This document discusses DataActiva's approach to customer segmentation. It describes different levels and types of segmentation including mass, segmented, individual, and targeted segmentation. It also covers segmentation description techniques like a priori, cluster-based, and hybrid models. The document provides an overview of cluster analysis techniques including hierarchical, non-hierarchical, k-means, and Ward's methods. It discusses best practices for variable selection, standardization, response style effects, number of clusters, and validity checks in segmentation analysis. Finally, it notes how segmentation can be activated through customer relationship management processes and linked to other data sources.
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DataActivas Customer Segmentation Approach
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Segmentation And The Fallacy Of Averages
Average Offer;
Average Offer;
Just give me basic serviceJust give me basic serviceGive me all the bells and whistles
Give me all the bells and whistles
They are not really cutting
They are just after my
money. I really do not want
those services.
4. 4
Segmentation Description Techniques
A priori segmentation models--generally use as the dependent variable (the basis for
segmentation) either product-specific variables (product usage, loyalty) or general
customer characteristics (demographic variables)
Cluster-based segmentation models--do not assume the segments are know a priori,
therefore, they assign customers to a predominate cluster type based upon factor analysis,
multi/nominal and cluster analysis
Hybrid segmentation models--cluster-based segmentation models can be combined with
some a priori bases
Flexible segmentation models--differs from a priori segmentation in which segments are
predetermined at the outset of the study and the cluster-based segmentation in which the
selected segments are based on the clustering analysis because of its flexibility of building
up segments based on consumers' response to alternative product offerings
5. 5
Segmentation Analysis
Classification procedures for determining memberships in market
segments vary markedly according to the specific segmentation model
For a priori approaches it is most likely sorting and cross-tabulation
When clustering segmentation is employed, some sort of cluster or
factor analysis is generally used
Componential and flexible segmentation involve primarily conjoint
analysis (hypothetical choice models) and the computer simulation
derived from these hypothetical models
6. 6
The Best
The best depends on the marketing strategy
You want segments
You can reach
At a reasonable cost
Who will respond
The hard part is not in segmenting; its in
developing a marketing plan for those segments
and executing
7. 7
Introduction To Clustering
Response based segmentation is often done with statistical procedures
called cluster analysis
As much art as a science
Many ad hoc procedures with little statistical justification
Choice of variables and pre-processing leads to different solutions
The computer will blindly create clusters even where none exist
Choice of variables very important
Generally, need to make sure all responses are at least within-case
All solutions need to be validated (cluster profiled)
13. Nodal methods
Selection of objects that serve as focal points or nodes for the
Iterative partitioning methods
Nodal methods that begin with an initial partition and then update
those initial points
Seed points can be random, deliberately far apart, or pre-
Non-Hierarchical Cluster Techniques
15. Wards MethodWards Method
Final ClustersFinal Clusters
Use Wards method to generate
the initial clusters
Input the centroids into K-means
and let it clean them up
Use the k-means as the
final clusters
*Its more work, though, and increases the analysis cost, so we often
dont work this way
16. Single most crucial decision
Do what is conceptually correct
Usually, you have a type of segmentation in mind, such as benefit
segmentation, so you use only those variables as the active variables
Clusters can then be profiled on the other variables, or illustrative
Its hard to mix continuous and categorical variables
Variables must be actionable
Variable Selection
17. If scales are widely different, standardize the variables to the same
mean and standard deviation
However, if scales are the same, you sometimes want to use the fact
that some attributes have more variance than others
Using mean substitution or re-coding missing to some neutral value is
widely used so that everyone has a score for each variable
There are more sophisticated , albeit ,time consuming methods to
impute missing values
Standardization and Missing Values
18. Some people say everything is important while others say nothing is
Some use the upper end of the scale (yea-sayers) rather than the
lower (nay sayers)
You can eliminate these effects with within case standardization
Also called respondent centered
Subtract the mean for that respondent from each score
Single centered data is centered around each respondents mean
This removes the elevation effects for that respondent
Double centered data is also centered around the mean for all cases
That is, it is standardized to the group mean
Response Style Effects
19. Various technical criteria
Large complex literature on measures
The common market research criteria:
Few enough clusters to allow complete strategy development
Each large enough to warrant strategic attention
and to be reachable and defensible
Use what makes sense from a marketing point of view
Experience is the best guide
Validity checks
Number Of Clusters
20. Discriminant Analysis
Use discriminant analysis to show that you can predict cluster
membership at very high levels (90%+) from the variables
Split half reliability
Split the sample in half and make certain the cluster solutions are
Wont work on small samples
Chaid (Answer Tree)
Validity Checks
21. Use discriminant analysis or Chaid to predict group membership
You can often reduce the number of attributes that have to be asked in
a follow-up
Classify the new respondents into the old clusters using the
classification functions
Mapping to databases
Later Classification
22. Customer Relationship Management is a process that is both information- and
technology-driven which aims to leverage customer behavioral data, life event triggers
and marketing models to efficiently and continuously cultivate customer relationships:
Maximize the potential of each customer relationship and generate incremental
Migrate from a seasonal, ad-hoc campaigns to an automated, perpetual marketing
Evaluate investment within segments, identify revenue potential and marketing
Customer Relationship
Real-time marketing
Data extraction,
data mining and
Segmentation is Activated by CRM Processes
23. Linkages to other data sources is critical
Market Size
Demand Side Analysis
Market Potential
Purchase Behavior
Economic Trends
Niche Segments
Competing Technologies
Pricing Analysis/Forecasts
Product Opportunities Supply Side Analysis
Industry Structure
Competitive Positioning
Alliances, JVs, M&A
Market Size
Used for:
Threat Analysis
Demand Side Analysis
Market Potential
Purchase Behavior
Economic Trends
Niche Segments
Competing Technologies
Pricing Analysis/Forecasts
Product Opportunities Supply Side Analysis
Industry Structure
Competitive Positioning
Alliances, JVs, M&A
Used for:
24. Market Segmentation and Data Base Development For this project, commercial & industrial and residential customers and potential
consumers were surveyed to segment the market and to create a data base that could to target customers for the successful introduction of
new products and services. In addition, customer valuation through identification and analysis of the factors that determine a customers
current and potential lifetime value to the company were incorporated into the design. Focus groups were also employed
Telecommunications Commercial Feasibility Study This study was used to predict the relative potential among local area businesses for
new telecommunication services in the St. Louis area. It was used to identify and profile consumers interested in switching local exchange
carriers; determine possible participation rates among consumers by services/service bundles; assess whether additional services would
enhance the offering; evaluate optimal pricing strategies; and appraise customer interest by segment to map back to executable market
Segmentation and Valuation Project in HC The primary objective was to provide a comprehensive plan including: a situation assessment,
strategic direction, possible approaches, timelines, and budgets. Our team provided a thorough assessment of the current situation and a
complete familiarization with and orientation around the information, techniques, and tools necessary to determine: (1) market segmentation
through the use of database creation, maintenance, and analysis to target customers for the successful introduction of marketing initiatives and
new products and services; and (2) customer valuation through identification and analysis of the factors that determine a customers current
and potential lifetime value to the company.
Case Studies