Google, Tesla, Lyft, Uber, and even Apple (yes, the infamous iPhone company) all have their feet in the door of self-driving vehicle technology. While we all look forward to the day of the Jetsonswith a futuristic world of flying carsand with self-driving vehicles already on the roads of 21 states in the United States of America alone, were forced to consider serious matters as the future of transportation now begins to stare us in the headlights. Can anyone just get in the carchild, adult, anyone in betweenand just go? Does everyone need one of these cars for them to work correctly, and if so, how is everyone going to afford one? And most importantly, in the case of a serious car accident with one of these vehicles, who is responsible to take care of you and your loved ones? While research and testing is ongoing, self-driving vehicles are on the road today, and you deserve the facts. The Law Offices of Stewart J. Guss can help people who have suffered at the negligence of another, self-driving vehicle or not. Remember, if you were injured in an auto vehicle accident, you need a law firm that knows how to fight and win these claims. Our attorneys have been beating major corporations and insurance companies alike at their own game for decades, so call us right now at 1-866-936-2201 or contact us by clicking HERE to discuss your case for free.