The Strabane & Area Trades Union Council (SATUC) held their annual general meeting and hosted a debate on organizing the unemployed workforce. SATUC brings together local trade union branches to campaign on issues affecting working people. It aims to raise awareness of workers' rights, promote union membership, and support community campaigns for dignity in the workplace. The event featured speeches from representatives of SATUC, the People Before Profit Alliance, the Independent Workers Union, and the Unemployed Union on the importance of organizing unemployed workers and building class consciousness.
3. Delegates elected by trade union branches which meet?or?have members working or living?within the area meet as Trades Union Councils.A union branch will normally affiliate to the trades union council in the area in which it meets. Each branch will then send delegates to the trades union council's meetings. These branches pay an affiliation fee.? Our trades union council is open to all trade unionists to attend although only delegates can vote.Delegates elect officers from amongst themselves to represent the views and priorities of the constituent branches and to take responsibility for working for and supporting the policy of Congress and the TUC General Council. This is because trades union councils are registered with the TUC, rather than being entirely independent bodies.www.satuc.orgTrade Union Councils
4. The Strabane Trade Union Council is responsible for:? implementing ICTU policy in Strabane.? co-ordinating union activities and campaigns, involving more than one union.? providing assistance with research, negotiations and advocacy to affiliated organisations.? lobbying for social and industrial reforms.? providing a public point of contact for general enquiries on
5. ActivitiesStrabane Trades Union Council have and continue to be pro-active in relation to the needs of the worker and indeed the community as a whole!Play your partJoin your local Trade Union
6. Strabane Trades Union Council brings together local affiliated trade union branches to campaign around issues affecting working people in their workplaces and local communities. SATUC aim to: Raise public awareness of rights at work and the union role in enforcing those rights; Promote, organise and recruit to build union membership; Support union and community campaigns for dignity and respect in the workplace and beyond.The hypocrisy of the coalition government needs to be exposed. HMRC has accepted that over ?40 billion in tax is lost to fraud and avoidance every year. PCS and many other tax analysts believe that this figure is much higher in the region of ?120 billion.The cuts aren't inevitable and the coalition government needs to stop unnecessary tax repayments and close all tax avoidance loop holes.George Osbourne can start by paying the correct amount of tax himself and by ensuring that Philip Green the owner of the Arcadia group and government advisor of the cuts pays his fair share of tax too!
7. AffiliatesSATUC is an association of Trade Unions or union branches who are affiliated to the ICTU in the area. In Strabane the affiliated Trade Unions to the Trades Council
8. Membership RequirementsEveryone is welcome to join the trades Union Council.Requirements are simply that you are a member of an affiliated Trade
11. Debate/Discussion by Unemployed UnionThis event will be themed around the importance of organizing the unemployed workforce as a vehicle for revolutionary activism and ...the importance of building the class consciousness of the unemployed.
12. Invited SpeakersPaul Gallagher, of the Strabane Trades Council (Chair)“We extend a very courteous Welcome to tonight’s Speakers”Eamon McCann, of the People Before Profit Alliance.Tommy McKearney, of the Independent Workers Union.Michael Craig, of the Unemployed