1) Humans, animals, and plants all have basic needs for survival including food, water, shelter, and air.
2) Living things undergo various life processes such as breathing, excreting waste, reproduction, and responding to stimuli. Certain behaviors like smoking can disturb these processes.
3) Plants and animals have developed special characteristics and behaviors to protect themselves from dangers in their environments like extreme weather, predators, lack of resources, and more. These protections help ensure species survival.
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Science Year 4
2. 1.1 Understanding that humans have basic needs
Give energy
To breathe
Stay healthy
Food Air
Basic Needs
Of Human
Grow To protect from
Stay healthy danger
extreme weather
sun & rain
3. 1.2 Understanding that animals have basic needs
Give energy
To breathe
Stay healthy
Food Air
Types :
Basic Needs holes
Of Animals cave
Grow To protect from
Stay healthy danger
extreme weather
sun & rain
4. 1.3 Understanding that plants have basic needs
Plants Have Basic Needs
Air Water Sunlight
With : Without :
grow healthy wilted
grow well Turn yellow
not wilted Die
5. 2.1 Analysing life processes that humans undergo
Inhale take in air
Nose/Mouth Wind-pipe Lungs
Exhale give out air
Purpose :
avoid danger Breathing Rate of breath
avoid getting hurt Number of chest movement
avoid getting injured
In a period of time
to survive
Respond To Analysing Life Processes That
Human Undergo Reproduce
Organs A process to produce
Excrete Defecate their young or offspring
Eyes - Sight
Nose - Smell Lungs Faeces
( Carbon dioxide
Tongue - Taste + water vapour )
Ears - Sound Kidney ( urine + mineral salt )
Skin - Touch Skin ( Sweat + mineral salt )
6. 2.2 Being aware that certain behaviour can disturb life processes
Behaviour That Can Disturb
Life Processes
Smoking Drinking Alcohol Taking Drug
Lung cancer Effects
Coughing Delay respond to stimuli
How to avoid Lose ability to walk in straight line
Can cause accidents
Occupied time with beneficial activities
Participate in a campaign
Discourage among their peers
7. 2.3 Analysing the life processes that animals undergo
Animals Life Processes
Excrete Defecate Breathing Reproduce
To get rid of waste product Organs Lay Eggs Give Birth
from their bodies cat
bird bat
Lungs Gills Lungs-book Moist Trachea
monkey fish crab Skin Structure
bird prawn frog insects
whale earthworm
8. Science Year 4
2. Living Things Undergo Life Processes
the part of plant that responds
plants respond to stimuli. to water
water, sunlight, touch, gravity.
various ways plants reproduce
throughseeds, spores, suckers, stem cutting,
leaves, underground stem. the part of plant that responds
to gravity.
Life processes
plants undergo the part of plant that responds
to sunlight.
what will happen to the world if
plants do not reproduce. Shoot
no food supply.
plants reproduce.
Seeds balsam, corn, durian the part of plant that responds
Spores fern, mushroom
to touch.
why plants need to reproduce Suckers banana, pineapple
Stem cutting hibiscus, rose, tapioca
to ensure the survival of the species. Leaves bryophyllum, begonia
Stem potato, onion, ginger and lily
9. 3.1 animals have specific characteristics and
behaviour to protect themselves
Special characteristics The special characteristics and special behaviour
of animals that protect them behaviour of animals help to of animals that protect them
from danger. protect them from danger. from danger.
Sharp claws
To protect themselves and their
Thick and hard skin
Young from the enemies- lion ,cat,
To prevent their enemies from injuring
Bears, and eagle.
Hard shell Pretend to dead
Snails and tortoise retract their head To trick their enemies e.g.: beetle
And legs into the shell when the are
Attacked by enemies
Hard scales
Has body colour or patterns that that are
Pangolins and crocodiles have hard
Similar to the surrounding
scales To protect their bodies
from injuries
Spines Spray black ink
Raise the sharp spines when Dark surrounding helps the animal not
the enemies to been seen by enemies
Advance towards them e.g: octopus, squid
Horns Poisonous sting or fangs
Use their horn to attack enemies. Can hurt and kill enemies-e.g..: scorpion,
centipede snake , bee.
10. 3.2/3.3
Animals have specific characteristics
and behaviour to protect themselves from
extreme weather and survive
specific characteristics and how specific characteristics and
behavior of animals that protect behavior of animals help to protect
them from very hot and cold weather. them from very hot or cold weather.
Hot weather Cold weather
Thick Fur
Polar bears have thick fur to prevent the body
Wrinkled Skin
From losing heat to cold surroundings.
Elephant ,hippopotamuses and buffaloes
lose body heat through wrinkled skins
Fat Layers Under The Skins
Wallowing Penguins, seals, and whales have fat layers under
Elephant, hippopotamuses and buffaloes their skin to keep their bodies warm
keep their body cool by wallowing in
mud holes Small Ears
Seals and Walruses have small ears to prevent
Heat loss from their bodies.
Camels store food and water in the form
Of fats in the humps on their back.
Polar bears hibernates during extreme cold
11. 3.4 Plants have
specific characteristics to protect
themselves from enemy
The specific characteristics How the specific
of plants that protect them characteristics of
from enemies plants help to
protect them
from enemies.
Produces characteristics that
latex protect plants.
Have thorns
Have fine hairs
Close leaflets
when touch
12. 3.5 Plants have specific characteristics to
protect themselves from dry region and
strong wind
strong wind
dry region
Eg: Coconut tree, bamboo tree,
Eg : cactus mangrove tree
a. Long roots to absorb water
b. Succulent stem can store a. Have stems that bend easily
water b. Have buttress roots
c. Thorn can can prevent c. Have separated leaves
the excessive loss of d. Needle- shaped leaves