This document summarizes the research projects of the 2016 recipients of the Science and Innovation Awards for Young People in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. It introduces Giana Bastos Gomes, the recipient of the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation Award, who is developing a digital device to detect pathogens in aquaculture before disease outbreaks occur, in order to help farmers treat fish early and avoid production losses. The Awards recognize innovative scientific projects conducted by Australians aged 18 to 35 that will benefit rural industries.
RSS permite que los usuarios reciban autom叩ticamente actualizaciones de contenido de p叩ginas web a las que se han suscrito a trav辿s de un lector RSS. Los lectores RSS revisan peri坦dicamente las fuentes RSS de las p叩ginas y muestran al usuario nuevo contenido. Esto permite a los usuarios mantenerse al d鱈a con noticias y contenido de su inter辿s de manera m叩s eficiente que visitando cada sitio individualmente. To solve subject wise occurring problems in your educational life with in less time home tutions is also provide specific tutors for your kids for specific subject.
La ley org叩nica para la protecci坦n de ni単os, ni単as y adolescentes tiene como objetivo garantizar el ejercicio pleno de los derechos de los menores. La ley define a los ni単os, ni単as y adolescentes como ciudadanos menores de 18 a単os y establece el principio de corresponsabilidad entre el estado, la sociedad y la familia en su protecci坦n. La ley tambi辿n establece el sistema penal de responsabilidad de los adolescentes y garantiza derechos fundamentales como la presunci坦n de inocencia y el derecho a ser o鱈do durante el proceso legal.
La persona habla sobre lo importante que es su mam叩 en su vida, quien siempre la ha apoyado, aconsejado y entendido. Comparten muchos buenos recuerdos juntas a pesar de los problemas que han tenido que enfrentar, especialmente desde que el padre ya no est叩 con ellas f鱈sicamente. La persona espera cumplir sus sue単os y metas con el apoyo continuo de su mam叩, quien ha sido como una guerrera para sacarla adelante.
Dos ni単as, Ana y Sandra, se saludan y presentan. Sandra le pregunta a Ana c坦mo est叩, a lo que Ana responde que muy bien y agradece la pregunta de Sandra.
Este documento presenta las razones para estudiar ingl辿s, incluyendo las oportunidades sociales y laborales que brinda el dominio del idioma. Explica que el ingl辿s permite un mejor acceso a la educaci坦n y puestos de trabajo, adem叩s de ser un requisito para negocios internacionales. Tambi辿n describe algunas caracter鱈sticas del idioma ingl辿s y ofrece consejos para hablarlo con fluidez como practicar constantemente y hacer amigos que hablen el idioma.
Anurag Chaudhary has received the Zimmer Impact Award for demonstrating the company value of One Zimmer by consistently exceeding expectations through hard work and dedication. The award was presented by Matthew Ciula on October 21, 2015 in recognition of Anurag's contributions.
This document summarizes how an oyster farmers' research and development levy was invested in 2014. The largest portions (36% and 26%) went to breeding better oysters and managing/protecting against disease. It discusses that in 2011, three Australian states formed Oysters Australia to coordinate R&D projects using funds from farmers' levies and matching funds from other partners. Oysters Australia will now manage the levy funds through the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation. It provides details on current and planned projects focused on measuring production performance, early disease detection, breeding programs, and food safety research.
This document proposes the establishment of a Food Agility Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) to help Australia's food industry leverage digital technologies and data sharing. The CRC's vision is to empower the food industry to grow through digital technologies by using data and analytics to help producers make better decisions, demonstrate food safety and sustainability, and train future workforce. Several business examples are provided that demonstrate how specific companies could benefit from using digital tools and data to reduce costs, understand customer demand, and manage risks. The CRC would bring together food and technology experts across the value chain to solve industry challenges through collaborative projects.
The document proposes establishing a global "green label" brand called Eco Fish or Green Fish to assure consumers that ornamental fish have been sustainably sourced and handled ethically. Over the past year, discussions among conservation and aquarium groups have supported creating a high-profile certification program. This 3-page proposal provides an overview of initiative developments, an operational plan, and budget to launch the brand and certification process over 3 years with funding support. The goal is to benefit fish species, related industries, and engage consumers in sustainability.
This document provides a summary of several articles from an issue of the CRC magazine Know How. It discusses research being conducted by Cooperative Research Centres (CRCs) in Australia on various topics:
1) The Wound Management Innovation CRC is developing a smart insole that uses pressure sensors to detect potential foot injuries in diabetics and notify them via their smartphone.
2) Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems CRC researchers are using autonomous underwater vehicles and data from oceanographic sensors on elephant seals to map Antarctic sea ice, finding it may be thicker than previously thought.
3) The Polymer CRC is researching cheaper polymer-based solar cells that could cost 50 cents per watt to produce, less than half the
The third international seminar on Advanced Lessons in Economics from the Fisheries and Aquaculture (ALFAE) was held in Santiago de Compestela, Galicia, Spain from 6-10 July 2015. The event, held every two years, attracted the participation of 36 speakers from 22 countries across five continents and was attended by more than fifty students, who staged debates about the state of the economy in these sectors and the latest in technological innovation, marketing and governance. FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation, awarded eight grants to students from China, Turkey, Brazil, India, Tanzania (2), Morocco and South Africa.
Pgp people brochure people power - from gate to plateRob Mitchell
The Transforming the Dairy Value Chain PGP programme is a $170 million, 7-year programme involving Fonterra, DairyNZ, and other industry players that is boosting efficiency and production on New Zealand farms while supporting environmental and product development goals. The programme supports over 60 students and researchers through funding of their Masters, PhD, and post-doctoral work. It is also funding initiatives to promote careers in agriculture to young people and nurture the next generation of industry leaders. The programme represents a unique public-private collaboration and is considered world-leading in its research.
2019 newton agham researcher links workshop vaccines and diagnostics confer...Perez Eric
This document provides the program for a workshop on Novel Vaccines and Diagnostic Technologies Against Emerging and Re-emerging Veterinary Pathogens. The workshop will take place over two days and include sessions on emerging veterinary diseases, modulating the gut microbiome to control diseases, molecular characterization of poultry pathogens, molecular determinants of avian influenza vaccines, rapid diagnostics for enteric pathogens, antimicrobial resistance in dairy cattle, and genomic resistance to Campylobacter in chickens. Speakers will come from the UK, Philippines, and other countries. The goal is to forge long-term research partnerships between researchers and industry to address disease challenges in livestock and poultry.
Algae Biomass Organization
2019 Summary Update - Algae in the 2018 Farm Bill, Algae Interagency Working Group, Products, Companies, Research and Development Institutions
This document discusses the development of a national fruit fly research, development and extension plan in Australia. It notes that fruit flies significantly impact the horticulture industry, costing over $270 million annually. It outlines that a national strategy and implementation plan have already been developed. A writing group is creating a 20-year RD&E plan to support a coordinated national approach to managing fruit flies. Regional workshops were held between June and August 2015 to identify research priorities. The goal is to reduce treatment costs, improve fruit fly control programs, and facilitate domestic and international trade of Australian horticultural products.
Production of Organic Vegetable Seeds and Seedlings ~ Australia
For more information, Please see websites below:
Organic Edible Schoolyards & Gardening with Children = ~
Double Food Production from your School Garden with Organic Tech = ~
Free School Gardening Art Posters = ~
Increase Food Production with Companion Planting in your School Garden = ~
Healthy Foods Dramatically Improves Student Academic Success = ~
City Chickens for your Organic School Garden = ~
Simple Square Foot Gardening for Schools - Teacher Guide = ~
Production of Organic Vegetable Seeds and Seedlings ~ AustraliaSeeds
This document summarizes a report on the production of organic vegetable seeds and seedlings in Australia. It describes a project funded by RIRDC that aimed to raise industry awareness of rules requiring organic producers to source certified organic seed and seedlings, determine supply and demand of organic seeds and seedlings, and develop a database of organic seed and seedling suppliers. The project included national industry workshops, surveys of organic vegetable producers and seed/seedling suppliers, and recommendations to help address issues in the supply and demand of organic propagation materials in Australia.
Transforming Food Systems with Aquatic Foods: Scaling up sustainable producti...WorldFish
Presentation by panelists Santiago Fernandez de Cordoba, Peter Limbu, and Tanja Knabenschuh Hoel 'Scaling up sustainable production solutions' at the Independent Food Systems Dialogue on Thursday, 20 May 2021.
china tilapia Pages 50 to 52 from AQUA_AP MarApr16_FA_LR-13Donna Richardson
Increased demand for certified tilapia products in Europe and China has led to greater interest in Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) certification in China's tilapia farms. The first Chinese farms achieved ASC certification in 2015. ASC certification improves farms' environmental and social practices and allows them access to markets that prefer sustainably produced seafood. It also provides transparency to consumers about how the tilapia they purchase was produced. As more Chinese tilapia farms become ASC certified, it will help transform the industry towards more sustainable and responsible practices.
This document provides an overview of ILRI and the livestock sector. It discusses:
(1) Facts about the growing livestock sector in developing countries, including rising meat consumption and economic opportunities;
(2) ILRI's mission, strategic objectives, and critical success factors to improve food security and reduce poverty through research on livestock;
(3) ILRI's role in the CGIAR Consortium's Livestock and Fish portfolio focusing on sustainable intensification, value chains, and policies; and
(4) Characteristics of ILRI including its integrated research teams, bioscience facilities, staff and resources.
The pharmacokinetics of equine medicationsesmarquez
This document summarizes research on the pharmacokinetics of nine equine medications. The research was conducted by a consortium of Australian universities, laboratories, and equine industry bodies. The study employed state-of-the-art methods to determine excretion times for the medications in horses, which will inform veterinary treatment protocols and drug detection regulations. The results of the research will be shared internationally to advance understanding and harmonize rules regarding therapeutic medication use in horses.
This document summarizes how an oyster farmers' research and development levy was invested in 2014. The largest portions (36% and 26%) went to breeding better oysters and managing/protecting against disease. It discusses that in 2011, three Australian states formed Oysters Australia to coordinate R&D projects using funds from farmers' levies and matching funds from other partners. Oysters Australia will now manage the levy funds through the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation. It provides details on current and planned projects focused on measuring production performance, early disease detection, breeding programs, and food safety research.
This document proposes the establishment of a Food Agility Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) to help Australia's food industry leverage digital technologies and data sharing. The CRC's vision is to empower the food industry to grow through digital technologies by using data and analytics to help producers make better decisions, demonstrate food safety and sustainability, and train future workforce. Several business examples are provided that demonstrate how specific companies could benefit from using digital tools and data to reduce costs, understand customer demand, and manage risks. The CRC would bring together food and technology experts across the value chain to solve industry challenges through collaborative projects.
The document proposes establishing a global "green label" brand called Eco Fish or Green Fish to assure consumers that ornamental fish have been sustainably sourced and handled ethically. Over the past year, discussions among conservation and aquarium groups have supported creating a high-profile certification program. This 3-page proposal provides an overview of initiative developments, an operational plan, and budget to launch the brand and certification process over 3 years with funding support. The goal is to benefit fish species, related industries, and engage consumers in sustainability.
This document provides a summary of several articles from an issue of the CRC magazine Know How. It discusses research being conducted by Cooperative Research Centres (CRCs) in Australia on various topics:
1) The Wound Management Innovation CRC is developing a smart insole that uses pressure sensors to detect potential foot injuries in diabetics and notify them via their smartphone.
2) Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems CRC researchers are using autonomous underwater vehicles and data from oceanographic sensors on elephant seals to map Antarctic sea ice, finding it may be thicker than previously thought.
3) The Polymer CRC is researching cheaper polymer-based solar cells that could cost 50 cents per watt to produce, less than half the
The third international seminar on Advanced Lessons in Economics from the Fisheries and Aquaculture (ALFAE) was held in Santiago de Compestela, Galicia, Spain from 6-10 July 2015. The event, held every two years, attracted the participation of 36 speakers from 22 countries across five continents and was attended by more than fifty students, who staged debates about the state of the economy in these sectors and the latest in technological innovation, marketing and governance. FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation, awarded eight grants to students from China, Turkey, Brazil, India, Tanzania (2), Morocco and South Africa.
Pgp people brochure people power - from gate to plateRob Mitchell
The Transforming the Dairy Value Chain PGP programme is a $170 million, 7-year programme involving Fonterra, DairyNZ, and other industry players that is boosting efficiency and production on New Zealand farms while supporting environmental and product development goals. The programme supports over 60 students and researchers through funding of their Masters, PhD, and post-doctoral work. It is also funding initiatives to promote careers in agriculture to young people and nurture the next generation of industry leaders. The programme represents a unique public-private collaboration and is considered world-leading in its research.
2019 newton agham researcher links workshop vaccines and diagnostics confer...Perez Eric
This document provides the program for a workshop on Novel Vaccines and Diagnostic Technologies Against Emerging and Re-emerging Veterinary Pathogens. The workshop will take place over two days and include sessions on emerging veterinary diseases, modulating the gut microbiome to control diseases, molecular characterization of poultry pathogens, molecular determinants of avian influenza vaccines, rapid diagnostics for enteric pathogens, antimicrobial resistance in dairy cattle, and genomic resistance to Campylobacter in chickens. Speakers will come from the UK, Philippines, and other countries. The goal is to forge long-term research partnerships between researchers and industry to address disease challenges in livestock and poultry.
Algae Biomass Organization
2019 Summary Update - Algae in the 2018 Farm Bill, Algae Interagency Working Group, Products, Companies, Research and Development Institutions
This document discusses the development of a national fruit fly research, development and extension plan in Australia. It notes that fruit flies significantly impact the horticulture industry, costing over $270 million annually. It outlines that a national strategy and implementation plan have already been developed. A writing group is creating a 20-year RD&E plan to support a coordinated national approach to managing fruit flies. Regional workshops were held between June and August 2015 to identify research priorities. The goal is to reduce treatment costs, improve fruit fly control programs, and facilitate domestic and international trade of Australian horticultural products.
Production of Organic Vegetable Seeds and Seedlings ~ Australia
For more information, Please see websites below:
Organic Edible Schoolyards & Gardening with Children = ~
Double Food Production from your School Garden with Organic Tech = ~
Free School Gardening Art Posters = ~
Increase Food Production with Companion Planting in your School Garden = ~
Healthy Foods Dramatically Improves Student Academic Success = ~
City Chickens for your Organic School Garden = ~
Simple Square Foot Gardening for Schools - Teacher Guide = ~
Production of Organic Vegetable Seeds and Seedlings ~ AustraliaSeeds
This document summarizes a report on the production of organic vegetable seeds and seedlings in Australia. It describes a project funded by RIRDC that aimed to raise industry awareness of rules requiring organic producers to source certified organic seed and seedlings, determine supply and demand of organic seeds and seedlings, and develop a database of organic seed and seedling suppliers. The project included national industry workshops, surveys of organic vegetable producers and seed/seedling suppliers, and recommendations to help address issues in the supply and demand of organic propagation materials in Australia.
Transforming Food Systems with Aquatic Foods: Scaling up sustainable producti...WorldFish
Presentation by panelists Santiago Fernandez de Cordoba, Peter Limbu, and Tanja Knabenschuh Hoel 'Scaling up sustainable production solutions' at the Independent Food Systems Dialogue on Thursday, 20 May 2021.
china tilapia Pages 50 to 52 from AQUA_AP MarApr16_FA_LR-13Donna Richardson
Increased demand for certified tilapia products in Europe and China has led to greater interest in Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) certification in China's tilapia farms. The first Chinese farms achieved ASC certification in 2015. ASC certification improves farms' environmental and social practices and allows them access to markets that prefer sustainably produced seafood. It also provides transparency to consumers about how the tilapia they purchase was produced. As more Chinese tilapia farms become ASC certified, it will help transform the industry towards more sustainable and responsible practices.
This document provides an overview of ILRI and the livestock sector. It discusses:
(1) Facts about the growing livestock sector in developing countries, including rising meat consumption and economic opportunities;
(2) ILRI's mission, strategic objectives, and critical success factors to improve food security and reduce poverty through research on livestock;
(3) ILRI's role in the CGIAR Consortium's Livestock and Fish portfolio focusing on sustainable intensification, value chains, and policies; and
(4) Characteristics of ILRI including its integrated research teams, bioscience facilities, staff and resources.
The pharmacokinetics of equine medicationsesmarquez
This document summarizes research on the pharmacokinetics of nine equine medications. The research was conducted by a consortium of Australian universities, laboratories, and equine industry bodies. The study employed state-of-the-art methods to determine excretion times for the medications in horses, which will inform veterinary treatment protocols and drug detection regulations. The results of the research will be shared internationally to advance understanding and harmonize rules regarding therapeutic medication use in horses.
1. Department ofAgriculture
and Water Resources
Science and Innovation Awards for
Young People in Agriculture, Fisheries
and Forestry
2. 2
Award partners for the
2016 Science and油Innovation Awards
The 2016 Science and Innovation Awards
for Young People in Agriculture, Fisheries
and Forestry are coordinated by the
Australian Bureau of Agricultural and
Resource Economics and Sciences, on
behalf of the Department of Agriculture
and Water Resources.
We wish to thank the panel of judges
for油their significant contribution to油the
2016 Science and油Innovation油Awards.
For more information about the油Science
and Innovation Awards, please visit
For information about ABARES, range
of work and its publications, please visit
Cotton Research and
Development Corporation
Australian Grape and
Wine Authority
Fisheries Research
and Development Corporation
Grains Research and
Development Corporation
Rural Industries Research
and Development Corporation
3. 3
Welcome to the 2016 Science and Innovation Awards
for Young People in油Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Recognising innovative scientific projects
that will contribute to the ongoing
success and sustainability of Australias
5. 5
From the Chief油Scientist 6
About the Awards 7
Giana Bastos Gomes 8
Yvonne Chang 10
Dr Jake Dunlevy 12
Jock Graham 14
Dr Cindy Hauser 16
Dr Lauren Hemsworth 18
Joanne Hughes 20
Dr Jatin Kala 22
Dr Yujuan Li 24
Amy Lockwood 26
Dr Edward Narayan 28
Dr Nadeeka Wawegama 30
6. 6
On the 7th December 2015 the Prime
Minister, the Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP,
announced the Governments National
Innovation and Science Agenda. Through
this Agenda, the Government will invest
$1.1 billion to incentivise innovation and
entrepreneurship, reward risk taking, and
promote science, maths and computing in
schools by focusing on four priority areas:
Culture and capital, to help businesses
embrace risk and incentivise early
stage investment in startups;
Collaboration, to increase the level
of engagement between businesses,
universities and the research
sector to commercialise ideas and
Talent and skills, to train Australian
students for the jobs of the future and
attract the worlds most innovative
talent to Australia; and
Government as an exemplar, to lead
by example in the way Government
invests in and uses technology and
data to deliver better quality services.
The Agenda is part of the Governments
commitment to establishing Australia as
a油leading innovation system.
Innovation in agriculture, fisheries
and forestry is essential to maintain
productivity growth, to address issues
around sustaining our natural resources
and to adapt to a changing climate.
I reflected on what innovation means
with these Awards, which has been
celebrating the best that young
agricultural innovators and scientists offer
every year since 2001. To me, innovation
represents a partnership between the
science community and our agriculture
community, our researchers and farmers
working together to develop new
solutions to industry issues and building
a more sustainable and productive
agriculture sector.
And I am delighted that the research
projects undertaken as part of the Science
and Innovation Awards for Young People
in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry,
are油part of that innovation partnership.
I am pleased to present to you the
recipients of the 2016 Science and
Innovation Awards. I encourage you to
read about each of the recipients and their
projects, which span new approaches
for pathogen detection and testing,
new processing techniques and new
technologies, which will benefit a range
of油agricultural industries.
I thank our Award partners for their
continued generous support of the
Science and Innovation Awards, and the
dedication and expertise of the numerous
judging panel members who selected
the research projects presented by the
2016 recipients. As our Science Award
partners will confirm, applications in this
2016 round were highly competitive and
demonstrated original thought and sound
understanding of industry issues.
Congratulations to our 2016 recipients
of the Science and Innovation Awards for
Young People in Agriculture, Fisheries
From the Chief油Scientist
Dr Kim Ritman
Chief Scientist
Department of Agriculture and Water Resources
7. 7
About the awards
Each year the Department of Agriculture
and Water Resources in partnership
with our Award sponsors, presents the
Science and Innovation Awards for Young
People in Agriculture, Fisheries and
Forestry. The油Awards are a competitive
grants program that provides funding for
innovative research projects to benefit
Australias rural industries.
The Awards attract applications from young
Australians 18 to 35 years scientists,
researchers, innovators whose projects
demonstrate a fresh way of thinking about,
and resolving issues for, agriculture.
The Awards aim to
assist primary producers to develop
more competitive, productive and
self-reliant industries through
attracting innovative research
proposals that will lead to longer
term油innovation in the sector
advance the careers of young
scientists, researchers and innovators
aged 1835 years through national
recognition and funding of their
research ideas
encourage the uptake of science,
innovation and technology in
increase interaction between the
Award recipients, the Award partners,
the tertiary and government sectors.
In 2016 there were 11 Award categories
open to applicants, including cotton; dairy;
established, new and emerging rural
industries; fisheries and aquaculture;
grains; health and biosecurity; meat and
livestock; pork; red meat processing;
viticulture and oenology and wool. Each
Award category is generously supported
by the leading research and development
corporations and industry organisations.
From a competitive field
of applications drawn from
across Australia, here are
the recipients of the 2016
Science and Innovation
Awards for Young People
in Agriculture, Fisheries
and Forestry.
Recipients of the Awards receive grant
funding to pursue their research project
and share their results with industry,
their Award partner and the Department
of Agriculture and Water Resources.
Recipients can build strong networks
across their industry while gaining national
and international exposure for their work
by presenting at conferences and seminars,
and through publishing papers.
The successful category Award recipients
are then invited to apply for additional
funding for an extended research project
the Minister for Agriculture and Water
Resources Award.
8. 8
Giana Bastos Gomes
Recipient of the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation Award
More than a decade of watching devastated aquaculture farmers losing their fish
to disease has inspired Giana Bastos Gomes to find a way to detect pathogens
before油a油catastrophic outbreak occurs.
9. 9
Fisheries Research and
Development Corporation
The FRDCs vision is for Australia to have vibrant
fishing and aquaculture sectors which adopt
world-class research to achieve sustainability and
prosperity. The油FRDC recognises that it is vitally
important to support young people to develop
the knowledge and capabilities to assist the
fishing industry to reach its potential. The油fishing
industry faces significant challenges, but it also
provides enormous opportunities to build a
rewarding career. The person we are looking for
to receive an油FRDC sponsored award will have a
great idea, will be a great role model for young
people to further their interest in science, and
be keen to use this opportunity to build their
networks with other researchers, the FRDC and
with industry.
Townsville based Giana is creating a
digital device she hopes will be able
to identify the type and quantity of
a pathogen on the farm, and avoid a
time-consuming wait for samples to
be油analysed off-site.
The traditional way to detect disease
in aquaculture is to collect samples
and send them away to a laboratory,
One of the problems is that usually
farms are in isolated or rural areas far
away from centres where the diagnostic
laboratories are, so usually the results
take too long.
Giana, who is originally from Brazil, is a
qualified veterinarian and is undertaking
a PhD at James Cook University.
Her DNA-based detection tool will aim to
detect pathogens in the water so farmers
can treat their fish before they show
signs of infection.
Aquaculture is the fastest growing
agribusiness in the world and is worth
more than US $100 billion a year
but each year 40 per cent of global
production is lost to disease.
Disease in aquaculture is certainly
different from terrestrial animals,
As the animals are under the water, we
dont see much until they really show
signs of real problems.
Once the fish are infected the spread of
pathogens is very fast the animals cant
breathe and they stop eating and then
start dying very quickly.
Giana will initially develop a detection
tool for two common fish pathogens
- marine fish white spot parasite
and freshwater white spot parasite
and will likely try out the device in
She hopes to have a prototype to test
on油farms within three years.
10. 10
Yvonne Chang
Recipient of the Cotton Research and Development Corporation Award
As research assistant Yvonne Chang explains, soil organic carbon (SOC) enhances
many soil functions including productivity and soil structure. Current methods to
improve long-term SOC in depleted soils have inconsistent outcomes, primarily
resulting from variation in the rates of microbial activity on soil organic carbon.
11. 11
Cotton Research and
Development Corporation
The 2016 Science and Innovation Awards
are supported by the Cotton Research and
Development Corporation (CRDC) as part
of its commitment to investing in research,
development and extension (RD&E) for the world
leading Australian cotton industry.
CRDCs invests along the entire cotton
supply油chain, from the farm to the customer.
One油of its core focus areas is its investment in
people: ensuring capable and connected people
drive the cotton industry. As such, CRDC supports
and rewards young scientists for their exploration
of concepts and creation of new knowledge in the
pursuit of scientific breakthroughs.
CRDC strongly believes in investing in cottons
most important resource its people to油help
achieve the industrys vision for a globally
competitive and responsible cotton industry,
delivered through RD&E. For more, visit
Yvonnes Science and Innovation Award
project will investigate whether fungi
associated with cotton plants roots can
be used to store organic carbon in the
soil for long periods of time.
Yvonne says the amount of carbon in
agricultural soils has been depleted by
decades of intensive cultivation.
Soil carbons been linked to a lot of
really important functions, including
increased plant productivity, improving
soil structure and similar things,
Current practices weve been using
to try and manage carbon loss, like
adding different forms of plant matter
or compost, have given mixed results
theres nothing really consistent across
the board.
But the benefits to the environment and
the agricultural industry could be far
greater by reducing greenhouse gases
and aiding cotton farmers participation
in the Federal Governments Carbon
Farming Initiative.
If it works, the study has the potential to
be applicable to other crops as well.
The fungus that were using form
specific interactions with different plant
species so we might not necessarily be
able to use the same fungal isolate for all
plant species but well try and see what
happens, Yvonne says.
Yvonne has always been interested in
how the world works and is passionate
about understanding soil processes.
Its really fascinating that the plants
form interactions with various soil
microbes. she says.
Its exciting to think that when we
understand how things work better we
might be able to improve the way we do
things in agriculture and increase how
sustainable it is in the long term.
Cotton Research and
Development Corporation
12. 12
Dr Jake Dunlevy
Recipient of the Australian Grape and Wine Authority Award
Be nice to Jake Dunlevyhe has a hand in making sure your wine will taste good
in油the years to come.
13. 13
Australian Grape and
Wine Authority
The Australian Grape and Wine Authority (AGWA),
which trades as Wine Australia, supports a
prosperous Australian grape and wine community
by investing in research and development (R&D),
building international and domestic markets,
disseminating knowledge, encouraging adoption
and protecting the reputation of Australian wine.
We are funded by grapegrowers and winemakers
through levies and export charges, and the
Australian Government, which provides matching
funding for R&D investments.
Our long-term goal is for Australia to be
recognised as the worlds pre-eminent wine
producing country, and our support of the
Science and Innovation Awards is one example
of our commitment to the development of the
next generation of game changers, researchers,
experts and leaders who will drive the Australian
grape and wine communitys future.
Visit www.research.wineaustralia.com油for
information about our current RD&E projects
and油research priorities.
Jakes Science and Innovation Award
project aims to keep the salt out of
wine by finding genes that limit the
uptake of sodium and chloride ions by
The research could help to combat
increasing soil salinity in wine regions
around the country, and is part of a
broader aim to breed new grapevine
rootstocks that are designed for
Australian conditions and resilient to
climate change.
Growing up in McLaren Vale with his
vineyard owner parents and winemaker
brother, Jake has seen firsthand the
devastating impact salinity can have on
grape growers.
In 2013, a sixth of his familys 17-acre
crop was rejected because of excess ion
levels in the grapes while the rest was
downgraded from a B grade to a D grade.
The salt primarily affects the vines
health, which results in reduced yields
so油its bad for growers, he says.
Then theres a secondary problem that
the berries can accumulate high levels of
the sodium and chloride ions, which is
detrimental to the quality of the grapes
and the resulting wine.
Jake says some of the countries we
export to have specific limits on how
much sodium and chloride can be
The uptake of the two different ions
seem to be controlled by different genes.
The sodium story has been pretty well
unravelled in different plants over the
last 10 or 15 years, Jake notes.
But there havent been any real
breakthroughs in identifying genes
limiting chloride uptake so if we could
identify that one it would be an exciting
finding and potentially valuable to other
crops outside of grapes.
14. 14
Jock Graham
Recipient of the Meat & Livestock Australia Award
Your Holy Grail is to be tracking every animal, where they are and the
health油of油them on the farm, fourth-generation farmer Jock Graham says
about油farms of the future.
15. 15
To go with that youre getting water
systems that are monitored with real-time
monitoring, soil moisture sensors around
the farm and soil health monitors looking
at pH and a few other different油things.
Theres plenty of ways you can monitor
a farm and its just about having those
monitors accessible to a designed
communication system and make the
system something thats low cost and very
efficient, so it can be taken up by油farmers.
Jocks Science and Innovation Awards
project is setting the blueprint for
connected farms for decades to come by
testing real-time livestock tracking and
remote sensors to maximise the benefit
of high speed broadband in rural areas.
Jock explains that live monitoring can
only improve farming knowledge of
livestock and allows farmers to take
early preventative action for pest and
diseases. Benefits could also extend
to less labour and time to muster
animals, improved data on cattle grazing
patterns and responding to paddock
Working from Eulonga Pastoral Co in
south-west New South Wales, Jock will
investigate a range of new technologies
with the propertys 1000 head of Angus
cattle, 5000 Merino ewes, 2000 hectares
of mixed crops and one sand quarry.
Theres definitely a lot of opportunity
to implement a sensing system so youve
got the ability to know whats going on
all the time from any location, he says.
There, his passion for combining
technology and agriculture meant he
was油never going to do things the way
theyd always been done.
Jock has already developed an app with
a mate to record everything a farmer
would usually write in their stock
notebook and set up communication
towers that relay WiFi signals from
animal tags and sensors.
There is huge potential with this
technology to make farming more
connected, informed and efficient
Meat & Livestock
Meat油& Livestock Australia Ltd (MLA)油is a
producer-owned, not-for-profit organisation that
delivers research, development and marketing
services to Australias red meat industry.
MLA油strives to be the recognised leader in
delivering油world-class油research, development
and marketing outcomes that benefit
Australian油cattle, sheep and goat油producers.
Working in collaboration with油the Australian
Government and wider red meat industry,
MLAs mission is to deliver value to levy payers
by investing in initiatives that油contribute
to producer profitability, sustainability and
16. 16
Dr Cindy Hauser
Recipient of the CSIRO Health and Biosecurity Award
Youre probably used to seeing detection dogs at Australian airports sniffing
out illicit油drugs, explosives, biosecurity hazards or even large amounts of cash.
Photo: Paul Burston
17. 17
But what if you could train the same dogs
to hunt for invasive weeds in bushland
or油pests and diseases on crops?
University of Melbourne research fellow
Cindy Hauser is looking at whether
detection dogs can be harnessed to find
pests in the field.
I want to develop guidelines to help
work out how we can make the best
of them in agricultural environments,
Im really excited in the potential of
detection dogs but I think we need to be
smart about how we use them.
Cindys project builds on previous
research into noxious hawkweed that
found human searchers were only able
to detect non-flowering hawkweed
plants 20 per cent of the time, even
when dedicating 25 hours of search time
per油hectare of land.
This preliminary study found that Missy
the dog could be trained to distinguish
three species of hawkweed from other
plants in backyard conditions, and
had the potential to be better than
human油search teams at detecting
non-flowering plants.
Cindy says using dogs to detect pest
animals, plants and pathogens in the
field is a far cry from the controlled
environment of an airport and poses
unique challenges.
When you get into the outdoors there
are all sorts of other distractions that the
dog is faced with the smells of other
plants and animals, changing terrain and
shifting winds that carry the weed scent,
she says.
When were trying to cover huge areas
of agricultural land or national park, we
also need protocols to make sure a dog
covers that area thoroughly.
We need to understand what they
can油do well and what they too might
CSIRO Health and
With increasing global trade and greater
connections, Australia is facing a larger challenge
in protecting itself against biosecurity threats.
Diseases, pests, invasive animals and plants
can inflict damage to our crops, livestock and
farm profits, to our unique environment and
occasionally on our human health.
CSIRO Health and Biosecurity assembles
strong multi-disciplinary research teams under
the banner of one-Health the integration of
multiple disciplines working to achieve optimal
health for people, animals, plants, the economy
and environment to tackle major national and
international biosecurity challenges.
We are working with government and industry
to assist in responding quickly to stop threats in
their tracks and provide sustainable management
strategies. We are exploring new technologies for
detection, surveillance, diagnosis and response
and we will continue preparing for the next
Overall we aim for a biosecurity system that is
pre-emptive, responsive, resilient, and based on
cutting edge surveillance, informatics and new
technologies for integrated response.
Photo: Paul Burston
18. 18
Dr Lauren Hemsworth
Recipient of the Australian Pork Limited Award
Lauren Hemsworth is harnessing one of the most well-known psychology
experimentsPavlovs dogto improve the welfare of lactating sows.
19. 19
The University of Melbourne research
fellow is examining whether classical
conditioning can be used to encourage
lactating sows to eat more at a time
when they often lose weight, making for
healthier animals and avoiding costly
reproductive problems down the track.
We commonly see that once the sows
have farrowed and theyre in lactation,
that regardless of how much feed is
provided we just cant get feed intakes
up, Lauren says.
Often we find that the feed intakes of
sows are lower than what they physically
require to be able to sustain lactation
and growth.
Theres been a range of different
practices that have been put in place to
try and increase these feed intakes and
it just isnt happening so we need to try
and look at something a little bit out of
the box.
In Pavlovs famous experiments, the
Russian scientist rang a bell every time
he fed his dog.
After he repeated the procedure number
of times, the dog began to salivate
when the bell rang even in the absence
of food, in what is called a learned or
Lauren says previous research had shown
that a learned cue such as a buzzer can
be used to initiate feeding bouts and
increase feed intake in sated rats.
We thought that this is something
that we could apply in lactating sows,
The proof-of-concept study will
initially use a mature gilt as a model
Its a little bit different but if it can
work, the potential for use within the
production system is great, Lauren says.
Increasing feed intake in sows during
lactation is likely to improve piglet
performance and consequently, a
producers production costs may be
reduced and profitability increased,
Lauren concludes.
Australian Pork Limited
Australian Pork Limited (APL) is the
national油representative body for Australian
APL is a producer-owned not-for-profit company
delivering integrated services that enhance
the viability of Australias pork producers.
APL油delivers integrated marketing, innovation
and油policy services through the pork supply
chain, in association with key industry and
government stakeholders, and aims to address
five core objectives: Growing Consumer Appeal,
Building Markets, Driving Value Chain Integrity,
Leading Sustainability, and Improving Capability.
APL is primarily funded through statutory油pig
slaughter levies with additional research-specific
funds provided by the Australian government.
All levy paying producers are entitled to
free membership of APL and those who
arent required to pay levies can apply for
APLs headquarters are in Barton, Canberra
with state-based marketing managers and
other regionally based staff located in Sydney,
Melbourne and Bendigo.
20. 20
Joanne Hughes
Recipient of the Australian Meat Processor Corporation Award
When youre picking up a steak to throw on the barbeque, what do you look
for油in your meat? A thick cut steak with a nice red colour?
21. 21
Joanne Hughess project could help bring
brighter, redder meat to supermarket
shelves while saving the beef industry up
to $100 million.
The CSIRO projects officer and PhD
student is targeting dark meat with a
new high pressure processing technique
she hopes will be able to lighten beef
cuts without altering the meat in any
Consumers tend to prefer paler red
meat colour so dark meat is often
associated with consumer rejection,
Joanne says.
Dark meat can have a poorer shelf life or
more variable eating quality, so there can
be issues with consumer acceptability
and return purchase.
One of the key factors for the beef
processing industry is the economic
impactweve found that within
Australia theres a 12 per cent incidence
of dark meat and its costing the industry
up to $500 million a year.
Joanne grew up on a sheep farm in
Scotland, bottle-feeding lambs as a
child, but it was her love of proteins and
biochemistry that sparked her interest in
how the natural processes in muscle can
be used to improve the food we eat.
Her project aims to develop a set of
conditions for high pressure processing
(HPP) to reduce dark meat, which could
potentially bring about a saving of up to
$100 million per annum for the industry
over the next five years.
Its like a cold pasteurisation process
where processors could pressure
treat the raw dark muscle in order to
lighten its appearance to a brighter red
colour that is more acceptable to the
consumers, Joanne says.
If we use HPP at a lower pressure
we dont believe it would have any
detrimental affect on flavour and we
could potentially get some improvement
in eating quality.
Australian Meat
The Australian Meat Processor Corporation
(AMPC) is the Rural Research and油Development
Corporation that supports the red meat processing
industry throughout Australia. AMPCs mandate is
to provide research, development and extension
(RD&E) services that improve the sustainability and
efficiency of the sector.
Red meat processor levies are strategically invested
in research, development and extension programs
that are aligned to targeted marketing initiatives.
These programs deliver outcomes and benefits for
both the Australian red meat processing industry
and the broader Australian community.
AMPC supports projects in processing
technologies, environment and sustainability, food
safety, product integrity and meat science, and
market access.
Project topics for future students would relate
to the following areas, focusing on the red meat
processing industry:
Investigating factors towards enhancing meat
quality and product integrity (including eating
quality and food safety)
Investigating options for enhancing
sustainability, including environment, waste,
energy and water management and efficiency
Innovative new technologies that improve
meat油processing processes and efficiency
Supply chain management and market access,
including integrated supply chain approaches
and value adding to products
Livestock management, including animal
health, welfare and biosecurity at the
22. 22
Dr Jatin Kala
Recipient of the Grains Research and Development Corporation
Wheat farmers could have a custom map of their property identifying areas
most likely to be hit by frost if Jatin Kalas Science and Innovation Award project
proves油a success.
23. 23
The Murdoch University atmospheric
scientist is studying the link between
frost and topography at the farm-scale,
starting with a single research farm.
If it works, his data could be overlaid
onto the entire West Australian
Wheatbelt, providing farmers with an
indication of the parts of their land most
likely to be affected by icy nights.
Jatin says although Australias south-
west is becoming warmer and drier
because of climate change, many farms in
the Wheatbelt are actually experiencing
an increase in frost.
Its something we dont fully
understand, he says.
The idea is that under a warming and
drying climate with fewer clouds and
calmer conditions, one actually gets very
cold conditions at night.
We tend to think global warming and
frost isnt going to be an issue but its
Frost, along with rainfall and heat
stress, is one of the biggest challenges
faced by油the wheat industry and is
estimated to cost Australian growers
$95.8 million a油year.
If farmers know which parts of their
property are most susceptible, they
might be able to mitigate the risk by
adopting management practices to
minimise frost damage in these areas.
Jatin says he is excited by the opportunity
to work on a project in the field that
will油have a real impact in the community.
Im mostly a modeller, I work with
atmospheric and land surface models so
I sit a behind a computer a lot, he says.
This is more practicalthis could
have油real implications for farmers.
Grains Research and
Development Corporation
The Grains Research and Development Corporation
(GRDC) is one of the worlds leading investors
in grains research, development and extension
(RD&E). The GRDC invests over $150 million per
annum across a broad range of research areas
from molecular biology to farming systems.
Within油their carefully balanced portfolio is a range
of investments, from long-term, high risk, blue sky
research to short-term, outcome-focused applied
research at the local level. The Grains Research
and Development Corporation is responsible
for planning and investing in RD&E to support
effective competition by Australian grain growers
in global markets, through enhanced profitability
GRDC is working to ensure Australian grain
better practices developed faster
access to superior varieties that enable them
to油effectively compete in global markets
new products and services (both on and off
farm) to assist growers to effectively compete
in油global grain markets
the awareness and capacity to optimise
adoption of grains research outputs.
24. 24
Dr Yujuan Li
Recipient of the Rural Industries Research and Development
Corporation Award
After finishing a PhD in how roundworms can be used to monitor soil health and
underground food webs, Yujuan Li has turned her expertise to controlling them.
25. 25
As part of her Science and Innovation
Award project, the Central Queensland
University research officer will
investigate if fungi can be used to
combat a destructive worm that
attacks油ginger油plants, known as the
root-knot nematode.
The project will study how effective
different nematode-trapping fungi
(isolated from Queensland soils) are in
controlling the worm, both in the lab
and油in glasshouse trials.
Ginger is worth more than $95 million
in south-east Queensland through a
combination of farm gate sales and
value-added products such as brewed
drinks and confectionary.
But in recent years the industry has seen
declining yields and significant crop
losses because of pathogens in the soil,
with the root-knot nematode taking
the title of the most serious pest for
Queensland growers.
Yujuan says existing chemical control
methods for the worm are toxic and not
environmentally friendly.
She says many chemical products have
been taken off the market, putting the
ginger industry at risk, and she hopes
fungi could prove a viable alternative.
It will be the first time a fungi biological
control has been tried against a
roundworm in ginger in Australia
and, if油successful, could lead to the
development of similar products for
other crops.
Root-knot nematodes have a very wide
host range like sweet potato, tomatoes
and capsicumheaps of plants are good
hosts for them, Yujuan says.
This has the potential to have a big
benefit not only for ginger but for the
whole horticultural industry.
Rural Industries Research
and Development
The Rural Industries Research and Development
Corporations (RIRDC) core business is
to油maintain and enhance the productivity
of the rural industries it supports and
to address油national rural issues through
government-industry partnership.
RIRDC is specifically charged with managing
investment in RD&E for those primary industries
which are too small to set up their own RD&E
entity and to address multi-industry and
national interest RD&E needs. In doing so,
RIRDC investments contribute to the delivery of
outcomes against the National and Rural R&D
Priorities set by the Australian Government.
RIRDC is the primary funding source for RD&E
that investigates the potential of new plant and
animal industries for Australia, and for providing
support to new industries as they mature
The breadth of issues and industries RIRDC deals
with is as varied as it is unique. RIRDC plays a
vital role in the development of rural Australia
and is the rural R&D corporation with the remit to
manage multi-industry and national interest R&D.
26. 26
Amy Lockwood
Recipient of the Australian Wool Innovation Award
Drones flying over sheep farms could be regular sight in lambing season if
Amy油Lockwoods Science and Innovation Award project proves a success.
27. 27
Amy is set to investigate if unmanned
aerial vehicles can be used to
improve lamb survival by increasing
the frequency of monitoring while
minimising disturbance to lambing ewes.
The project is looking at ways to
improve lamb survival through
understanding ewe and lamb behaviour,
she says.
Were also better utilising technologies
that are available on the farm to
potentially improve efficiency and
In Australia one in four lambs die before
weaning, with survival rates particularly
poor in Merino sheep and when ewes
give birth to twins.
This mortality rate comes at a huge
economic cost, with estimates that
improving the survival of single
lambs by 15 per cent and twins by
30 per cent would deliver returns
to the industry油of油$285 million and
$515油million respectively.
Amy, who is a PhD student at Murdoch
University, says current methods of
assessing lambing sheep are limited and
often involve close human observers.
This can result in disturbances to
natural ewe and lamb behaviour and
can potentially cause impacts on lamb
mortality, she says.
On the other hand smart technology such
as drones could cover 30 hectares or
more, checking food, water and fences as
well as the behaviour between ewes and
lambs after birth.
This is particularly important in the
first油three days following delivery,
when more than 80 per cent of lamb
mortalities occur.
Amy was born in the regional town of
Albany and spent a lot of time on farms
growing up.
Ive really enjoyed the livestock side of
things from a young age, which is where
my passion has come from, she says.
Australian Wool
Innovation Limited
Australian Wool Innovation Limited (AWI) is the
research, development and marketing (RD&M)
organisation for the Australian wool industry.
AWI is responsible for managing and investing
levy funds received from over 27,000 levy
payers and matching eligible research and
development (R&D) contributions from the
AWI invests in RD&M across the supply chain
to enhance the profitability, international
competitiveness and sustainability of the
Australian wool industry, and to increase the
demand and market access for Australian wool.
28. 28
Dr Edward Narayan
Recipient of the Meat & Livestock Australia Award
Agricultural research might seem like a sideways choice for a man who has spent
much of his career in wildlife conservation studying amphibians, koalas, bilbies,
woylies, bears and tigers.
29. 29
But for comparative physiologist Edward
Narayan, the non-invasive techniques he
perfected to measure stress in wildlife
are also ideal for use on farm.
As part of his Science and Innovation
Award project, Edward is set to develop
non-invasive tests to detect stress in
Australian lambs which he hopes can
improve the animals on-farm health
and welfare while increasing the value of
Edwards research project will
look at the warm summer period,
nutritional stress and physical activity,
and their management with mineral
supplementation, by examining
physiological and molecular measures of
stress and meat quality.
The traditional markers of stress have
a lot of variation because if you are
collecting blood youre stressing the
animal, Edward explains.
Were doing this non-invasively from
faecal samples and saliva samples, which
provide a robust snapshot of an animals
stress endocrine status.
Edward, who is a member of the Graham
Centre for Agricultural Innovation at
Charles Sturt University and teaches
animal physiology in the School of
Animal and Veterinary Sciences, says
environmental stress in lambs can be
detrimental to the quality of the meat,
particularly if that stress occurs during
the finishing period.
If the animal is stressed there can be a
negative impact on the juiciness of the
meat itself because stress hormones can
diminish glycogen reserve, he says.
He wants to one day see his non-invasive
techniques applied to other livestock.
Its the beginning of a very long-term
and fruitful journey, Edward says.
Animal health and welfare are very
critical issues for Australia so we can
use this in pigs, beef cattle, poultry,
aquaculture theres a variety of
applications with the main goal of
improving animal production.
Meat & Livestock
Meat油& Livestock Australia Ltd (MLA)油is a
producer-owned, not-for-profit organisation that
delivers research, development and marketing
services to Australias red meat industry.
MLA油strives to be the recognised leader in
delivering油world-class油research, development
and marketing outcomes that benefit
Australian油cattle, sheep and goat油producers.
Working in collaboration with油the Australian
Government and wider red meat industry,
MLAs mission is to deliver value to levy payers
by investing in initiatives that油contribute
to producer profitability, sustainability and
30. 30
Dr Nadeeka Wawegama
Recipient of the Dairy Australia Award
As a veterinary student in Sri Lanka, Nadeeka Wawegama came across
many油cases of mastitis in the livestock she was caring for.
31. 31
Often, the disease was unresponsive to
antimicrobials, and all the cases had a
devastating impact on farms.
I understood at that time that just
becoming a veterinarian would not help,
Nadeeka says.
We need better diagnostic tools,
antimicrobials and vaccines, which
require research.
Mastitis is one of the most complex
and costly diseases worldwide in dairy
cattle, with studies suggesting at least
50 per cent of Australian dairy herds
are affected by subclinical mastitis
at a cost油to industry of more than
$60油million油a year.
Mycoplasma bovis was first identified as
a significant problem for Australian dairy
herds in 2006.
Nadeeka says the disease is notoriously
difficult to detect because current
diagnostic tools such as PCR only work
some of the time.
Once an animal is subclinically infected
they become carriers throughout their
lives but shed it intermittently, so it
evades detection she says.
Nadeeka hopes to use an enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test she
developed as part of her PhD to estimate
the prevalence of Mycoplasma bovis in
dairy cattle around Australia.
Unlike existing methods, the ELISA test
detects antibodies against the disease,
and can identify infected dairy herds
by油testing milk samples.
The results will improve our knowledge
about Mycoplasma bovis infection in
Australian dairy herds, and the industry
will be able to make decisions to control
and prevent transmission, Nadeeka says.
Dairy Australia
Dairy is one of Australias leading rural industries,
with a $3.7 billion annual farmgate value and an
estimated wholesale value of $13 billion.
The Australian dairy industry is recognised
for its excellence in innovation, and has
significantly increased the productivity and
profits of its farms through improved pasture,
feed, herd management and efficiency gains
in manufacturing, distribution and exports.
The industry encourages and nurtures
young innovators and offers them exciting
The Science and Innovation Award and Dairy
Australias Scholarship programs are two
examples of Dairy Australias commitment to
building industry capability by helping propel
promising and innovative individuals into
rewarding dairy careers.
Dairy Australia is the industry-owned national
service body, investing in essential research,
development, extension and industry
services across the dairy supply chain to
attain the best outcomes and profits for
farmers, the dairy industry and the broader
community. This油investment helps support
and build a sustainable and internationally