此簡報為 Will 保哥 於 2015/6/25 (四) 接受 SQL PASS Taiwan 邀請演講的內容。
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Azure Web App on Linux @ Global Azure Bootcamp 2017 TaiwanWill Huang
這是 Will 保哥 於 2017/4/22 在 Global Azure Bootcamp 2017 Taiwan 的演講簡報,分享 Azure Web App on Linux 的服務架構、運作方式與注意事項。
Azure Web App on Linux 透過 Docker 容器技術,讓應用程式可以執行在原生 Linux 作業系統之上,這讓 Azure App Service 正式邁向跨平台的 PaaS 雲端服務。
Azure Web App on Linux @ Global Azure Bootcamp 2017 TaiwanWill Huang
這是 Will 保哥 於 2017/4/22 在 Global Azure Bootcamp 2017 Taiwan 的演講簡報,分享 Azure Web App on Linux 的服務架構、運作方式與注意事項。
Azure Web App on Linux 透過 Docker 容器技術,讓應用程式可以執行在原生 Linux 作業系統之上,這讓 Azure App Service 正式邁向跨平台的 PaaS 雲端服務。
Direct linking in Clojure 1.8 allows functions to make direct static method calls to other functions for improved performance, bypassing lookups through vars. It does this by compiling functions with direct calls instead of going through the var and Fn object. However, direct linking cannot see redefinitions and doesn't work with libraries like with-redefs that rely on redefining functions. Functions can be marked with ^:redef to prevent direct linking.
This document provides recommendations for commonly used development tools on Mac, including recommendations for the terminal, command line tools, version control with Git, Java tools, Clojure tools, Mac apps, and Emacs configurations. It also asks the audience to provide additional tool recommendations.
The document discusses CPU caches and cache coherence. It covers direct mapping and N-way mapping of CPU caches. It also discusses cache replacement policies like LRU and techniques like write-back. It introduces the MESI protocol for maintaining cache coherence across CPUs and cache line states like dirty valid. It provides examples of Java programs to demonstrate CPU cache misses and false sharing and ways to address it like using the @Contended annotation.
This document summarizes Erlang processes and scheduling in Erlang. It discusses the process control block, stack and heap, message passing, the scheduler, workload balancing across schedulers, and garbage collection. The scheduler prioritizes ports, maximum, high and normal/low priority queues. It will consume all reductions for a process or pause it waiting for a message. The garbage collector uses copying collection for process heaps and reference counting for shared binaries.
Hystrix is a latency and fault tolerance library designed by Netflix to isolate points of access to remote systems and services. It stops failures from cascading and improves resilience. Hystrix uses concepts like thread pooling, timeouts, circuit breakers, and fallbacks to achieve reliability. It provides commands for synchronous and asynchronous access to remote resources, and can be configured using properties or code. Hystrix also includes a dashboard for monitoring metrics and failures.
This document provides an overview of the Hadoop MapReduce Fundamentals course. It discusses what Hadoop is, why it is used, common business problems it can address, and companies that use Hadoop. It also outlines the core parts of Hadoop distributions and the Hadoop ecosystem. Additionally, it covers common MapReduce concepts like HDFS, the MapReduce programming model, and Hadoop distributions. The document includes several code examples and screenshots related to Hadoop and MapReduce.