1) Scientists publish to both keep a record of science (record keeping) and facilitate the transfer of knowledge. However, these two goals may have different requirements and what satisfies one may not satisfy the other.
2) Nanopublications, which are assertions with attributes, can be used both as citations and to represent relationships between entities. They contain metadata about authorship, provenance, and evidence.
3) Representing scientific knowledge as interconnected nanopublications allows for reasoning across assertions and could provide an overview of a field while still allowing access to detail. This may help address the challenge of managing the increasing volume of scientific literature.
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Science publishing, record keeping, knowledge transfer
1. ACKnowledge
Science Publishing:
The Different Interests of
Record Keeping
Knowledge Transfer
Jan Velterop Open Access-Open Data K旦ln December 2010
25. A new article in PubMed
every 36 seconds
26. Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany,
and won Elseviers Grand Challenge 2009 competition
for new tools that improve the communication and use
of scientific information.
Reflect automatically recognizes and highlights the
names of genes, proteins and small molecules in the Cell
articles. Users clicking on a highlighted term will see a pop-
up box containing information related to that term, such as
A new article in PubMed
sequence data and molecular structures, along with links to
the sources of the data. Reflect obtains this information from
every 36 seconds
its dictionary of millions of proteins and small molecules.
Such entity recognition can be done fairly accurately
by many mining tools today. But other tools take on the
tougher challenge of recognizing relationships between the
entities. Researchers from Leiden University and Erasmus
University in Rotterdam, both in the Netherlands, have
developed software called Peregrine, and used it to pre-
dict an undocumented interaction between two proteins:
39. Nanopublications: Assertions with Attributes
Examples of attributes:
assertedBy - states which entity asserted (i.e. created) the statement
curatedBy - states that a specified entity has curated the statement
isPeerReviewed - states that this statement has been peer reviewed
isEvidencedBy - states that another statement, Y, should be considered evidence for this
statement X
createdOn - states the date/time that the statement was created
hasAuthor - states who claims authorship of the statement
isApprovedBy - states who approves of the statement
isDeprecatedBy - states that the statement is no longer in use by the entity in question
56. Citation: van Haagen HHHBM, 't Hoen PAC, Botelho Bovo A, de Morr辿e A, van Mulligen EM, et al.
(2009) Novel Protein-Protein Interactions Inferred from Literature Context. PLoS ONE 4(11): e7894.