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Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116
Department Of Computer Science & Engineering
Semester: VII Year: 2015-16
Subject Title: STORAGE AREA NETWORK Subject Code: 10CS765
Total Contact Hours: 52 Duration of Exam: 03 Hours
Total Exam Marks: 100 Total I.A. Marks: 25
Lesson Plan Author: Prof. GAUTAM DEMATTI. Date: 31/07/2015
Checked By: Prof. SAGAR BIRJE. Date: 31/07/2015
Subject requires the basic knowledge of storage information & Management.
Course Learning Objectives-CLO
1. To understand the necessity for storage area networks
2. To understand the appropriateness of the different networked storage options for
different application environments
3. To understand the architecture of backup/recovery and virtualization technologies
At the end of this course student should be able to:
1. Will state the need for storage area networks
2. Will choose best option for any given application environment
3. Will state architecture of backup/recovery and virtualization technologies
Materials and Resources Required:
1. Presentation: Chalk and talk
Text Book:
 G. Somasundaram, Alok Shrivastava (Editors): Information Storage and
Management, EMC Education Services, Wiley India, 2009.
Reference Books:
 Ulf Troppens, Rainer Erkens and Wolfgang Muller: Storage Networks Explained,
Wiley India, 2003.
 Rebert Spalding: Storage Networks, The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw Hill,
1. Student Assessment:
Examination Pattern: Theory: 100 marks; IA: 25 marks; Total: 125 marks
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Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116
Department Of Computer Science & Engineering
Unit No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
No. of Questions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Chapters for Internal Assessment Test:
I. A. Test I II III
Unit Nos. 1 & 2 3, 4 & 5 6, 7 & 8
Page 2
Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116
Department Of Computer Science & Engineering
Chapter Wise Plan
Unit Number : 1 Introduction to Information Storage and
Management, Storage System Environment:
Planned Hours: 7 hours
1. Information Storage, Evolution of Storage Technology and Architecture
2. Data Center Infrastructure
3. Key Challenges in Managing Information, Information Lifecycle
4. Components of Storage System Environment
5. Disk Drive Components, Disk Drive Performance
6. Fundamental Laws Governing Disk Performance, Logical Components of the Host
7. Application Requirements and Disk Performance.
Learning Objectives
1. The objectives of this chapter are to learn evolution of storage architecture, key data
center elements, and virtualization and cloud computing.
Lesson Outcomes:
Upon completion of this chapter, student will be able to:
1. Describe who is creating data and the amount of data being created
2. Describe the value of data to business
3. List the solutions available for data storage
4. List and explain the core elements of data center
5. Describe the ILM strategy
6. Describe storage evolution
7. Describe the importance of information to individuals and to businesses
8. Define data and information
9. Discuss the categories of data
10. Describe the storage architectures and their evolution
1. Explain the architecture and evolution of storage technology, with diagram.
2. Describe ILM implementation in detail, with its benefits.
3. Explain disk drive components, with suitable diagram.
4. Explain Data center infrastructure.
5. Explain Key requirements for Data center elements.
Page 3
Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116
Department Of Computer Science & Engineering
6. Explain ILM implementation, and Benefits.
7. Explain components of storage system environment.
8. Explain fundamental laws of governing disk performance.
Questions from Previous 2 Years Question Papers
JAN 2013-14
1 a. Explain the architecture and evolution of storage technology, with diagram. (5 marks)
b. Describe ILM implementation in detail, with its benefits. (5 Marks)
c. Explain disk drive components, with suitable diagram. (10 Marks)
July 2014
1. a. Explain Key requirements for Data center elements. (10 Marks)
b. Explain fundamental laws of governing disk performance. (10 Marks)
Page 4
Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116
Department Of Computer Science & Engineering
Unit Number : 2.Data Protection, Intelligent Storage system Planned Hours: 6 hours
1. implementation of RAID ,RAID Array Components
2. RAID Levels, RAID Comparison
3. RAID Impact on Disk Performance
4. Hot Spares
5. Components of an Intelligent Storage System
6. Intelligent Storage Array
Learning Objectives:
1. The objective of this chapter is to learn Key data center elements host, connectivity,
storage application in both classic and virtual machines.
2. It also focuses on components, addressing scheme and performance.
Lesson Outcomes:
Upon completion of this chapter, student will be able to:
1. Describe what is RAID and the needs it addresses
2. Describe the concepts upon which RAID is built
3. Define and compare RAID levels
4. Recommend the use of the common RAID levels based on performance and
availability considerations
5. Explain factors impacting disk drive performance
1. Describe RAID levels with reference to nested RAID, RAID3 and RAIDS, with neat
2. Explain the components of ISS with reference to LUN and LUN masking, with
3. Discuss intelligent storage array, in detail.
4. Explain RAID array components.
5. Describe RAID comparison.
6. Explain components of an intelligent storage system.
7. Explain intelligent storage array.
Page 5
Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116
Department Of Computer Science & Engineering
Questions from Previous 2 Years Question Paper
JAN 2013-14
a. Describe RAID levels with reference to nested RAID, RAID3 and RAIDS, with neat
diagram. (10 Marks)
b. Explain the components of ISS with reference to LUN and LUN masking, with diagram
(05 Marks)
c. Discuss intelligent storage array, in detail. (05 Marks)
July 2014
a. Explain components of an intelligent storage system. (10 marks)
b. Explain intelligent storage array. (10 marks)
Page 6
Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116
Department Of Computer Science & Engineering
Unit Number : 3.Direct-Attached Storage, SCSI, and Storage Area
Planned Hours: 7 hours
1. Types of DAS, DAS Benefits and Limitations
2. Disk Drive Interfaces
3. Introduction to Parallel SCSI, Overview of Fibre Channel
4. The SAN and Its Evolution
5. Components of SAN, FC Connectivity, Fibre Channel Ports
6. Fibre Channel Architecture, Zoning
7. Fibre Channel Login Types, FC Topologies
Learning Objectives:
1. The objectives of this chapter are to introduce types of DAS, DAS Benefits and
Limitations, Disk Drive Interfaces, Introduction to Parallel SCSI, Overview of Fibre
Lesson Outcomes:
Upon completion of this chapter, student will be able to:
1. Discuss the benefits and challenges of DAS
2. Discuss DAS management options
3. Discuss evolution of SCSI
4. Describe SCSI  3 architecture
5. Discuss SCSI addressing and communication model
1. Define DAS? Explain types of DAS. Benefits & limitations.
2. Explain evolution of SCSI.
3. Explain SCSI command model.
4. Define SAN? Explain components of SAN.
5. Explain FC connectivity.
6. Explain FC ports.
7. Explain protocol stack.
8. Explain Zoning.
Questions from Previous 2 Years Question Papers
JAN 2013-14
a. Explain disk drive interface, with diagram. (05 Marks)
b. Describe SCSI - 3 architecture, in detail. (05 Marks)
c. Explain FC connectivity with related diagrams. (10 Marks)
Page 7
Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116
Department Of Computer Science & Engineering
July 2014
1. a. Explain FC ports. (10 Marks)
b. Define DAS? Explain types of DAS. Benefits & limitations. (10 marks)
Page 8
Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116
Department Of Computer Science & Engineering
Unit Number : 4. NAS, IP SAN Planned Hours: 6 hours
1. General  Purpose Service vs. NAS Devices, Benefits of NAS
2. NAS File I / O, Components of NAS
3. NAS Implementations, NAS File-Sharing Protocols
4. Project Management: Management activities
5. Factors Affecting NAS Performance and Availability
Learning Objectives:
1. The objective of this chapter is to introduce General  Purpose Service vs. NAS
Devices, Benefits of NAS, NAS File I / O, Components of NAS, NAS
Implementations, NAS File-Sharing Protocols.
Lesson Outcomes:
Upon completion of this chapter, student will be able to:
1. Describe NAS, its benefits and components
2. Discuss different NAS implementations
3. Describe NAS file-sharing protocols
4. Discuss NAS management options
1. Describe NAS' implementations and benefits, with a neat diagram.
2. Explain ISCSI connecting topologies with a suitable diagram.
3. Describe FCIP in detail.
4. Explain components of NAS.
5. Explain factors affecting NAS performance and availability.
6. What is iSCSI? Explain iSCSI?
7. Explain iSCSI protocol stack.
8. Explain FCIP protocol.
Questions from Previous 2 Years Question Papers
JAN 2013-14
a. Describe NAS' implementations and benefits, with a neat diagram. (10 Marks)
b. Explain ISCSI connecting topologies with a suitable diagram. (05 Marks)
c. Describe FCIP in detail. (05 Marks)
July 2014
Page 9
Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116
Department Of Computer Science & Engineering
1. a. Explain factors affecting NAS performance and availability. (10 marks)
b. What is iSCSI? Explain iSCSI? (10 marks)
Page 10
Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116
Department Of Computer Science & Engineering
Unit Number : 5 Chapter Title: Content-Addressed Storage,
Storage Virtualization
Planned Hours: 6 hours
1. Fixed Content and Archives, Types of Archive
2. Features and Benefits of CAS, CAS Architecture
3. Object Storage and Retrieval in CAS, CAS Examples
4. Forms of Virtualization, SNIA Storage Virtualization Taxonomy
5. Storage Virtualizations Configurations, Storage Virtualization Challenges
6. Types of Storage Virtualization
Learning Objectives
The objective of this chapter is to learn fixed Content and Archives, CAS Architecture, SNIA
Storage Virtualization, Types of Storage Virtualization.
Lesson Outcomes:
Upon completion of this chapter, student will be able to:
1. Describe CAS, fixed content and archives, traditional storage solutions for archive
2. Describe the features and benefits of a CAS based storage strategy
3. List the physical and logical elements of CAS
4. Describe the storage and retrieval process for CAS data objects
5. Describe the best suited operational environments for CAS solutions
1. Explain object storage and retrieval in CAS, with suitable diagrams.
2. Describe storage virtualization types in detail and discuss its challenges.
3. Explain benefits of CAS?
4. Explain CAS architecture?
5. Explain storage virtualization?
6. Explain SNIA in detail.
7. Explain storage virtualization challenges. & types of it?
Questions from Previous 2 Years Question Papers
JAN 2013-14
a. Explain object storage and retrieval in CAS, with suitable diagrams. (10 Marks)
b. Describe storage virtualization types in detail and discuss its challenges. (10 Marks)
July 2014
1. a. Explain storage virtualization challenges. & types of it? (10 marks)
b. Describe storage virtualization types in detail and discuss its challenges. (10 marks)
Page 11
Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116
Department Of Computer Science & Engineering
Unit Number : 6 Chapter Title: Business Continuity, Backup
and Recovery
Planned Hours: 6 hours
1. Information Availability, BC Terminology, BC Planning Lifecycle
2. Failure Analysis, Business Impact Analysis, BC Technology Solutions
3. Backup Purpose, Backup Considerations, Backup Granularity,
4. Recovery Considerations, Backup Methods, Backup Process
5. Backup and restore Operations, Backup Topologies
6. Backup in NAS Environments, Backup Technologies.
Learning Objectives:
The objective of this chapter is to describe Information Availability, BC Planning Lifecycle,
Backup Purpose, and Backup and restore Operations.
Lesson Outcomes:
After completing this chapter, student will be able to:
1. Define Business Continuity and Information Availability
2. Detail impact of information unavailability
3. Define BC measurement and terminologies
4. Describe BC planning process
5. Detail BC technology solutions.
1. Describe the failure analysis in BC. Mention some important BC technology solution.
2. Explain back up topologies, in detail.
3. Explain BC terminology in detail.
4. Explain BC lifecycle.
5. What are purpose of Backup explain in detail.
6. Explain Backup granularity.
7. Explain back up & restore operations.
8. Explain Backup in NAS environment.
Questions from Previous 2 Years Question Papers
JAN 2013-14
a. Describe the failure analysis in BC. Mention some important BC technology solution.
(10 Marks)
b. Explain back up topologies, in detail. (10 Marks)
July 2014
1. a. Explain back up & restore operations. (10 Marks)
b. Explain Backup in NAS environment. (10 Marks)
Page 12
Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116
Department Of Computer Science & Engineering
Unit Number : 7 Chapter Title: Local Replication, Remote
Planned Hours: 7 hours
1. Source and Target, Uses of Local Replicas
2. Data Consistency, Local Replication Technologies
3. Restore and Restart Considerations
4. Creating Multiple Replicas, Management Interface
5. Modes of Remote Replication
6. Remote Replication Technologies
7. Network Infrastructure.
Learning Objectives
1. The objective of this chapter is to introduce Source and Target, Data Consistency,
Local Replication Technologies, Modes of Remote Replication.
Lesson Outcomes:
After completing this chapter student will be able to:
1. Discuss local replication and the possible uses of local replicas
2. Explain consistency considerations when replicating file systems and databases
3. Discuss host and array based replication technologies
a. Functionality
b. Differences
c. Considerations
d. Selecting the appropriate technology
4. Define local replication
5. Discuss the possible uses of local replicas
6. Explain replica considerations such as Recoverability and Consistency
7. Describe how consistency is ensured in file system and database replication
8. Explain Dependent write principle
1. Explain local replication technologies, in detail.
2. Explain the various remote replication modes.
3. Write a note on DWDM.
4. Explain consistency of a replicated database.
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Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116
Department Of Computer Science & Engineering
5. Explain LVM based replication.
6. Explain modes of remote application.
7. Explain synchronous replication mode.
8. Explain SAN based remote application.
Questions from Previous 2 Years Question Papers
JAN 2013-14
a. Explain local replication technologies, in detail. (10 Marks)
b. Explain the various remote replication modes. (05 Marks)
c. Write a note on DWDM. (05 Marks)
July 2014
1. a. Explain LVM based replication. (10 Marks)
b. Explain synchronous replication mode. (10 Marks)
Page 14
Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116
Department Of Computer Science & Engineering
Unit Number : 8 Chapter Title: Securing the Storage
Infrastructure, Managing the Storage Infrastructure
Planned Hours: 7 hours
1. Storage Security Framework, Risk Triad
2. Storage Security Domains
3. Security Implementations in Storage Networking
4. Monitoring the Storage Infrastructure
5. Storage Management Activities,
6. Storage Infrastructure Management Challenges
7. Developing an Ideal Solution
Learning Objectives
The objective of this chapter is to discuss the importance Storage Security Framework,
Storage Security Domains, Monitoring the Storage Infrastructure.
Lesson Outcomes:
Upon completion of this chapter, student will be able to:
1. Define storage security
2. Discuss storage security framework
3. Describe storage security domains
a. Application, Management, Backup Recovery and Archive (BURA)
4. Define storage security
5. Discuss the elements to build storage security framework
a. Security services
6. Define Risk triad
1. Explain the security attributes of storage security frame works.
2. Describe SAN security architecture with diagram.
3. Describe storage management activities in detail, with example.
Questions from Previous 2 Years Question Paper
JAN 2013-14
1. a. Explain the security attributes of storage security frame works. (04 Marks)
b. Describe SAN security architecture with diagram. (06 Marks)
c. Describe storage management activities in detail, with example. (10 Marks)
Page 15
Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116
Department Of Computer Science & Engineering
July 2014
1 a. Describe SAN security architecture with diagram. (10 Marks)
b. Describe storage management activities in detail, with example. (10 Marks)
Page 16

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  • 1. Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116 Department Of Computer Science & Engineering Semester: VII Year: 2015-16 Subject Title: STORAGE AREA NETWORK Subject Code: 10CS765 Total Contact Hours: 52 Duration of Exam: 03 Hours Total Exam Marks: 100 Total I.A. Marks: 25 Lesson Plan Author: Prof. GAUTAM DEMATTI. Date: 31/07/2015 Checked By: Prof. SAGAR BIRJE. Date: 31/07/2015 Prerequisites: Subject requires the basic knowledge of storage information & Management. Course Learning Objectives-CLO 1. To understand the necessity for storage area networks 2. To understand the appropriateness of the different networked storage options for different application environments 3. To understand the architecture of backup/recovery and virtualization technologies At the end of this course student should be able to: 1. Will state the need for storage area networks 2. Will choose best option for any given application environment 3. Will state architecture of backup/recovery and virtualization technologies Materials and Resources Required: 1. Presentation: Chalk and talk Text Book: G. Somasundaram, Alok Shrivastava (Editors): Information Storage and Management, EMC Education Services, Wiley India, 2009. Reference Books: Ulf Troppens, Rainer Erkens and Wolfgang Muller: Storage Networks Explained, Wiley India, 2003. Rebert Spalding: Storage Networks, The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003. Evaluation: 1. Student Assessment: Examination Pattern: Theory: 100 marks; IA: 25 marks; Total: 125 marks Page 1
  • 2. Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116 Department Of Computer Science & Engineering Unit No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 No. of Questions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Chapters for Internal Assessment Test: I. A. Test I II III Unit Nos. 1 & 2 3, 4 & 5 6, 7 & 8 Page 2
  • 3. Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116 Department Of Computer Science & Engineering Chapter Wise Plan Subject Name: STORAGE AREA NETWORK Unit Number : 1 Introduction to Information Storage and Management, Storage System Environment: Planned Hours: 7 hours 1. Information Storage, Evolution of Storage Technology and Architecture 2. Data Center Infrastructure 3. Key Challenges in Managing Information, Information Lifecycle 4. Components of Storage System Environment 5. Disk Drive Components, Disk Drive Performance 6. Fundamental Laws Governing Disk Performance, Logical Components of the Host 7. Application Requirements and Disk Performance. Learning Objectives 1. The objectives of this chapter are to learn evolution of storage architecture, key data center elements, and virtualization and cloud computing. Lesson Outcomes: Upon completion of this chapter, student will be able to: 1. Describe who is creating data and the amount of data being created 2. Describe the value of data to business 3. List the solutions available for data storage 4. List and explain the core elements of data center 5. Describe the ILM strategy 6. Describe storage evolution 7. Describe the importance of information to individuals and to businesses 8. Define data and information 9. Discuss the categories of data 10. Describe the storage architectures and their evolution Assignments 1. Explain the architecture and evolution of storage technology, with diagram. 2. Describe ILM implementation in detail, with its benefits. 3. Explain disk drive components, with suitable diagram. 4. Explain Data center infrastructure. 5. Explain Key requirements for Data center elements. Page 3
  • 4. Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116 Department Of Computer Science & Engineering 6. Explain ILM implementation, and Benefits. 7. Explain components of storage system environment. 8. Explain fundamental laws of governing disk performance. Questions from Previous 2 Years Question Papers JAN 2013-14 1 a. Explain the architecture and evolution of storage technology, with diagram. (5 marks) b. Describe ILM implementation in detail, with its benefits. (5 Marks) c. Explain disk drive components, with suitable diagram. (10 Marks) July 2014 1. a. Explain Key requirements for Data center elements. (10 Marks) b. Explain fundamental laws of governing disk performance. (10 Marks) Page 4
  • 5. Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116 Department Of Computer Science & Engineering Subject Name: STORAGE AREA NETWORK Unit Number : 2.Data Protection, Intelligent Storage system Planned Hours: 6 hours 1. implementation of RAID ,RAID Array Components 2. RAID Levels, RAID Comparison 3. RAID Impact on Disk Performance 4. Hot Spares 5. Components of an Intelligent Storage System 6. Intelligent Storage Array Learning Objectives: 1. The objective of this chapter is to learn Key data center elements host, connectivity, storage application in both classic and virtual machines. 2. It also focuses on components, addressing scheme and performance. Lesson Outcomes: Upon completion of this chapter, student will be able to: 1. Describe what is RAID and the needs it addresses 2. Describe the concepts upon which RAID is built 3. Define and compare RAID levels 4. Recommend the use of the common RAID levels based on performance and availability considerations 5. Explain factors impacting disk drive performance Assignments 1. Describe RAID levels with reference to nested RAID, RAID3 and RAIDS, with neat diagram. 2. Explain the components of ISS with reference to LUN and LUN masking, with diagram 3. Discuss intelligent storage array, in detail. 4. Explain RAID array components. 5. Describe RAID comparison. 6. Explain components of an intelligent storage system. 7. Explain intelligent storage array. Page 5
  • 6. Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116 Department Of Computer Science & Engineering Questions from Previous 2 Years Question Paper JAN 2013-14 1. a. Describe RAID levels with reference to nested RAID, RAID3 and RAIDS, with neat diagram. (10 Marks) b. Explain the components of ISS with reference to LUN and LUN masking, with diagram (05 Marks) c. Discuss intelligent storage array, in detail. (05 Marks) July 2014 1. a. Explain components of an intelligent storage system. (10 marks) b. Explain intelligent storage array. (10 marks) Page 6
  • 7. Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116 Department Of Computer Science & Engineering Subject Name: STORAGE AREA NETWORKS Unit Number : 3.Direct-Attached Storage, SCSI, and Storage Area Networks Planned Hours: 7 hours 1. Types of DAS, DAS Benefits and Limitations 2. Disk Drive Interfaces 3. Introduction to Parallel SCSI, Overview of Fibre Channel 4. The SAN and Its Evolution 5. Components of SAN, FC Connectivity, Fibre Channel Ports 6. Fibre Channel Architecture, Zoning 7. Fibre Channel Login Types, FC Topologies Learning Objectives: 1. The objectives of this chapter are to introduce types of DAS, DAS Benefits and Limitations, Disk Drive Interfaces, Introduction to Parallel SCSI, Overview of Fibre Channel. Lesson Outcomes: Upon completion of this chapter, student will be able to: 1. Discuss the benefits and challenges of DAS 2. Discuss DAS management options 3. Discuss evolution of SCSI 4. Describe SCSI 3 architecture 5. Discuss SCSI addressing and communication model Assignments 1. Define DAS? Explain types of DAS. Benefits & limitations. 2. Explain evolution of SCSI. 3. Explain SCSI command model. 4. Define SAN? Explain components of SAN. 5. Explain FC connectivity. 6. Explain FC ports. 7. Explain protocol stack. 8. Explain Zoning. Questions from Previous 2 Years Question Papers JAN 2013-14 1. a. Explain disk drive interface, with diagram. (05 Marks) b. Describe SCSI - 3 architecture, in detail. (05 Marks) c. Explain FC connectivity with related diagrams. (10 Marks) Page 7
  • 8. Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116 Department Of Computer Science & Engineering July 2014 1. a. Explain FC ports. (10 Marks) b. Define DAS? Explain types of DAS. Benefits & limitations. (10 marks) Page 8
  • 9. Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116 Department Of Computer Science & Engineering Subject Name: STORAGE AREA NETWORKS Unit Number : 4. NAS, IP SAN Planned Hours: 6 hours 1. General Purpose Service vs. NAS Devices, Benefits of NAS 2. NAS File I / O, Components of NAS 3. NAS Implementations, NAS File-Sharing Protocols 4. Project Management: Management activities 5. Factors Affecting NAS Performance and Availability 6. iSCSI, FCIP Learning Objectives: 1. The objective of this chapter is to introduce General Purpose Service vs. NAS Devices, Benefits of NAS, NAS File I / O, Components of NAS, NAS Implementations, NAS File-Sharing Protocols. Lesson Outcomes: Upon completion of this chapter, student will be able to: 1. Describe NAS, its benefits and components 2. Discuss different NAS implementations 3. Describe NAS file-sharing protocols 4. Discuss NAS management options Assignments 1. Describe NAS' implementations and benefits, with a neat diagram. 2. Explain ISCSI connecting topologies with a suitable diagram. 3. Describe FCIP in detail. 4. Explain components of NAS. 5. Explain factors affecting NAS performance and availability. 6. What is iSCSI? Explain iSCSI? 7. Explain iSCSI protocol stack. 8. Explain FCIP protocol. Questions from Previous 2 Years Question Papers JAN 2013-14 1. a. Describe NAS' implementations and benefits, with a neat diagram. (10 Marks) b. Explain ISCSI connecting topologies with a suitable diagram. (05 Marks) c. Describe FCIP in detail. (05 Marks) July 2014 Page 9
  • 10. Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116 Department Of Computer Science & Engineering 1. a. Explain factors affecting NAS performance and availability. (10 marks) b. What is iSCSI? Explain iSCSI? (10 marks) Page 10
  • 11. Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116 Department Of Computer Science & Engineering Subject Name: STORAGE AREA NETWORK Unit Number : 5 Chapter Title: Content-Addressed Storage, Storage Virtualization Planned Hours: 6 hours 1. Fixed Content and Archives, Types of Archive 2. Features and Benefits of CAS, CAS Architecture 3. Object Storage and Retrieval in CAS, CAS Examples 4. Forms of Virtualization, SNIA Storage Virtualization Taxonomy 5. Storage Virtualizations Configurations, Storage Virtualization Challenges 6. Types of Storage Virtualization Learning Objectives The objective of this chapter is to learn fixed Content and Archives, CAS Architecture, SNIA Storage Virtualization, Types of Storage Virtualization. Lesson Outcomes: Upon completion of this chapter, student will be able to: 1. Describe CAS, fixed content and archives, traditional storage solutions for archive 2. Describe the features and benefits of a CAS based storage strategy 3. List the physical and logical elements of CAS 4. Describe the storage and retrieval process for CAS data objects 5. Describe the best suited operational environments for CAS solutions Assignments 1. Explain object storage and retrieval in CAS, with suitable diagrams. 2. Describe storage virtualization types in detail and discuss its challenges. 3. Explain benefits of CAS? 4. Explain CAS architecture? 5. Explain storage virtualization? 6. Explain SNIA in detail. 7. Explain storage virtualization challenges. & types of it? Questions from Previous 2 Years Question Papers JAN 2013-14 1. a. Explain object storage and retrieval in CAS, with suitable diagrams. (10 Marks) b. Describe storage virtualization types in detail and discuss its challenges. (10 Marks) July 2014 1. a. Explain storage virtualization challenges. & types of it? (10 marks) b. Describe storage virtualization types in detail and discuss its challenges. (10 marks) Page 11
  • 12. Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116 Department Of Computer Science & Engineering Subject Name: STORAGE AREA NETWORKS Unit Number : 6 Chapter Title: Business Continuity, Backup and Recovery Planned Hours: 6 hours 1. Information Availability, BC Terminology, BC Planning Lifecycle 2. Failure Analysis, Business Impact Analysis, BC Technology Solutions 3. Backup Purpose, Backup Considerations, Backup Granularity, 4. Recovery Considerations, Backup Methods, Backup Process 5. Backup and restore Operations, Backup Topologies 6. Backup in NAS Environments, Backup Technologies. Learning Objectives: The objective of this chapter is to describe Information Availability, BC Planning Lifecycle, Backup Purpose, and Backup and restore Operations. Lesson Outcomes: After completing this chapter, student will be able to: 1. Define Business Continuity and Information Availability 2. Detail impact of information unavailability 3. Define BC measurement and terminologies 4. Describe BC planning process 5. Detail BC technology solutions. Assignments 1. Describe the failure analysis in BC. Mention some important BC technology solution. 2. Explain back up topologies, in detail. 3. Explain BC terminology in detail. 4. Explain BC lifecycle. 5. What are purpose of Backup explain in detail. 6. Explain Backup granularity. 7. Explain back up & restore operations. 8. Explain Backup in NAS environment. Questions from Previous 2 Years Question Papers JAN 2013-14 a. Describe the failure analysis in BC. Mention some important BC technology solution. (10 Marks) b. Explain back up topologies, in detail. (10 Marks) July 2014 1. a. Explain back up & restore operations. (10 Marks) b. Explain Backup in NAS environment. (10 Marks) Page 12
  • 13. Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116 Department Of Computer Science & Engineering Subject Name: STORAGE AREA NETWORK Unit Number : 7 Chapter Title: Local Replication, Remote Replication Planned Hours: 7 hours 1. Source and Target, Uses of Local Replicas 2. Data Consistency, Local Replication Technologies 3. Restore and Restart Considerations 4. Creating Multiple Replicas, Management Interface 5. Modes of Remote Replication 6. Remote Replication Technologies 7. Network Infrastructure. Learning Objectives 1. The objective of this chapter is to introduce Source and Target, Data Consistency, Local Replication Technologies, Modes of Remote Replication. Lesson Outcomes: After completing this chapter student will be able to: 1. Discuss local replication and the possible uses of local replicas 2. Explain consistency considerations when replicating file systems and databases 3. Discuss host and array based replication technologies a. Functionality b. Differences c. Considerations d. Selecting the appropriate technology 4. Define local replication 5. Discuss the possible uses of local replicas 6. Explain replica considerations such as Recoverability and Consistency 7. Describe how consistency is ensured in file system and database replication 8. Explain Dependent write principle Assignments 1. Explain local replication technologies, in detail. 2. Explain the various remote replication modes. 3. Write a note on DWDM. 4. Explain consistency of a replicated database. Page 13
  • 14. Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116 Department Of Computer Science & Engineering 5. Explain LVM based replication. 6. Explain modes of remote application. 7. Explain synchronous replication mode. 8. Explain SAN based remote application. Questions from Previous 2 Years Question Papers JAN 2013-14 1. a. Explain local replication technologies, in detail. (10 Marks) b. Explain the various remote replication modes. (05 Marks) c. Write a note on DWDM. (05 Marks) July 2014 1. a. Explain LVM based replication. (10 Marks) b. Explain synchronous replication mode. (10 Marks) Page 14
  • 15. Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116 Department Of Computer Science & Engineering Subject Name: STORAGE AREA NETWORK Unit Number : 8 Chapter Title: Securing the Storage Infrastructure, Managing the Storage Infrastructure Planned Hours: 7 hours 1. Storage Security Framework, Risk Triad 2. Storage Security Domains 3. Security Implementations in Storage Networking 4. Monitoring the Storage Infrastructure 5. Storage Management Activities, 6. Storage Infrastructure Management Challenges 7. Developing an Ideal Solution Learning Objectives The objective of this chapter is to discuss the importance Storage Security Framework, Storage Security Domains, Monitoring the Storage Infrastructure. Lesson Outcomes: Upon completion of this chapter, student will be able to: 1. Define storage security 2. Discuss storage security framework 3. Describe storage security domains a. Application, Management, Backup Recovery and Archive (BURA) 4. Define storage security 5. Discuss the elements to build storage security framework a. Security services 6. Define Risk triad Assignments 1. Explain the security attributes of storage security frame works. 2. Describe SAN security architecture with diagram. 3. Describe storage management activities in detail, with example. Questions from Previous 2 Years Question Paper JAN 2013-14 1. a. Explain the security attributes of storage security frame works. (04 Marks) b. Describe SAN security architecture with diagram. (06 Marks) c. Describe storage management activities in detail, with example. (10 Marks) Page 15
  • 16. Shaikh College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum 591116 Department Of Computer Science & Engineering July 2014 1 a. Describe SAN security architecture with diagram. (10 Marks) b. Describe storage management activities in detail, with example. (10 Marks) Page 16