A quick primer on segmentation as a marketing tool. Segmentation sits right at the heart of a consumer centric organization and a deep , well-executed scheme can transform the entire organization. Snappy , media-friendly labels like "Peppy Penny" or "Thrifty Tulsi" or "Macho Mike" are fun but have also served to trivialise the deep impact on innovation and value-build that true segmentation can have.
4. Muder Chiba
What one needs to bring to MR is a dose of good old-
fashioned realism.The market researcher cant tell the
marketer his business. She can only sharpen his decision-
making. The decision is to be taken by the marketer not
by the data.
The data can be used as the apocryphal man in control of
his faculties uses a lamppost- for illumination; or as a
drunk uses it- for support.
The data is there to guide, to illuminate and to inform.
And this may mean at times giving precedence to the
marketers subliminal impulses of ignoring apparent
directions thrown up by data.
19. MuderChiba
Either you have unwieldy
Demographic/Usage micro-
segmentations which
basically sequentially
dichotomizeor you have
nice-to- name 4-6 segment
solutions for which you need
not have spent months and
21. Sizeas relevant for the category and brand
Homogenous within , heterogeneous without
Complete the STP* cycle
* Segmentation ,Targeting, Positioning