Music video – star constructionhaverstockmediaThe music video for Chris Brown's "Beautiful People" features the artist and extras wearing colorful, vibrant clothing like a leopard print outfit. Brown is not wearing much makeup in the video, which fits with the theme of showing him creating the song in studio and on the streets. The video shows the characters in multiple locations like the studio and on stage to highlight elements of performance and Brown's genre of dance music.
Invitation to grow with usGrant Thornton GeorgiaGrant Thornton Georgia provides accounting, auditing, tax, and advisory services. It is part of the Grant Thornton International network, which has over 40,000 staff in 725 offices across 130 countries. Grant Thornton Georgia focuses on delivering personalized client service and high-quality work, while also maintaining global standards through Grant Thornton International's quality control processes and methodology. The firm serves clients in various industries such as banking, energy, and manufacturing in Georgia and neighboring countries.
Nubis Doctors: Ολοκληρωμένη Λύση Διαχείρισης ΙατρείουNubisΤο Nubis Doctors είναι μια καινοτομική λύση διαχείρισης του σύγχρονου ιατρείου σε μορφή υπηρεσίας (100% στο cloud), με μηνιαία χρέωση.
Η λειτουργικότητά του περιλαμβάνει ολοκληρωμένη Διαχείριση Ασθενών, Ημερολόγιο Διαχείρισης Ραντεβού, Γραφήματα Πληροφόρησης, Προαιρετική Διαχείριση Συναλλαγών (Αποδείξεις, Εισπράξεις, κλπ), Διαχείριση portal Ιατρείου, Διαχείριση Εγγράφων (εξετάσεων, συνατγών, κλπ)
Información familias. paso al ies. mayo 2015pdfarribaleturEste documento proporciona consejos para animar a los estudiantes y fomentar su responsabilidad y esfuerzo, incluyendo sugerencias para crear un horario de estudio y condiciones propicias para el aprendizaje. También resume los principales cambios en la educación secundaria obligatoria introducidos por la nueva ley educativa española LOMCE, como la elección de itinerarios y las modalidades de bilingüismo disponibles.
Sistema educativoarribaleturEl documento describe un programa de mejora y refuerzo (PMAR) para estudiantes que buscan incorporarse al cuarto año de educación secundaria obligatoria (4oESO). El PMAR está disponible para aquellos que han repetido un curso en cualquier etapa, están motivados para continuar su educación, y han finalizado primer o segundo año de la ESO con calificaciones insuficientes. Los estudiantes que finalizaron 1oESO con calificaciones insuficientes tendrán 2 años en el PMAR, mientras que para los que finalizaron 2oESO tendrá una
6 isvtest mYchebnikRUThe document discusses the history and development of the internet over the past 50 years, from its origins as a network created by the United States Department of Defense to foster communication between universities and researchers, to its modern incarnation as a worldwide network used by billions for a wide variety of purposes both personal and commercial. It has grown exponentially from its early beginnings and become an integral part of modern life and commerce.
Analysis of 2 similar textslexibenson123The document analyzes two trailers for soap operas - Eastenders' trailer about the death of Lucy Beale and Coronation Street's "judgement day" trailer. It examines aspects like the channel, target audience, storylines/themes, technical codes used, and how each trailer persuades its audience. For both trailers, it finds similarities in their use of soundtracks, voiceovers, inclusion of multiple characters, close-up shots, and artificial lighting to set a tense, mysterious mood that draws in viewers. The analysis of the two trailers inspires the document's author to incorporate these same techniques in their own trailer.
screenshotsking The document describes the steps taken to layout and design a magazine cover and contents pages. Key elements like the masthead, headings, images, and text boxes were customized and positioned. Layers were linked to make components easier to move. Fonts, sizes, and colors were specified for different elements like page numbers, headings, and article text. Finishing touches included adding page numbers and an issue number box to reduce white space.
Improving (our students) vocabulary - Bruna Caltabiano & Higor Cavalcante - D...Caltabiano IdiomasThis document discusses questions about vocabulary instruction including what the word "head" implies about teaching vocabulary, how to decide which word meanings to introduce, and whether it is better to teach individual words or multi-word expressions like collocations and idioms. It asks the reader to consider these questions and discuss their preferences.
Unilever in India: Hindustan Lever's Project Shakti - Marketing FMCG to the R...Anurag KumarProject Shakti is a rural distribution initiative in small villages. The project benefits HUL by enhancing its direct rural reach and at the same time creates livelihood opportunities for underprivileged rural women. Shakti started with 17 women in one state. Today, it provides livelihood enhancing opportunities to over 65,000 Shakti Entrepreneurs who distribute our productions in more than 165,000 villages and reach over four million rural households.
As per Unilever Sustainable Living Plan, Unilever will increase the number of Shakti entrepreneurs that it recruits, trains and employs from 45,000 in 2010 to 75,000 in 2015 globally.
پܱ́DzlsalgueroEste documento presenta una introducción a los artículos determinantes (el, la, los, las) en español y cómo se usan para indicar género (masculino o femenino) y número (singular o plural) con sustantivos. También proporciona una lista de ejemplos comunes de sustantivos y los artículos determinantes correspondientes.
2.función notcantabrobots30El documento describe un programa que utiliza la función NOT para invertir el estado de un pulsador conectado a la línea 4 y mostrarlo en un LED conectado a la línea 6. El programa define las líneas 4 y 6 como entrada y salida respectivamente, y usa la función digitalWrite para establecer el estado del LED en lo opuesto a lo leído en el pulsador a través de la función digitalRead y la función NOT.
4.funcion orcantabrobots30Este documento explica cómo programar en Arduino para encender un LED cuando se pulse cualquier uno de dos pulsadores conectados a diferentes pines digitales, utilizando la función lógica OR. Se etiquetan los pines de entrada y salida, se definen como entradas y salida en el setup, y se programa la función OR digitalRead(Pulsador1) || digitalRead(Pulsador2) para encender el LED cuando cualquiera de las entradas sea 1.
Invitation to grow with usGrant Thornton GeorgiaGrant Thornton Georgia provides accounting, auditing, tax, and advisory services. It is part of the Grant Thornton International network, which has over 40,000 staff in 725 offices across 130 countries. Grant Thornton Georgia focuses on delivering personalized client service and high-quality work, while also maintaining global standards through Grant Thornton International's quality control processes and methodology. The firm serves clients in various industries such as banking, energy, and manufacturing in Georgia and neighboring countries.
Nubis Doctors: Ολοκληρωμένη Λύση Διαχείρισης ΙατρείουNubisΤο Nubis Doctors είναι μια καινοτομική λύση διαχείρισης του σύγχρονου ιατρείου σε μορφή υπηρεσίας (100% στο cloud), με μηνιαία χρέωση.
Η λειτουργικότητά του περιλαμβάνει ολοκληρωμένη Διαχείριση Ασθενών, Ημερολόγιο Διαχείρισης Ραντεβού, Γραφήματα Πληροφόρησης, Προαιρετική Διαχείριση Συναλλαγών (Αποδείξεις, Εισπράξεις, κλπ), Διαχείριση portal Ιατρείου, Διαχείριση Εγγράφων (εξετάσεων, συνατγών, κλπ)
Información familias. paso al ies. mayo 2015pdfarribaleturEste documento proporciona consejos para animar a los estudiantes y fomentar su responsabilidad y esfuerzo, incluyendo sugerencias para crear un horario de estudio y condiciones propicias para el aprendizaje. También resume los principales cambios en la educación secundaria obligatoria introducidos por la nueva ley educativa española LOMCE, como la elección de itinerarios y las modalidades de bilingüismo disponibles.
Sistema educativoarribaleturEl documento describe un programa de mejora y refuerzo (PMAR) para estudiantes que buscan incorporarse al cuarto año de educación secundaria obligatoria (4oESO). El PMAR está disponible para aquellos que han repetido un curso en cualquier etapa, están motivados para continuar su educación, y han finalizado primer o segundo año de la ESO con calificaciones insuficientes. Los estudiantes que finalizaron 1oESO con calificaciones insuficientes tendrán 2 años en el PMAR, mientras que para los que finalizaron 2oESO tendrá una
6 isvtest mYchebnikRUThe document discusses the history and development of the internet over the past 50 years, from its origins as a network created by the United States Department of Defense to foster communication between universities and researchers, to its modern incarnation as a worldwide network used by billions for a wide variety of purposes both personal and commercial. It has grown exponentially from its early beginnings and become an integral part of modern life and commerce.
Analysis of 2 similar textslexibenson123The document analyzes two trailers for soap operas - Eastenders' trailer about the death of Lucy Beale and Coronation Street's "judgement day" trailer. It examines aspects like the channel, target audience, storylines/themes, technical codes used, and how each trailer persuades its audience. For both trailers, it finds similarities in their use of soundtracks, voiceovers, inclusion of multiple characters, close-up shots, and artificial lighting to set a tense, mysterious mood that draws in viewers. The analysis of the two trailers inspires the document's author to incorporate these same techniques in their own trailer.
screenshotsking The document describes the steps taken to layout and design a magazine cover and contents pages. Key elements like the masthead, headings, images, and text boxes were customized and positioned. Layers were linked to make components easier to move. Fonts, sizes, and colors were specified for different elements like page numbers, headings, and article text. Finishing touches included adding page numbers and an issue number box to reduce white space.
Improving (our students) vocabulary - Bruna Caltabiano & Higor Cavalcante - D...Caltabiano IdiomasThis document discusses questions about vocabulary instruction including what the word "head" implies about teaching vocabulary, how to decide which word meanings to introduce, and whether it is better to teach individual words or multi-word expressions like collocations and idioms. It asks the reader to consider these questions and discuss their preferences.
Unilever in India: Hindustan Lever's Project Shakti - Marketing FMCG to the R...Anurag KumarProject Shakti is a rural distribution initiative in small villages. The project benefits HUL by enhancing its direct rural reach and at the same time creates livelihood opportunities for underprivileged rural women. Shakti started with 17 women in one state. Today, it provides livelihood enhancing opportunities to over 65,000 Shakti Entrepreneurs who distribute our productions in more than 165,000 villages and reach over four million rural households.
As per Unilever Sustainable Living Plan, Unilever will increase the number of Shakti entrepreneurs that it recruits, trains and employs from 45,000 in 2010 to 75,000 in 2015 globally.
پܱ́DzlsalgueroEste documento presenta una introducción a los artículos determinantes (el, la, los, las) en español y cómo se usan para indicar género (masculino o femenino) y número (singular o plural) con sustantivos. También proporciona una lista de ejemplos comunes de sustantivos y los artículos determinantes correspondientes.
2.función notcantabrobots30El documento describe un programa que utiliza la función NOT para invertir el estado de un pulsador conectado a la línea 4 y mostrarlo en un LED conectado a la línea 6. El programa define las líneas 4 y 6 como entrada y salida respectivamente, y usa la función digitalWrite para establecer el estado del LED en lo opuesto a lo leído en el pulsador a través de la función digitalRead y la función NOT.
4.funcion orcantabrobots30Este documento explica cómo programar en Arduino para encender un LED cuando se pulse cualquier uno de dos pulsadores conectados a diferentes pines digitales, utilizando la función lógica OR. Se etiquetan los pines de entrada y salida, se definen como entradas y salida en el setup, y se programa la función OR digitalRead(Pulsador1) || digitalRead(Pulsador2) para encender el LED cuando cualquiera de las entradas sea 1.