Diapositivas sustentacionDe Colombia LectorEste documento presenta un proyecto educativo para la Institución Educativa Nuestra Señora de Belén en Cúcuta, Colombia. El proyecto busca establecer estrategias pedagógicas para motivar a los estudiantes a utilizar las TICs para mejorar su nivel académico, especialmente en lectura, a través de actividades que involucren la tradición oral. El proyecto capacitará a los docentes en TICs y realizará talleres de lectura-escritura e investigación sobre leyendas locales utilizando herram
Tipos de músicaMajo CarreraEste documento describe diferentes tipos de música y danzas de la danza árabe, incluyendo el Baladi, Saïdi y Ghawazi de Egipto, el Hagallah de Egipto y Libia, el Dabke de varias regiones, y el ritmo Malfuf de los beduinos.
La justicia colombiana solicita la extradición del ex ministro andrés felipe ...Miguel RamírezFuentes de la Corte Suprema de Justicia han afirmado que ya se ha realizado la petición de extradición ex Ministro de Agricultura, Andrés Felipe Arias. Estas declaraciones difieren de las realizadas por el Ministro del interior ad hoc, Juan Fernando Cristo, quien aseguraba que no se había enviado todavía la solicitud de extradición.
A STUDY ON GRAPH STORAGE DATABASE OF NOSQLijscaiBig Data is used to store huge volume of both structured and unstructured data which is so large and is
hard to process using current / traditional database tools and software technologies. The goal of Big Data
Storage Management is to ensure a high level of data quality and availability for business intellect and big
data analytics applications. Graph database which is not most popular NoSQL database compare to
relational database yet but it is a most powerful NoSQL database which can handle large volume of data in
very efficient way. It is very difficult to manage large volume of data using traditional technology. Data
retrieval time may be more as per database size gets increase. As solution of that NoSQL databases are
available. This paper describe what is big data storage management, dimensions of big data, types of data,
what is structured and unstructured data, what is NoSQL database, types of NoSQL database, basic
structure of graph database, advantages, disadvantages and application area and comparison of various
graph database.
Actividad tabla evaluación de recursos webLyda Rodriguez TorresEste documento evalúa el recurso web Scratch, un programa creado por el LifelongKINDERGARTEN Group en 2007. La evaluación encuentra que Scratch cita sus fuentes, está editado por una entidad reconocida, y contiene información relacionada con su ámbito. Además, el recurso requiere hardware y software comunes, está disponible de forma habitual, y proporciona fechas de creación y revisión.
WebvdeowebVDEO webVDEO is a best web design company in Los Angeles, offering responsive web design services, as well as web video, graphic design and more. We can help take your business to the next level.
Kularahita samajamT G Rama Rao in TeluguChaithanya KumarThe document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. It notes that regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive function. Exercise has also been shown to enhance self-esteem and serve as a healthy means of stress management.
Make Your Critic Clearly by Alwin PrabowoCommunication Training Week 2015Materi Communication Training Week 2015
Universitas Padjadjaran
Program Studi Manajemen Komunikasi
Konsentrasi Communication Training & Consulting
Batch 2012.
Manipulating Brain for The Best Learning - PART II - Adrian HazmiCommunication Training Week 2015Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang manipulasi otak untuk belajar yang terbaik dan menguasai memori. Ia menjelaskan konsep memori, bagaimana memori membantu belajar berdasarkan teori George Miller, dan teknik yang disukai memori seperti multisensori, repetisi, mnemonik, dan prinsip BBM (bermakna, menarik, mudah diingat). Dokumen ini juga memberikan contoh latihan mengingat kata dan angka menggunakan teknik mnemonik
Test of distance vision, near vision visual field nusrat zerin, assistant pro...Nusrat ZerinTest of Visual acuity, distance and near vision - prepared for post graduate students and rehab workers to conduct the assessments easily
Am33223232IJERA EditorThis document describes a study analyzing the effects of different shear wall configurations on a 5-story commercial building located in seismic Zone IV. The building is modeled and analyzed using STAAD-Pro software. Four cases are considered: 1) no shear walls, 2) shear walls in one configuration, 3) shear walls in a different configuration, and 4) shear walls in another configuration. Floor-by-floor axial loads and bending moments are calculated and compared for selected columns in each case to determine the impact of shear wall placement on structural demands. Results show reductions in axial loads and moments with the addition of shear walls compared to the no shear wall case.
Resume Jun 2015David N. LindbergDavid N. Lindberg is a licensed Professional Geologist and Engineering Geologist in California and Oregon who owns a geological consulting firm. He has over 25 years of experience conducting geological and geotechnical investigations for various public and private projects. Some of his recent projects include investigations for schools, commercial developments, and infrastructure projects. He provides recommendations for foundation design, grading, and landslide assessment. He is experienced in slope stability analysis, soil testing, and seismic hazard evaluations.
ԳٰǻܳóSofia MendezLa dinámica de grupo es importante para motivar a los estudiantes y generar un ambiente armonioso en el aula. El documento explica que los profesores deben conocer las herramientas de dinámica de grupo y cómo aplicarlas según la temática para garantizar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de los estudiantes.
LC 2do B hasta el 3er bimestre 2015 16aquileoagustinThe document is a list of 45 students from Group 2o. "B" of the daytime secondary school No. 135 in Mexico City. It includes each student's name and their scores in three subjects. The list is certified by the advisor Prof. Irene Espinosa Rodriguez and includes a total of 20 female and 18 male students.
Make Your Critic Clearly by Alwin PrabowoCommunication Training Week 2015Materi Communication Training Week 2015
Universitas Padjadjaran
Program Studi Manajemen Komunikasi
Konsentrasi Communication Training & Consulting
Batch 2012.
Manipulating Brain for The Best Learning - PART II - Adrian HazmiCommunication Training Week 2015Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang manipulasi otak untuk belajar yang terbaik dan menguasai memori. Ia menjelaskan konsep memori, bagaimana memori membantu belajar berdasarkan teori George Miller, dan teknik yang disukai memori seperti multisensori, repetisi, mnemonik, dan prinsip BBM (bermakna, menarik, mudah diingat). Dokumen ini juga memberikan contoh latihan mengingat kata dan angka menggunakan teknik mnemonik
Test of distance vision, near vision visual field nusrat zerin, assistant pro...Nusrat ZerinTest of Visual acuity, distance and near vision - prepared for post graduate students and rehab workers to conduct the assessments easily
Am33223232IJERA EditorThis document describes a study analyzing the effects of different shear wall configurations on a 5-story commercial building located in seismic Zone IV. The building is modeled and analyzed using STAAD-Pro software. Four cases are considered: 1) no shear walls, 2) shear walls in one configuration, 3) shear walls in a different configuration, and 4) shear walls in another configuration. Floor-by-floor axial loads and bending moments are calculated and compared for selected columns in each case to determine the impact of shear wall placement on structural demands. Results show reductions in axial loads and moments with the addition of shear walls compared to the no shear wall case.
Resume Jun 2015David N. LindbergDavid N. Lindberg is a licensed Professional Geologist and Engineering Geologist in California and Oregon who owns a geological consulting firm. He has over 25 years of experience conducting geological and geotechnical investigations for various public and private projects. Some of his recent projects include investigations for schools, commercial developments, and infrastructure projects. He provides recommendations for foundation design, grading, and landslide assessment. He is experienced in slope stability analysis, soil testing, and seismic hazard evaluations.
ԳٰǻܳóSofia MendezLa dinámica de grupo es importante para motivar a los estudiantes y generar un ambiente armonioso en el aula. El documento explica que los profesores deben conocer las herramientas de dinámica de grupo y cómo aplicarlas según la temática para garantizar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de los estudiantes.
LC 2do B hasta el 3er bimestre 2015 16aquileoagustinThe document is a list of 45 students from Group 2o. "B" of the daytime secondary school No. 135 in Mexico City. It includes each student's name and their scores in three subjects. The list is certified by the advisor Prof. Irene Espinosa Rodriguez and includes a total of 20 female and 18 male students.