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Russian Geography by Inna Shevelyukhina
Classification of Inhabited Locality
(Administrative-Territorial Division)

The first level (with federal status):
 Republics (e.g. 亠仗弍仍亳从舒 丐舒舒舒仆, 舒舒舒亠于仂-丼亠从亠从舒 亠仗弍仍亳从舒)
 Area (e.g. 舒仆仂亟舒从亳亶 舒亶, 舒仆仂从亳亶 从舒亶)
 Regions (e.g. 仂仂仆亠亢从舒 弍仍舒, 从从舒 仂弍仍舒)
 federal city (仂从于舒 亳 弌舒仆从-亠亠弍亞)
 Autonomous Regions (于亠亶从舒 舒于仂仆仂仄仆舒 弌丐亂)
 Autonomous Region (e.g. 丼从仂从亳亶 于仂仆仂仄仆亶 丕)
The second level:
 autonomous regions (仂从亞舒) that are part of the territory or the region (e.g. 亊仄舒仍仂亠仆亠从亳亶 从亞  舒 丐ミ斜黍術从仂亶 弍仍舒亳)
 districts of the republic, of the territory, of the region, of the autonomous region (e.g.
亳从亳亶 舒亶仂仆  舒 亠仗弍仍亳从亳 舒从仂仂舒仆)
 Cities (e.g. 丐舒仄弍仂于, 仂于仂亳弍亳从)
The third level:
 inner-city districts (e.g. 豫亞仂-舒仗舒亟仆亶 舒亶仂仆  舒 仂仂亟舒 仂仂仆亠亢舒)
 Townships (e.g. 仆仆亳仆从亳亶 仗仂亠仍仂从 亞仂仂亟从仂亞仂 亳仗舒 (仗亞))
 rural settlements (e.g. 弌亠仍仂 亳仂仗舒亟仂于从舒)
Idioms (亟亳仂仄)
仂仍仂于亳 (sayings)
亟亠, 亞亟亠..  舒舒亞舒仆亟亠!
Russian Geography by Inna Shevelyukhina
Russian Geography by Inna Shevelyukhina
Interesting Russian geographic names

亠从舒 舒仄舒  仗亳仂从 亠从亳 亳亳仄 (弌亳弍亳)
亠亠于仆 舒亳亢 于 丼亠仍磡亳仆从仂亶 仂弍仍舒亳
亠亠于仆 仂仆亠 (The End)
于 亳仂于从仂亶 仂弍仍舒亳

弌亠仍仂 丕弍仂从舒 (The Cleaning)
于 亳仄仂从仂仄 从舒亠

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Russian Geography by Inna Shevelyukhina

  • 2. Classification of Inhabited Locality (Administrative-Territorial Division) The first level (with federal status): Republics (e.g. 亠仗弍仍亳从舒 丐舒舒舒仆, 舒舒舒亠于仂-丼亠从亠从舒 亠仗弍仍亳从舒) Area (e.g. 舒仆仂亟舒从亳亶 舒亶, 舒仆仂从亳亶 从舒亶) Regions (e.g. 仂仂仆亠亢从舒 弍仍舒, 从从舒 仂弍仍舒) federal city (仂从于舒 亳 弌舒仆从-亠亠弍亞) Autonomous Regions (于亠亶从舒 舒于仂仆仂仄仆舒 弌丐亂) Autonomous Region (e.g. 丼从仂从亳亶 于仂仆仂仄仆亶 丕) The second level: autonomous regions (仂从亞舒) that are part of the territory or the region (e.g. 亊仄舒仍仂亠仆亠从亳亶 从亞 舒 丐ミ斜黍術从仂亶 弍仍舒亳) districts of the republic, of the territory, of the region, of the autonomous region (e.g. 亳从亳亶 舒亶仂仆 舒 亠仗弍仍亳从亳 舒从仂仂舒仆) Cities (e.g. 丐舒仄弍仂于, 仂于仂亳弍亳从) The third level: inner-city districts (e.g. 豫亞仂-舒仗舒亟仆亶 舒亶仂仆 舒 仂仂亟舒 仂仂仆亠亢舒) Townships (e.g. 仆仆亳仆从亳亶 仗仂亠仍仂从 亞仂仂亟从仂亞仂 亳仗舒 (仗亞)) rural settlements (e.g. 弌亠仍仂 亳仂仗舒亟仂于从舒)
  • 5. 亟亠, 亞亟亠.. 舒舒亞舒仆亟亠!
  • 8. Interesting Russian geographic names 亠从舒 舒仄舒 仗亳仂从 亠从亳 亳亳仄 (弌亳弍亳)
  • 9. 亠亠于仆 舒亳亢 于 丼亠仍磡亳仆从仂亶 仂弍仍舒亳
  • 10. 亠亠于仆 仂仆亠 (The End) 于 亳仂于从仂亶 仂弍仍舒亳 弌亠仍仂 丕弍仂从舒 (The Cleaning) 于 亳仄仂从仂仄 从舒亠