2. Classification of Inhabited Locality
(Administrative-Territorial Division)
The first level (with federal status):
Republics (e.g. 亠仗弍仍亳从舒 丐舒舒舒仆, 舒舒舒亠于仂-丼亠从亠从舒 亠仗弍仍亳从舒)
Area (e.g. 舒仆仂亟舒从亳亶 舒亶, 舒仆仂从亳亶 从舒亶)
Regions (e.g. 仂仂仆亠亢从舒 弍仍舒, 从从舒 仂弍仍舒)
federal city (仂从于舒 亳 弌舒仆从-亠亠弍亞)
Autonomous Regions (于亠亶从舒 舒于仂仆仂仄仆舒 弌丐亂)
Autonomous Region (e.g. 丼从仂从亳亶 于仂仆仂仄仆亶 丕)
The second level:
autonomous regions (仂从亞舒) that are part of the territory or the region (e.g. 亊仄舒仍仂亠仆亠从亳亶 从亞 舒 丐ミ斜黍術从仂亶 弍仍舒亳)
districts of the republic, of the territory, of the region, of the autonomous region (e.g.
亳从亳亶 舒亶仂仆 舒 亠仗弍仍亳从亳 舒从仂仂舒仆)
Cities (e.g. 丐舒仄弍仂于, 仂于仂亳弍亳从)
The third level:
inner-city districts (e.g. 豫亞仂-舒仗舒亟仆亶 舒亶仂仆 舒 仂仂亟舒 仂仂仆亠亢舒)
Townships (e.g. 仆仆亳仆从亳亶 仗仂亠仍仂从 亞仂仂亟从仂亞仂 亳仗舒 (仗亞))
rural settlements (e.g. 弌亠仍仂 亳仂仗舒亟仂于从舒)