Science is defined as knowledge obtained through the scientific method, which involves making observations, formulating hypotheses, experimentation, and testing hypotheses. The scientific method follows steps including identifying a problem, forming a hypothesis, collecting and analyzing data, drawing conclusions, and verifying or modifying the hypothesis based on results. An example is provided of using the scientific method to help people who suffer from allergies to substances like poison ivy.
2. Science
knowledge covering general
truths or the operation of
general laws especially as
obtained and tested
through the scientific
3. Continuation
method [Middle English science
the state of knowing,
knowledge, from early French
science (same meaning), from
Latin scientia (same meaning),
from scient-, sciens knowing,
from scire to know related
5. Scientific Method
the rules and methods for the
pursuit of knowledge involving the
finding and stating of a problem, the
collection of facts through
observation and experiment, and the
making and testing of ideas that need
to be proven right or wrong
6. Steps in scientific inquiry
Identification and definition of the
Formulation of a hypothesis
Collection, organization, and analysis
of data
Formulation of conclusion
Verification, rejection or
modification of the hypothesis by
the test of its consequences in a
specific situation,
7. Case 1
Many humans develop allergies to
simple chemicals that come in contact
with their skin. A notorious example
is the common allergy to urushiol, a
substance found in plants including
poison ivy, a substance found in
plants of the genus Toxicodendron,
including poison ivy, poison oak, and
poison sumac. Urushiol is not
intrinsically caustic in the way that,
8. Case 1
For example, a solution of sodium
hydroxide is. Some people can come
in contact with poison ivy without
developing any skin irritation. What
can be done to help those who suffer
from contact sensitivity?
9. Case 2
Adrian found out that he is
missing his wallet a few hours
after he arrived from the
nearby market.
Help Adrian to solve his
problem using Scientific
10. Cases
House pest control
Removing stains and dirt
Solving Crimes
Making new products