical tourism initiatives, positioning Vietnam as an emerging global destination for health services. By collaborating with global experts and medical institutions, Dr. Bao has created opportunities for knowledge exchange, advancing the countrys reputation as a hub for innovation and quality care.
In 2024, as one of Vietnams leading healthcare figures, Dr. Baos contributions have positioned the country as a key player in the medical tourism market. His strategic vision continues to bridge the gap between healthcare excellence and global recognition, cementing Vietnams place on the world stage. Through his work, Dr. Tran Quoc Bao is not only shaping the future of healthcare in Vietnam but also driving international collaboration and establishing the nation as a beacon of medical innovation.
All the time, I had believed in networking, but I never knew that a local crypto meetup would save me from financial disaster. Discussion at the event ranged from trading strategies to security tips, but one name cropped up repeatedly that sounded impressive: SPARTAN TECH GROUP RETRIEVAL. Many spoke about how that service had rescued them from lost wallets, forgotten passwords, and even cyber-attacks. I filed that away mentally but never thought I'd find myself in that position. That changed just weeks later. One morning, I went into my Bitcoin wallet and saw suspicious activity. My heart sank as I realized that $180,000 in crypto was on the line. Someone had access, and if I didn't act fast, I'd lose everything. Panic set in, and I scrambled to figure out how it happened: had I clicked a phishing link, was my private key compromised? No matter the cause, I needed help. And fast. That's when I remembered the crypto meetup. I scrolled through my notes and found SPARTAN TECH GROUP RETRIEVAL's name. With no time to waste, I sent a reply-my anxious and desperate words spilling into one frenetic sentence. They responded very fast and professionally. They immediately initiated an investigation into my wallet's transaction history and security logs. They were able to trace the breach and lock it, trying not to be late in recovering the stolen money. Then they worked around the clock for several days, coordinating tracking on the blockchain, forensic data recovery, and reinforcements of security. I barely slept, but at each and every stage, they kept reassuring me. Then came that call I was praying for: They had recovered my funds. Speechless. Relieved. Grateful. But SPARTAN TECH GROUP RETRIEVAL didn't just stop with the recovery, teaching me means of security practices, helped fortify the defense around my wallet, and making sure this does not happen again. I consider it one of the best I have done so far-attending that crypto meet-up. I might never have heard of SPARTAN TECH GROUP RETRIEVAL if it had not been that night, or the outcome worse. Now I do my best to spread the word. For a reason is their reputation preceding them, and personally I can vouch for their expertise, efficiency, and reliability.
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Carborundum Universal - Business Analysis | NSE:CARBORUNIV | FY2024Business Analysis
Qualitative Fundamental Analysis of Carborundum Universal (NSE:CARBORUNIV) based on company's Annual Report of FY2024
Get a sense of the potential growth that Carborundum Universal can achieve in medium to long term. By understanding its values, business and plan (strategies & opportunities).
YouTube video:
We are not SEBI RIAs. This presentation is not an investment advice. It is only for study and reference purposes.
Carborundum Universal - Business Analysis | NSE:CARBORUNIV | FY2024Business Analysis
Room for improvement
1. 26
Room for improvement
Viability director Guy Wilkinson speaks to energy management expert Eric Kashi to uncover
how much energy could be saved by hotel rooms and why the Gulf is still on a learning curve
By accessing what Kashi calls the than the low-voltage bulbs that are Mohammed bin Rashid Al Mak-
common brain of their properties, increasingly used in Gulf hotels. toum, Vice President and Prime
GMs can obtain information about EMS can reportedly save between Minister of UAE and Ruler of Dubai,
room temperatures from anywhere 15 to 25% of the energy in a room. that all future buildings in Dubai
in the world and send maintenance The actual cost of electricity varies should conform to the US Green
engineers to remedy problems. between countries, but as a rule of Building Councils Leadership in
EMS converts standard guest thumb, the installation of EMS itself Energy and Environmental Design
rooms into smart rooms, com- costs relatively little between (LEED) rating system, for example,
ments Kashi. US$500 and $800 per key and have already made the acquisition of
You are not only creating ef鍖cien- typically pays itself back in 鍖ve to such knowledge increasingly urgent.
cies and savings for the hotel owner, six years, meaning that after that, all The bene鍖ts of energy saving,
but also brand loyalty for the opera- savings go to the bottom line. especially in this regions desert cli-
tor, as well as good PR for both in Since becoming established in mate, are becoming much better
terms of demonstrating that they are Sharjah late last year, Kashi has understood, according to Kashi, but
supporters of the green movement. found that Gulf hotel owners and there is always a tussle between the
n the hotel sector, one of the EMS is good for guest rooms, but developers are just beginning to interests of the owner and the opera-
I worlds leading suppliers of
Energy Management Sys-
tems (EMS) is New York-based
Transbeam, which has recently set
up a joint venture called Transbeam
apparently not as effective in pub-
lic areas where it is more dif鍖cult to
predict when they will be occupied.
Transbeam recommends the use of
LED (light emitting diode) lighting,
learn about these new technologies.
Theyve heard the catch phrases,
but theres still a learning curve.
But multiple initiatives across the
region like last Januarys announce-
tor, particularly when it comes to
the initial investment. The owner
wants the lowest cost up-front, while
the operator wants the lowest cost of
operations, says Kashi. There has
PMG in Sharjah. which consumes far less energy even ment by His Highness Sheikh to be some give and take.
According to managing director, Finally, it is reassuring to know
Eric Kashi, EMS uses software to this fast-spoken IT guru is aware
shut off or reduce the level of air-con- that not everyone is able to grasp
ditioning, heating and lighting in a the bene鍖ts of technology as fast as
guest room when its unoccupied to he. All systems recommended by his
save energy. Controlled by motion company have to pass the so-called
and/or door sensors, the system can grandma test. If my grandma
be set at different levels according to stays in a hotel room, she should be
the level of activity in the room. able to turn the temperature up or
When the room is completely down either via a thermostat on the
unoccupied or unchecked-in, it wall or by using a digital device.
uses no energy at all, explains Kashi. In other words, the old big-bot-
When it is checked-in, but house- tomed arrow switch is still there,
keeping staff are in the room, then a even if in some cases you can also
minimal level of a/c and lighting can adjust the a/c using your telephone.
be used. When it is checked-in but We want guests to be able to 鍖g-
unoccupied, the system also has set ure out the technology in 30 to 60 sec-
limits. Finally, when the room is both onds, claims Kashi. If it takes any
checked-in and occupied, the guest longer, guests can be very embar-
can do what he/she wants. rassed to ask staff how to work the
Cleverly, guests preferences gadgets and this can literally be a
regarding temperature settings can reason not to check in at a hotel. If
be recorded via an interface to the they do need to ask, the system is not
hotels main check-in desk and Prop- Only if Grandmas happy does Kashi give designed properly. HME
EMS technology the 鍖nal thumbs-up.
erty Management System (PMS).
This allows chains, for exam-
ple, to utilise such information
as part of their guest-loyalty
programme and to cool or heat
EMS CAN REPORTEDLY SAVE BETWEEN Guy Wilkinson is a director of Viability, a hospitality
rooms to a guests taste at any other 15 TO 25% OF THE ENERGY IN A ROOM and property consulting 鍖rm in Dubai.
For more information email:
hotel in the world.
July 2009 Hotelier Middle East