The document outlines two potential film scripts. The first script is about George and Nathan, film students where George is the ideas man and Nathan is cynical. George proposes making a film about two guys who can't decide what to film, but Nathan says that's too cliche. George then proposes a more complex film about making a film about making a film, and Nathan slowly smiles, finding the idea amusing. The second script is about a drug exchange between unnamed characters, where one character asks for "the stuff" and they exchange money for broccoli, playing on expectations.
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1. Titlel : The Droste Effect
Cont in to film
GEORGE, a film student who is ideas man
NATHAN, a film student who is cynical
GEORGE enters, makes eye contact with NATHAN
NATHAN looks up from work
GEORGE george walking toward nathan puts hand on table, bent over
How about we make a film about a couple of guys who cant decide what
to make a film about?
Nah thats too cliched
GEORGE pulls back and stands hands on hips
GEORGE motions to NATHAN
Come with me
George walking away from Nathan, then Nathan follows
They arrive at white board
Kay how about its a film about a couple of guys who want to
make a film about making a film about a film but the other guy
keeps saying nah to everything instead of contributing
GEORGE writes on board
George looks over to Nathan
Nathan looks to George. Slow smile on his face then turn to
camera but ends a frame before he is looking at the camera
3. Drug script:
Nathan: * Enter scene *
George: (looks up from work) Oh hi, how can I help you (doing stuff)
Nathan:(walks to the window close up his face shuts the blinds)
..The weathers great today (pacing around)
George: (pauses *dosnt look up* ) no rain
Nathan: (stops walking) The weather must be great in Esalbidor
George: (stands and looks) have a seat (motions to a chair)
Nathan: (Sits)
George: (Sits down) Why are you here
Nathan: (Looking at George) I came for the stuff
George: What stuff
Nathan: The weed
George: (looks down and pulls out bag of broccoli)
Nathan: (pause) Price
George: (looking in his eye) Money
Nathan: (pulls out bag of money)
Nathan: See ya
Film about a Film script:
George: how about we make a film about a couple of guys who cant decide what to make a film
Nathan: nah thats too cliched
George: how about its a film about a couple of guys who want to make a film about making a
Nathan: nah
George: okay how about its a film about a couple of guys who want to make a film about
making a film about a film but the other guy keeps saying nah to everything instead of
Nathan smiles