The document provides information about Salisbury High School Library policies and resources. It outlines behavioral expectations such as being quiet, cleaning up, and having a teacher pass. It describes the Dewey Decimal System for organizing fiction and non-fiction books. The library contains books, e-books, periodicals, databases, and digital equipment that students can use. Destiny Quest is the system for locating books in the library.
2. Behavior Expected in the Library
Conduct yourself in a way that contributes to
an atmosphere conducive to learning.
Talk quietly at the tables
Food is not allowed in the library
3. Behavior Expected in the Library
Clean up after yourself; put materials on
book cart or the circulation desk
Push your chairs in before you leave
Take your trash with you
4. Behavior Expected in the Library
Students must have a pass from his/her
teacher in order to use the library.
Sign the guest book
No phones
If a staff member asks you to leave, do so
quietly (without argument or disruption...)
5. Borrowing Materials
Books are checked out for 3 weeks and can
be renewed
Magazines can be checked out
You are responsible for any lost books
6. Look What's Here!!!
Library Resources
Digital Equipment
Video Cameras
Printer & Color Printer
8. Fiction
Fiction books are arranged in alphabetical
order by the first three letters of the author's
last name.
9. Non Fiction
Non fiction books are arranged numerically
using the Dewey Decimal System and
alphabetically using the last three letters of the
author's last name.
10. Dewey Decimal System
000's computers, library, journalism
100's philosophy and psychology
200's religion and mythology
300's social sciences (education, law, etc.)
400's languages
500's math and science
600's applied sciences (health, cooking, pets...)
700's recreation (art, music, sports...)
800's literature/poetry
900's geography/history
11. Reference Section
Atlases, almanacs, encyclopedias...
"REF" is on the spine
All Dewey categories 000-999 (non fiction)